
Dream Trip { HIATUS! ]

the daily life of a Supreme Being. English is not my native language. I like Mc Op . . DO NOT TAKE THIS STORY SERIOUSLY.

Biggubosu · Anime & Comics
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Eating another one of the rolls, I left several for the girls, taking a piece of the cake and eating it I now know the reason why they were like that. The cake was melting in the mouth, it was perfectly balanced, it didn't have a strong chocolate flavor nor did it just taste like carrots.


Finishing a piece of cake, taking another piece of cake and eating it.

We finished our breakfast, the sloth bug but known as Morana went upstairs to go back to sleep.


A few minutes had passed since we had had our breakfast, and I had finished the dishes, for some reason I hated to leave anything dirty, no matter how small, maybe it was something that the mortal had passed on to me, he had a great obsession to leave everything clean.

Looking at Merlin who was wearing only a large shirt and a black undergarment and with her hair that was reaching past her neck, as she stroked her belly gently and smiled at me ?

With that characteristic smile of hers that was looking at something that aroused her interest. Walking to the sofa I sat down while she still looked at me smiling, this smile is causing me a huge stress, what is currently going on in that head of hers ?

Should I read her mind?

No ... she's my lover, it won't be fun to do that either.

If it were anyone else I wouldn't mind doing it.



Noa - What's with the smile? '' Noa said.

Merlin - It would be amazing to see those gods seeing you as a housewife.

Noa - They wouldn't get out of here alive if they saw me '' Noa added suddenly .

Merlin - Yes, you certainly would ... '' Merlin said.





Taking advantage of the silence, Merlin approached me only to use my leg as a pillow.


Noa - Who let you get so spoiled? said Noa while stroking Merlin's silky hair.

Merlin - His name is Noa, he's evil. '' Merlin said.

Noa - And this is how you see me ?

Merlin - No, I see you as a housewife. '' Merlin said while letting out a small laugh.


Ignoring her last line, I went back to stroking her hair.


Noa - Don't you intend to continue with your research?

Merlin - No, I'm tired. '' Said Merlin in a tantrum.


Noa - Shall we watch something then?

Merlin - Yes let's, let me find a comfortable position. Said Merlin while sitting with her legs crossed.

Noa - Let's change the shape of the couch.

Merlin - Change the shape ? '' Said Merlin confused.

Noa - Didn't I tell you that the sofa can change the shape of a bed?

Merlin - No you didn't say anything about that. '' Merlin said while giving Noa a 'serious' look.

Noa - Well... Forget about it ... '' Said Noa who ended up getting flustered for forgetting to say about the couch .

Noa - Step away from the couch a little ... '' Noa said.

Only answering me with 'hmmm' She started watching me with a judgmental look and a little interest in how I will turn a couch into a bed.

Going to the front of the couch I pulled the bottom, how easily it came loose and pulled it as far as I could, I raised the couch so that it was not too low and left it fixed so as not to open in the middle .

Repeating the same on the other side, covering it with a thin pillowcase I created two pillows and a blanket.


Merlin - That certainly was a fun thing to see'' said Merlin as she wrapped herself in the blanket.


Lying down next to him I turned the hologram back on.


Noa - Any movies in mind?'' Said Noa.

Merlin - Anything '' said Merlin while snuggled in Noa's arm.

Noa - All right'' said Noa holding up his fingers.


Going through a thousand movies, a random movie was being chosen, stopping at a prehistoric movie, also known as 'The Croods


About two hours passed, in which time Morana came into the room to sleep next to Merlin. Looking at the one who was using my shoulder as a pillow I was sorry to wake her up, trying to get out of vaguely ended up not so sure when Merlin opened his eyes half-closed and began to look at me still sleepy.


Merlin - What's wrong?" asked Merlin with a cute yawn.

Noa - I intend to make lunch, you can go back to sleep it will take a while for lunch to come out '' Noa replied while gently stroking her hair .

Merlin - Alright then '' replied Merlin removing his head from Noa's shoulder.


Getting up, I went to the kitchen to figure out what to prepare for lunch.

Already knowing what I was going to do, I got everything I needed from the fridge, potatoes, broccoli, carrots, onions and some pieces of chicken breast with the skin on.

I rinsed everything with water, peeled off the skin and cut everything into cubes and cut the breast in half.

Putting vinegar in a frying pan and letting it heat up over medium heat, I put everything into a large pan. Leaving just the outside of the chicken breast and broccoli, heating just enough, I poured the chicken breast into the pan.

Cooking just enough to put inside the pan, I poured the chicken breast along with the vinegar into the pan.

Filling it with 600.Ml of water, I put cilantro and a whole bay leaf inside the pan .

Allowing it to cook for 20 minutes I reopened the lid to add coriander, nutmeg, black pepper and 200.Ml of milk, stirring everything very well I put the lid back on.

In 30 minutes everything was almost ready, I opened the lid again to put sliced cheese, waiting 5 minutes for the cheese to melt, opened the lid again to remove the cilantro and the bay leaf and poured the broccoli into the pan. After 10 minutes I opened the lid again to add another piece of cheese. For a moment I almost forgot about the white rice, so creating a small bag of white rice I poured everything into the pot.

After 15 minutes the rice was cooked enough to turn off the stove.

Leaving half the lid open so it could cool faster and opening one of the kitchen windows to help it cool down.

Leaving the pot on the window for 10 minutes, I returned to the kitchen to close the pot lid and close the window.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Biggubosucreators' thoughts