
The Man That Lives Within Mining

Inside Hiragana there are Many People Living Peacefully and One of these people is Kimoro.He's a Neutral,his magic is Rock Destroyer so with this Magic he decided to work as a Miner they gather gold,silver, and other minerals to live in their lives."Yosh! Kimoro!" Ross (Kimoro's Friend) shouted. "What's new Ross any progress in life?" Kimoro asked."There's none but still living and active by the way this is our daily life if we like to change it then, many things may change" Ross Replied.After his work Kimoro went home."I'm Kimoro Tatsyuyaki,27 years old, living here inside Hiragana Region. I'm already alone in life since 15 years old,my parents died because they are guards and protect this Region against Roaming Monsters outside.Living Independent is not easy thanks for my friend Ross my life got a bit easier,being Neutrals doesn't mean we can't be happy or strong.Every neutral wants to be an Royal.We pratice everyday to be train and reach even Guards only,my parents tried their best to summon their magics and became Guards to handle me.Thanks to them,even it is hard Im living in Hiragana peace and independent".

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