

Hola!!!! Como estas amigos!!!! I have some important news that I need to share with you guys, so let's get right into it!!

To make it simple my dear fellas, I'm sick.

As you guys may have noticed, I have been uploading a bit less in the last two weeks, and that's because I had some health problems.

At first, I thought that I only had a sore throat, but recently, my doctors told me that I have a lot of symptoms that point toward me having throat cancer. Although the probability of me having cancer is low, and the doctors only want me to do the tests out of precaution, I still decided to take a bit of time for myself and do what I have to do to get back to full health, I hope you guys can understand.

On that note, take care of yourselves my friends, and I will get back to writing as soon as I get better.