

I remember, walking into a room. From a distance, I can see three men. One was obviously fancy, with a golden tie and suit. The man with the golden suit was blonde-haired and was blessed with yellow eyes. The man in the middle was Much taller and looked as if he's been to war. I can see scars on his neck and a much bigger scar on his eye. He was wearing all black, Head to toe. The man all the way to the right was much skinnier than both of them. He was as tall as the man in the middle but very thin. He was wearing white head to toe. I find it funny. I said to myself. Three men in an all-black room. Must be some sort of nightmare. As soon as I went to walk up to the men. The thin man turned to my Direction. In a very light voice, he said "there's a fourth?". The other two men turn. "I don't feel any magical aura from him, he might be the weakest I ever came across". Says the man in the Golden suit. I reply back in disbelief "magical aura?". All three of the men reply's simultaneously "mhm". The man in all black looks at the man in all white and says "it's impossible to enter the dream Zone without a large amount of magical energy so how does this kid enter Owen." Owen replies "maybe his powerful". As I'm hearing this. I start to question. The man in the golden suit looks at me and goes "the dream zone is a room that's not affected by time or anything for that matter. It's a room where the dream world and the real world unites. I can tell you don't understand what's going on". The three men start looking at each other and the thin man says "I'm Owen. The other tall man is king and the fancy-looking one is Dao". As he put his hand out in the form of greeting I noticed the mark on his hand. The number 5. I was smart enough not to mention it, so I shook his hand as if I didn't see anything. King then walks up to me and says "you never introduce yourself". He stared at me with his cold blue eyes. I was terrified but somehow I was brave enough to speak. "uhhhh my name is edo". At this point, I didn't believe it was a dream anymore. King looks at me and goes "you have no magical power and yet you stand here before me. How?". I reply "I'm not sure". Dao snaps his finger and a book magically Appears. He starts to read a page "a magic user who can move through dreams and Can Manipulate them. This magic user can bring the dreams into the real world as illusions or real beings". king looks at Dao and goes "there hasn't been a dream Walker in 100 years, it's unreal to think he is a dream walker". Dao attempts to justify his thoughts by saying "think about it, a dream walker can jump into dreams. That explains why he's in the dream zone." Owen joins in the Conversation "he does have a point king, His Magical energy is small but it's possible. Remember the first time you used fear magic?". King looks at Owen and nods his head. "I don't even understand!" I said angrily. "What am I supposed to be? a human with magic abilities!". Dao smiles and goes "that's about right". Owen starts laughing and king does the same. After Owen was done laughing at my reaction, he explained to me that all humans are born with powers. He later explained that he and his comrades aren't human but instead their mages. He explained that there are two different worlds. One with magic and without magic. If I recall correctly, Owen said, "when you're ready, meet us at this very same spot. Every year on this same day we will be here for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes we will leave the dream zone and come back the next year and wait again, Got it?". Before I had the chance to answer back, I woke up. This happened when I was 14. It's been a couple of years since then, I'm now living by myself and I'm 20 now but the journey wasn't over. Hi, my name is edo, and welcome to my world.

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