
The island And a Legend

(Chapter late I have no excuse and don't plan to make one enjoy)

Ace and Ayden were in the sea on the very well known Striker.

Ayden "Ace do you have a family?"

'Its the only way to know where in the timeline I'm.'

Ace "Yes I have two brother and a gramps."

Ayden "Who are your brothers ?"

Ace "My brothers names is Sabo who is dead and the younger one is Luffy who just got 16 year since two day."

'Nice I'm not to far nor to before the main plot start.'

Ayden and Ace where traveling normally and Ayden got a bit of information and became a little bit more friendly with Ace.

He know that he was in the calm belt and was still in it and was going toward the closest island named Scarlet Haven it was a secluded place where very old people came after they retired from there job or other business it was what other thoughts, but what people didn't knew was that the most powerful pirate who dispared where for many of them in this island.

In the Striker Ayden was looking at his spatial ring space and saw a new letter with a small box by the side of it because he wanted to try a new thing he tried to make the letter appear in his hand and it worked it appear like nothing without a blinking effect nor anything else.

[Hello Ayden in the box you will find a watch that show what time is before the misfortune come after the guy who travel with you on the top of the watch there will be the name of who the countdown is for and to reboot the countdown you will have to be separated of him for 10 Days and the countdown is of 15 Days.]

After reading the letter he takes the box and put the watch on his right hand and look at the time on it [14D12H21M] and on top of the time there was a name with two arrow [<Ace>] he touched the right arrow but that make nothing but he thought that it was to show other people countdown.

'I have time it's ok.'

Ace and Ayden continued there travel and after 8 hours they finnaly arrived at Scarlet Haven they saw a red island that have plenty of sakura on it.

Ayden "Goodbye Ace hope to see you in the future."

Ace "When we will see each other again you will join my crew !?!?!" And with that the Striker boosted on the sea with a flamethrower behind it.

Ayden started to swim toward a small isle that was nearby to summon the power of the soul.

But a old man was meditating in the middle of the isle with the eyes closed.

Ayden "Hello mister, what are you doing."

Old Man "I'm in a meditation so please don't make a lot of sound."

Ayden "Ok mister."

Ayden knowing that he can't summon his soul beast now so he started to train in dagger fight against a tree by doing a combo of 1 chop 1 backstab with 3 slash and he does that continuously, when the tree is cut he goes to a bigger.

He continued that for 8 hours but stopped because the old man opened his eyes and looked at him.

Old man "Your techniques have a lot of flaws it's a garbage style."

Ayden "And why would I hear your comments...."

Old Man "My name is Riley just Riley."

Ayden "My name is Exul Ayden and it's normal that I'm not good in dagger style I just debuted."

Riley "How about a spar I want to know your level of strength in dagger style."

Ayden didn't respond he just rushed with a Soru on Riley with his two dagger in a reverse grip and appear infront of the old man with a slash directed toward his neck.

#CLANG# (SFX clash of two weapon)

But the slash encounter a short sword (Tantō) that was gripped nonchalantly by Riley.

When Ayden saw that he knew that the Old Man was a big shot so he didn't old back and coated his daggers with haki and activated his observations haki to the max he can that made all his body sense what danger he is in and he backed away in hurry but he was too late the tantō which was infront of him appear on his left side ready to kill him.

In another hurry Ayden made all his haki coat in his left side to defend himself, the sword contacted with his body and made him fly thought the sky he was so hurt that he cannot use the geppo to don't collid with the sea, he even collide with a rock that was on the sea after that he slowly sink in the sea and his view darkened.

{P.O.V Riley}

I wanted to see the force of this young brat but he surprised me with his speed and I made a mistake in his strength and hit him harder than he can take #Sight#

I have to swim and takes him now how troublesome.

After taking him and killing the sea king who wanted to eat him I took him to my house where and I posed him on the sofa and I went to sleep.


When he was asleep Ayden was doing a dream where he saw himself doing his dagger style and saw the flaws in it he quickly put this dream cause of ROB gift to correct his flaws.

So he started to look carefully to remember when he will awoke he even made the move without his daggers to make it remember in his muscles.

After 2 days for him in the dream but he didn't knew what time have passed outside but the more he was in his dream the more he saw the flaws in his clone, so it was perfect for him but that was finnaly the time to wake up came in form of a giant light that stroke in the eyes of Ayden and blinded him.

After that he opened his eyes and saw a unknown place he were in.

Ayden stood up and walked to look through the window just to see a village outside with a lot of old people in the street.

Riley with a smile behind Ayden "You like the view Ayden."

Ayden "Yes it's lively in the street of this village."

Riley "It's been a long time since anyone new people came in this village."

Ayden "Riley who are you I don't think all the old people are this powerful on this island."

Riley "Would you like to hear my story it's pretty long."

Ayden "I have time."

"That started with a child who born in an inhabited island and which parents die one year after his birth after that he haved to overcome all the dangers that was on the island. When he turned 10 year he found a devil fruit named the Kyūketsuki kyūketsuki no mi (Vampire fruit) that granted him a potential never seen before and permit him of drink blood of human to improve his life spawn. But that came with a backslash of luck and body that was his luck decrease at each blood he drink and his body look also that made him look like a old man in his 40 year and made all the catostroph and danger come to him but he continued to live his life and helped a lot of people to regain his loosed Karma and the rest of his life was like that. In the start of his adventure he was knew by the name of

'God's Eyes' because he was the only man know to see the whole story of the Gouvernement and the Poneglyph real story, he was even considered to be the strongest man alive before he suddenly disapear 30 year ago and that new was shadowed by the new era."

Ayden "So you are a legend and is the strongest man alive?"

Riley with a small smile "You can say that."

Ayden looked at him blankly before bowing at 90° and say "Take me into your disciple for the pleassssssseeeeeee!!!!!"

Next chapter