
Her one of a kind intro...

You know when basically everything you do doesn't turn out well?? Or you believe everything you do does not turn out well... because it doesn't. No matter how hard you try...no matter how close to success you may be, that unseen "thing" just keeps plunging you right back into the mess you've created for yourself.

Anyways... welcome to the group.

She feels the exact way or it'd be more appropriate to say "used to feel". Exactly, she used to feel the exact way.

  She claims to be all grown up and experienced now even though it seems to me like she's the same. Of course, there are a few minor adjustments..."Umm... excuse me, Minor??" A voice yelled out just behind the narrator.

If you'd let me finish my sentence my darling, you'd know that I was being sarcastic.

"Ohh...I didn't think of that buuu..."

"Buh buh but what...just lay back down hon.I'm the one telling the story here okayyyy". She takes a deep breath. As I was saying, life can never be as perfect as we want it to be, it takes a little sightseeing to get most people to realize this.

Anyway, I believe you've had enough of the "anonymous" narrator.

My name is ... well, I'd rather remain anonymous for time being. Trust me, you'll find out soon enough. For now, you can call me the narrator. I won't take offense.

And here with me is my darliiiii...

"Ummmmm...I can introduce myself".

Jeez, fine...go ahead prima donna, the narrator said rolling her eyes in an extremely obvious manner.

I am the one, the only, beautiful, gorgeous, amazing, perf...umm", she coughs slightly and quickly continues. "...otherworldly, astonishing, radia..."

For the love of God May...just tell the people your name already, the narrator yelled almost pulling her hair out of her head.

"Well, thank you for ruining the moment "narrator". You must feel soooooo good being in the spotlight", May said shooting daggers at the narrator. She seemed soo cranky nowadays.

Sighing, the narrator stands up and moves to get the door.

Apparently, someone had been knocking and May had no idea. Just outside the door stood the most magnificent creature the eyes could set sights upon. He stood straight, looking just too good to be true. His clothes fit like they were made just for him. His posture seemed to be flawless. He walked towards May with strides so elegant and his hands in the pockets of his perfectly fit suit pants. He sure seemed like the kind of guy every lady would want for a "Prince Charming"

  "Hey babe" he called out to May while leaning down to give her a quick kiss on the lips. "You ready??"

"Umm...sure. Just need to get my purse annnnnddddd we're good to go" May said as she smiled sheepishly, trying to look away from the loving gaze of her husband.

"Good...how bout you Geegee...you ready". "I've told you not to call me that and yes, I am ready. Let's go", the narrator said with a slight squeeze of her face which disappeared almost as quickly as it was formed.

The trio began walking out of the room, man and wife holding hands and narrator strolling behind, reaching out for the door handle behind her, making sure to deliver a wink before shutting the door quietly.

Hey guys...new on Webnovel.

I hope you like this introductory chapter.

I'll make sure to update it frequently.

Thank youuu

Yeoung_heartcreators' thoughts