
Driving me Crazy ( Last book)

Behlul was in love with Bhiter. He never find out when he fall in love with her. Maybe the day he saw her , maybe the day they became friends. The only thing that was less in him was wealth and fame and for Bhiter these two things are most important. Even important then love. Bhiter left Behlul after dating him for a while saying that he doesn't meet her standards. She got intrested in her Cousin who was rich and a bad boy. She left everything for him and he left her for. another. Now she. is mute with the betrayal with the abuse. With the assault but was that a assault or she allowed it herself

Secretstar2244mj · Urban
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22 Chs



I was sitting in my room watching tv. Fern came in the room and sat with me and said putting her hand at her belly. " Ehtesham, I am not feeling well. "

I sat up and asked " What happened? is it time? " She shake her head and said " No it's only 7th month. But I am having pain. "

I held her hand and asked " What type. of pain? " She said pointing downwards. " I am feeling like everything is dropping like I am going to bleed. "

I look down and said " Shit! you are bleeding Fern. Let me take you to hospital. "

I pick her up and called out to Asher. " Asher , Get in the car. " He repkied back " I am playing game. " I yelled again " Anne is not feeling well get in the car. " He ran downstairs before me. I put her in the car on the back seat and sat with her Ashee sat in front with driver and I told him to take us to the hospital.

When we reached hospital. I took her to emergency. She was in pain. I called out to doctor and said " Hey please look my wife is pregnant it's her 7th month but she started bleeding. "

He nods and said " Ok , Nurse take her to the I.C.U " I stay outsode with Asher. He look over at me and said " Father What happened to mother? "

I smile and said " Your brother or sister is coming. " He look down and then up at me and said " I am not going to share my X box with him or her. " I nodded and put my head back on the chair.

After 2 hours the doctor came outside and said " Hey, Your wife is ok but your daughter is premature. She is in ventilator. " I nodded and asked " Will she going to survive doctor? " He nods and said " We are trying our best. You can't touch her or held her before she fully growth. "

I nodded and look over at him who was busy in playing game in my mobile. I elbow him and said " You have a sister now. " He smile and said " Yea , there are many sisters playing in the free fire and I killed many of them."

I shake my head in disappointment. He is not even exited. I went to the room and saw Fern was looking at the empty baby bed.

I sat near her and said " This time will pass. " A tear fall from her eye and she said " I prayed from Allah not to give me a daughter ever. Did He accept my prayer? " I held her hand and said " This is why our eldsers said , Think before ask. Allah is very near to us .He knows what we want and what not so don't worry and try to fall in sleep. "

I started moving my fingers in her hairs and she soon fall in sleep. I came outside and called Dad and her parents that she gave birth.