
Chapter 1

*A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. * - Colin Powell


13 years ago

"Papa!! Papa!! Over here!" a young 6-year-old girl named Charm cheers to her Grandpa as she witnesses a gorgeous butterfly souring throughout the garden.

"What is it my dear?" Her Grandpa asks as he slowly walks towards an excited little girl.

"It’s a butterfly!!" She points to the big blue butterfly that sits on her Grandma's tulip bush.

"Well looky here, they seem to like your Mama's tulip bush." He replies.

"It’s so beautiful." The young Charm reaches out to touch the gorgeous butterfly, but her Papa stops her from doing so. She gives him a confused look.

"No Honey don't touch it, or you'll scare it away."

"Oh ok." She doesn't want to scare it away, but it’s so hard to retain herself from grabbing it.

"Come on Charmy I want to show you something." She grabs Papa's hand as they both make their way towards the house.

"Where are we going Papa?"

"Oh, on an adventure!"

"Yay!!" It’s obvious how excited Charm is once Papa informed her of the adventure they are about to embark. She loves going on adventures.

Their adventure soon leads them to Papa's office.

Papa picks her up and sets her down on the edge of his desk. Then he walks towards the giant closet thing he has against the wall to come back with a book in his hand.

"What’s that Papa?"

"This is a journal, where I write down things about my dreams, to keep them as memories."

The young Charm gives him a confused look then ask, "What are dreams?"

"Well a famous psychic by the name of Edgar Cayce once said 'That dream are today's answers to tomorrows questions' "

"What does that mean Papa?"

"You will understand when your older. But to give you a better explanation, dreams are scenarios that a person has throughout their mind when they are a sleep. Though you can also dream when you are awake, that is day-dreaming, when you are lost in a trace and your mind takes you to magical places."

"Can you read some of your dreams to me?"

"Of course." I jump down from the desk and run towards the chair near the window, making myself comfortable for story time.

" Ok so, June ,1998...."

5 years later

"Hey mom I'm home!" A much older Charm yells as she walks in her house through the front door. As she passes the kitchen Charm notices her mom sitting in front the counter with her head down and her shoulders shaking.

"Mom what's wrong?" Charm runs up to her mom and all she does is pull an 11-year-old Charm into a tight hug. They both just stand there in silence, all you can hear is her mother’s gasps for air as she tries to stop crying.

"Will you tell me what’s going on now?"

"Your Grandpa...... he's in the hospital and he.... he is very sick.... he doesn't have much time left." I froze in shock.

"No.....No that's not possible!"

"I'm sorry baby. I guess God decided that it was his time to leave." Charm shakes my head in denial. Her mom pulls her into another tight hug. Now they are both sobbing together.

"Can we.... go.... go visit him?" Charm asks, trying to catch her breath. Her mother nods then quickly runs up the stairs to get her purse and keys.

30 minutes later

"Hi, I'm looking for Andrew Jacobs?" Charm’s mom asks the receptionist behind the front desk.

"Yes, and you are?"

"I'm his daughter, Penelope Jacobs."

"May I see an ID to confirm?" Penelope nods while digging through her purse in search of her ID. Once she finds it, she slides it across the desk.

The receptionist takes a brief look at it then passes it back while saying, " 2nd floor room 41"

"Thank you" Penelope whispers, her and her daughter both run towards the elevator. After about 10 minutes of navigating, they are finally standing right in front of room 41.

Charm takes a deep breath before reaching for the door knob. What she sees right in front of her once the door is open, can really shatter anyone’s heart into a million pieces.

"Oh Papa!" Charm runs towards him, grabbing his hand in sobs.

"Charm....is.... that you?" Papa weakly asks.

"Yes! Yes, it’s me Papa." She squeezes his hand, letting him know that she is here and not planning to leave his side.

"Good I have something for you." He shifts towards the nightstand beside them and pulls open one of the drawers, retrieving a hard cover book.

"This is for you. It’s your very own Dream Journal just like the one I showed you when you were younger. I want you write in it every single day. Like you’re writing it to me. And somehow I will make sure I will read every entry." He explains weakly. Charm just nods, pressing the journal to her chest.

"I promise. I will even start today, just for you Papa." She quickly tries to find something a pen or pencil to write but her Papa grabs her by the hand before she can stand up.

"No dearie don't start today. Let’s just talk." She nods then grabs his hand once again.

They talk about anything and everything. Ever since that first visit, as soon as Charm gets out of school she would either beg my mom or dad to visit to the hospital or take the bus. The bus driver has become her new friend, so that there are some days where he won't charge her.

"Thanks Bill" Charm shouts as she exits the bus, making her way towards the entrance of the hospital. Sally, (the receptionist from all the times Charm has come to visit) is sitting in the front desk, working.

"Hey Sally" Charm greets, making her way towards the elevator.

"Oh, hey Charm wait come back here!" Sally exclaims. Charm quickly walks back, so she can tell me what she needs to tell me, in the need to see her Papa as always.

"What’s up"

Sally gives her a sad look, "Umm honey I don't know how to tell you this but........"

"Tell me what?"

"Well your umm Papa he went to surgery to help him get better and....."


"I'm so sorry sweetie but he didn't make it." Charm freezes in shock. No that can't be true.

"No that be true! You’re lying to me!! Is this joke?!" She yells at Sally, ignoring everyone's stares.

"No sweetie, I'm not joking here look the doctor is making his way here right now. He’ll be able to explain more better than me." Charm turns to the left to see Dr. Adams making his way towards the front desk with the same expression that Sally has on her face.

"Hello Charm, I'm sorry to say this but what Sally just informed you is very true. I'm so sorry Hun." He pats her on the shoulder, but quickly walks away to attend his other patients.

As soon as Charm processes all the information she was just told, her entire body just crashes, in other words, she falls on the ground sobbing. Meanwhile, Sally calls her parents to tell them the bad news.

They immediately answer that they're on their way to the hospital to pick up the 11-year-old Charm and to say their final goodbyes.

‘God really did decide that it was Papa's time to go, at least he has Mama waiting up in heaven for him.’ Charm mentally confesses.

As week soon after turn into months, Charm still suffering from the loss of one of her true best friends. A week after that horrible day, was the funeral and everyone from family and friends from the neighborhood came to say their condolences. After that horrific event Charm’s parents decide to move back to her hometown, once she’s informed of the changes that were about to be made, she expected things to be different but that’s just saying it nicely.

8 years later

Home sweet home, back in Boston, when her Mama got sick Charm’s parents and herself moved with her Mama and Papa to take care of them. Not long after Mama unfortunately passes away. But they decided to stay more longer to keep an eye on her Papa. Shortly after he started getting sick and unfortunately passed away, so they sorted everything they needed to do, packed all their belongings to move back to Boston.

And now a 19-year-old Charm attending Boston University. She strongly doubts about anyone recognizing her after so many years.

"Honey we're here! Once you figure out which dorm you're in let me know so I can unload what you've brought so far." Penelope, Charm’s mother, says as she parks the car right in front of the office building.

Charm takes in a very deep breath then quietly mumbles an "Ok bye" to her mom while exiting the car. She starts making her way towards the office building, ignoring everyone’s stares.

"Hi, my name is Charm Davis, I'm here to get my schedule and dorm room number + key." She states to the secretary once she enters the office building. The secretary looks at her then gets up and walks away without saying a word.

'Geez someone is in a fantastic mood, what great service around here.' Charm thinks to herself.

"Here this is your schedule and dorm room number + key. And you’re lucky, I found an extra map, so you don't get lost." The grumpy old hag replies.

She immediately exits the office building with everything she needs in hand, texting her mom the dorm room number then opens the map to find the directions to where the dorm building is. As she starts walking, not paying attention to her surroundings, she ends up bumping into something hard, causing her to lose balance.

Charm closes my eyes and hold her hands out, expecting to meet the cold dirty floor. But instead she meets with a warm presence.

She slowly opens my eyes only to meet with a gorgeous pair of stormy grey eyes with flecks of blue mixed in. She silently gasps in awe seeing as she was so mesmerized, she couldn't get herself to look away.

"Umm are you okay?" the strange yet familiar guy asks her in worry with a deep sexy voice. ‘Oh my god Charm you usually aren't like this.’

"Umm.... yeah.... I'm fine.... um thanks" Charm awkwardly replies. They both stand there awkwardly gazing at each other, not knowing what to say.

Just as she opens her mouth to ask for help, people start flooding into the hallway. The gorgeous stranger stands there for a couple seconds then suddenly walks away as if nothing happened.

‘Uh.... Ok? I guess I'll have to use the map.’


‘No, it can't be her.... but....no! It can't be possible. I have a bad feeling about this. I need to find Emmett asap.’

Next chapter