3 Chapter 2 - First Travel

It was dark, blurred, and strange. I woke up and opened my eyes because someone's calling me. The voice is familiar. I knew it! It is dad's voice and he's standing in front of the door of my room waiting for me. He smiled and said "Let's go bud, time to take a tour." I excitedly jumped out of bed and came to him. He opened the door of my room and get shocked on the things I am staring.

I can't accurately explain the scenario but it's like this: the place is like outer space but the difference is that the day and the night are mixing. Stars were far and near. The space is full of images and scenarios of different people. Dad pointed mom and I singing Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer in front of our fireplace

"It's Christmas Dad!" I exclaimed. He just smiled and we started floating through space. We're floating! Yes we are. I saw my best friend Charlie doing his volcano experiment in our science laboratory. I am excited to explore that I forgot to ask questions even though I have so much in my mind. All I can see is wonder and different scenarios of people but the scenarios are changing everytime.

After a while, I finally asked dad. "What is this place dad? It's... It's beautiful."

"I know Carl." He said. "I called it Dream City"

"Dream City? Like a real a dream? And why are here? Are we not just dreaming?"

"No Carl, this is a real thing. You and I are in dimension where dreams occur. All the dreams of all people we know and we care about and, look at those Carl, those are memories

, but they are also dreams. I know you will not totally understand it for now bud but you will as you continue your journey here, in the field of dreams." Then we continue to float on different dreams to the people we know and didn't know. Before we go back to our house Dad told again what he said last morning but this time my heart pounded yet amazed. "We're dream travellers bud. We can travel through dreams. We can affect and change them. I'd never thought you would inherit this ability Carl. There are very few who can travel through dreams and it's actually rare to inherit. I thought I was alone but you're here. I'm so proud of you bud." He said with unfading smile in his face.

"Come on bud. We should sleep. It's Monday tomorrow. This travelling takes a lot of energy. Our body have to rest."

Then we went back to the same place where I left my body. I saw my body there lying in a colorful void. "Don't be afraid son. It's your body you just have to sleep." I nodded then went to my bed and lie on my body.

"Good night bud." He said. "We can do it again and you can do it again but it's dangerous. Ypu have to be someone in order for you learn how float and travel freely. If so happens you accidentally travelled alone, go back immediately to your body because you might lose and you will never be able to go back."

"Yes dad, I will note that. Good night. Our tour is wonderful."

"Okay Carl. I love you."

"Love you too, dad.

I lie on my body and for the second time I fell asleep with a big smile on my face.
