sorry its gone
<MC talking>
[System talking]
^Mc thinking^
(Other people talking)
@ Me describing something @
@ early in the morning @
< OK now that I'm done with my workout and caught up with all my weeb duties I need something to eat >
As the mc is walking down the street after getting some ramen he heard screaming
@ Random girl@ RG (Aghhhhhh!!!!!)
< huh thats near by i better go see if everything is alright >
Then the Mc is seen running into a ally way where a women is getting ra*** in front of her kid
< Hey stop right there >
RD ( Huh kid get out of here if you know whats good for you )
< First of all im 18 b**** so watch who your calling kid and second im not leaving until I save this woman and child from you >
RD (OK you asked for it )
RD then pulls out a knife 🔪 and tries to stab the Mc but the Mc isn't a Spartan fan for nothing so he was pretty fit and dodged the knife then grabbed RD's wrist and put pressure on it he dropped the knife and you quickly grabbed it and stabbed him in the knee
< Are you girls alright you should really get going and can you call the ambulancenot for me but him >
RG ( thank you very much )
RG then ran away to try and get someone to call the ambulance she got one person to but then she hears a gunshot
< now its time to teach you a lesson >
As Mc starts walking toward him
RD ( Stay away or else )
RD then pulls out a gun but Mc just keeps on going forward
RD ( You asked for it )
RD then shoots the Mc and in the last moments of your life you throw the knife at him and it got stabbed into his neck
There is a soul in the void of nothingness and it seems the soul is distressed and of course this is our Mc
< huh were am I oh I know where I am I've read to many fan fics to not know were I am im in the void and some God is going to reincarnate me in 3... 2... 1... >
??? ( hello my son i am one of the first gods to ever exist and you can't hear my name or else you will die )
< Thats so cool 😎 I wish I was that strong >
??? ( and I am here to give you six wishes )
< awesome!!! ok so can I have time to think >
??? ( yes you can think about it time is irrelevant to me )
< OK thx >
20 minutes later
< OK I got my wishes 1 I want my bloodline to be a vampire dragon God >
??? ( ok it is done but that wish takes up 3 wishes because you are the first of its kind and you will basically be able to become a new God as strong as me if not stronger so now you have 3 wishes remaining )
< OK so for my next wishes I want 1.i want a store that has everything in it from animes to real life 2.i want to customize my aperance 3.i want the ability to travel to any anime and manga world i want to my first being high school DxD >
??? ( Done now off you go my son before you are born you can customize your aperance )
< OK thanks god >
coming soon