1 just run!

 Like any other day, I'm at home. and what do you think i'm doing? One minute I'm on my bed watching T.V. and you feel like you're being watched. Then I heard a big noise. I looked all around the house. Let's not go to where I looked, but I will say the last place I looked was the kitchen. Everything goes black. I wake up and I'm in the middle of the street. It was dark. Too dark. I see a tree in the distance and I went to it. As I got there, I see a man running to me and yeah, I was scared.  Scared to the point that I couldn't move, not even blink. I even felt a shiver up my spine. I wanted to run, but I just couldn't. As if i was stuck as glue. As he got closer and closer, I didn't know what to do. Then a voice comes up in my head and says, "Are you stupid? Just run!'' I ran with fear. The voice in my head gets louder and louder. I feel so insane. I thought I was going to die or faint or something. When I was away from him I calmed down and the torturous sound in my head stopped.

I let out a sigh of relief, but little did I know that was not the end. Not even close. See, what happens was, stupid me went to go investigate, like those scary movies that everyone dies in. My name is Crystal and what you're about to read is how my life changed in so many was ways.
