5 Studying Experience in Library-4

Lea stay at evening to do her homework and exam, Kim says to her to go to library. She also went to the library and start to do her homework , fifteen minutes later Kim enter into the library. He didn't smile just take the note of Lea and saw the homework he put mistake in every problems. Kim scolded Lea for doing such a mistake. Then throughout the night he teach her about the home work, after finishing the homework they come out from the library. It was late night Lea waited in the bus station for to go home. But there comes Kim for Lea., she step backward because of she get fear of him.

He says calmly 'don't get afraid of me, I came here to help you, I will came with you and drop you at home. But she says 'no I can able to go to my home on myself '. Kim says 'it's only for your protection '. Then she says nothing, the bus came there. Both of them enter into the bus, near Lea, Kim sat. But she moved her leg lightly and turned towards the window., Kim doesn't say anything because it was an unfortunate touch.

Kim just smile to see her innocent, they went home. At that time only Kim come to know that it was not her real home, she taken it for rent. Kim ask some questions towards her that why she doesn't have friends. Her answer was 'I don't know the exact reason, some people says you don't look pretty, Some says you are not well in studies', because of these I didn't have friends. Kim brought her to the hotel and gave her a good food. Then they went to the bakery and brought some ice-cream and cakes. Then in the waranda in her home he sat down and says 'for my eyes you look pretty, I don't know what is the reason'. Lea get shocked she ask 'what did you say'. Kim reply by giving his hand in a friendship way and ask 'can I be a first friend to you' Lea get shocked.

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