
Spiderman Kiss

Dream ran through the trees elegantly; skills only a parkour god could possess. Swiftly, George tried to follow Dream. The only problem, as with this game of tag, Dream was too far ahead for George. George could only catch up when Dream fuels his stamina, if only for a few seconds.

"Dream~~~ Oh Dream~~" George start to taunt in his usual fashion.

Dream stopped to chow down quickly as George tried his best to catch up. George swang through the leaves in silence, albeit clumsy, and nearly touched Dream. Suddenly, Dream turned around and with a startled shriek, placed wooden planks in front of him; blocking George from reaching the tree.

"WHAT WAIT NO-" George yelled as he fell face first into the grass below him.

Dream laughed from above George. "That's what you get George."

George got up and brushed himself off. "I thought we said no building." He looked above him and could barely make out the sweatshirt amidst the dark yellow leaves.

"You scared me!" Dream shouted in defense. George heard the rustling of branches and was met with an upside down Dream, Yellow and looking like a banana. "I guess I won then."

"Nuh uh no way." George walked up to the low hanging man, a finger pointed at the man's face. "We agreed no building and you built. I won."

The pair continued to argue, the one hanging arguing that because he was startled, it didn't count, however because George left the trees that Dream one by default. George saw the unfairness in the claim and continued to refute, sticking to him winning because he didn't break the rules.

Finally, Dream stopped hanging and switched to sitting on the branch.

"FINE," Dream said, his tone making him sound about ready to rage-quit for no reason. "you win."

"Yes!" George pumps up his fists in excitement.

Dream shuffles around on his branch, about ready to jump off. Before Dream could however, George spoke an asked a favor.

"Dream! Hang upside down for a second."

"What?" Dream said, swinging backwards towards the grounded boy.

Dream was met with George's lips on his, a soft peck for what felt like a split second. George faced dream with a gigantic, goofy smile. "Spider-man kiss."

Dream laughed along with George and rolled his eyes, coming down from the branch.

They laughed off the whole thing.

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