
Dream Door

Miswat Siddarkk the only princess of the darkk kingdom who gained fame because of her overwhelming strength looks to overthrow her own father to become the first queen to lead the nation "I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com," - cheeby_4

Cheeby_4 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Open the dream door

Two eye's with falling tears are reflected on a mirror,as they continue to fall the tears turn into blood a person is shown drowning and crying out for help but no one is there to help.The person reaches the bottom of the pool like blood "I need to get stronger she died because i was weak,they are suffering because i am weak,his living good because i am weak ,if you are out there god give me strength to stand on my own two feet"

a mysterious voice resonates around "Ope-n t-he d-o-or and fight for what's yours,The person you see in the mirror is not always your true self, there's still your heart"

Miswat suddenly wakes up breathing heavy "huff huff huff" a knock on the door "princess the right hand of the king requests to meet you" okay tell him i will be there. Princess miswat is sitting on a throne that's floating 5 feet in the air,the door to the hall opens up and the right hand of the king drave braveheart walks in.

Drave stands on a red square tile on the floor that lifts him 3 feet in the air, he bows "Princess miswat" sir braveheart i believe you bring me good news."yes princess i did as you have told me to,i found one of the nobles who were conspiring with our enemy and brainwashed him with the magic item that you bestowed upon me to control him into arresting anyone who committed robbery in the last 5 months,

of course they were all fabricated crimes to hide the secret from watchful eyes that we are recruiting soldiers for our future battles" and how many soldiers have we recruited?

Drave takes out a paper and starts reading "we have recruited over 500soldiers who are honing their bodies everyday underground of the prison,they are patiently waiting on the princess for further training"

The princess touches her chin "hmmm that's not enough but if i train them personally,them and the mercenary groups will be one of the elites of our army,it will take about a month for a transportation gate to be established between the prison and my mansion,in the meantime i will figure other ways to recruit more soldiers" continue

A loud silence could be heard piercing throughout the room,drave clears his throat "cough cough,princess about the investigation you told me to do on the king i have found out that he plans to sacrifice the outskirt villagers of the darkk kingdom to summon more death knights within a weeks time" the princess grits her teeth "That monster he will even endanger his own people to fulfil his ambitions he makes me sick i want his head separated from his shoulders,his not fit to rule over this kingdom"

The right hand king is taken aback about the princess growth as she went from being loved by both parents to coping without them as she lost her mother due to death and her father to how much they each care for their people and the different paths that they are each carving for themselves,he remembers the princess sitting on a horde of dead orcs saying the words that are engraved in his heart for the rest of his life "They got in my way i guess they will experience how passionately i feel about my dreams in hell"

A smile could be seen on his face his glad that he accepted to serve the princess when she persuaded him at the green gate forest. Drave speaks out "princess how do you want me to deal with this matter?" The throne and the red square pillar descend,the princess stands up walks to the training hall while talking "To not raise suspicion tell only the sword pillar mercenary group to be ready to leave out in 5 days,i am going to prepare let nobody disturb me" as the door closes drave bows and says "i understand Princess"

There's noise coming from the training hall,miswat is training with a sword,she does a total of 1000 downward slashes,she's running around the training hall as she dodges rocks that are coming out of the ground and slicing them in half.

After she's done with her warm ups she sits down and crosses her legs,slams her hands together and says" Open the door" as she slowly opens space between her hands a red light shines across her face,when her hands are 20 centimeters apart a red transparent door shows up between them,she takes a deep breath and the door slowly gets pulled inside her brain.

A gentle breeze across the forest"whoosh whoosh" miswat slowly opens her eyes and stands up "a forest this time,The dream door grants me what i want but it comes with great risk" as she walks around the forest she's attacked by vines that took the shape of a wild boar,she evades the charge but it extends it's tail grabbing her hand and dragging her across the floor and slamming her across a tree.

She quickly gets up slicing the vine boar twice on the right side,it quickly regenerates launches an attack with it's long extended tail again,as the tail is about to hit her she launches her self in the air,the tail attacks her in the air,she uses purple flames to maneuver around dogding the in coming attacks,she covers her sword with the purple flame cutting the vine boar in half.

The vine boar is unable to regenerate,as she slowly approaches the halves of the vine boar the other half with the head launches seven vines with green liquid at their points,she blocks all of them using flames but she suddenly gets stabbed on her leg she looks down and another vine was coming out from the ground. it used those seven vines as a smokescreen miswat says as she cuts it off "what a cle--" she falls to her knees.."what's going on" she rips off her sleeves and the veins on her arms are transporting a purple color.

She quickly looks around at the other body of the vine boar and a yellow light is glowing from it's body,she stands up as she thinks it might be something helpful,as she walks every step she takes the poison affects her even more,she coughs up blood and stops

As she continues to walk towards the vine boar her whole body becomes even heavier,she could drop her sword to loosen some of the weight but she grips it even tighter and drags it across the floor,she reaches for the light it's a yellow flower that looks like a rose with out the pedicel but a yellow liquid in a shape of a circle. She picks it up and drinks the yellow liquid it evaporates the purple color in her veins into purple smoke.

She sits down analyzing all the information about the vine boar" So it's a boar made out of vines that charges as one of its attacks and uses it's extended tail to pierce or grab and it uses poison as it's final attack"

She stands up, sheaths her sword and walks into the forest,30 minutes later she's sitting on a boulder,"that's the 275 that i have killed,this healing potions will be helpful in the upcoming battles and i can sell some of them as a way to raise a little extra money"

She crosses her legs and performs the same ritual she used to enter through the dream door to go out. Five days pass and during those days the princess has been going back and forth through the dream door to gather more healing potions. Neigh neigh horse noises could be heard outside,the door opens up and princess miswat steps out walks to the carriage and gets in.

After a day trip to the outskirt village of the Siddarkk kingdom the princess meets up with the sword pillar mercenaries. In total they are 5600 sword pillar mercenary members scattered across the siddarkk kingdom and a few neighbouring countries. But the princess only called for 500 members to keep their mission a secret.

The princess spent most of her resources into the sword pillar mercenary group as they are all aura users at the fourth stage which is a great feat to reach as they are ten stages of aura users and they did within three years of time.out of the 500 members the princess also called 100 third stage magicians to join in the fight.

The sword pillar mercenary group are all clad in green dragon scale armour and they are wearing grey cloaks with three swords facing down in a circular shape on their center

Kole the 2nd captain of the sword pillar mercenaries comes and bows "princess i have brought the number of soldiers needed for this mission" the princess looks around unsheathe her sword raises it into the sky "be prepared my soldiers we are going to meet one of our common enemy in a fight,make sure they write stories about us in the afterlife" ahh .the soldiers are filled with excitement