
Drarry fan fiction

Several drarry fan fictions! Every *chapter* is another fanfic. Comment what you would like to see!!! *Depictions of sexual content*

romancenovels · Others
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46 Chs


Just a fluffy drarry relationship beginning with 🤢...Umbridge's rein and ending after the war. Harry of course has to teach Draco how to have a life, how to love, since Draco's only ever known violence and pain. Love you guys sm!!!!❤️❤️❤️


(Also the timeline/scening is probably jacked Bc I'm writing it from memory and not referencing the books or movies, so please don't get triggered if I don't get something correct😂)

(Also also, some of the deaths appear late/early and ik that I got some of them wrong I just wanted the story to fit better so don't come for me😂)

(TW for graphic violence, torture, language, slurs including but not limited to the f slur, and some sexual indications towards minors)

I promise it's not as bad as it sounds. I mean it's bad but in a good way? JUST READ IT OR DONT CHRIST.


The burning in his hand followed a sharp ache, and then the feeling of tearing in his flesh. He gasped and looked down at his hand to see... blood. And a distinct letter "I" followed by the word "must".

The words he was writing were being carved into his skin.

When they finished being etched into his flesh, blood streamed down his hand and the skin around the wound was severely enflamed. Harry bit down hard on his lip and glared at the carving. He would not give her the satisfaction of a single tear.

He kept his head faced forward while he listened to the floorboards creak. She came into full view, grinning wickedly- no. No, not wickedly. That was it. She looked happy. Like she'd just held a puppy. She had enjoyed it.

"Yes?" She raised a brow, a cheery smile slapped onto her ugly plump face.

Harry took a minute, swallowed, made sure his voice wasn't going to crack before retorting "nothing." With equal verve.

"That's right." She chided, leaning closer to Harry, her smile widening as she spoke. "Because you know, deep down, you deserved to be punished. Don't you mister Potter?"

Harry did not respond. This woman was insane. She scared him. He wondered what she'd do if he sassed back. Snape didn't scare him, Snape was just an ass but in the end he'd protect Harry if it came down to it.

He wasn't even this afraid of Voldemort.

But this woman. She got joy from his pain.

"Go on." She said, leaning back and walking to let him out of her hideously pink office.


In the following weeks and months all of the students faced pain and suffering at her cruel methods. Their sprits began to break, even Fred and George had a hard time getting people excited.

That's when they really started hating the Inquisitorial Squad. Especially when Malfoy had that stupid smile on his face. In fact, they were all almost always smiling when they brought students in to Umbridges office.

"It's unsettling." Hermione mumbled as she turned the page in her worn copy of "Hogwarts: A History"

"Bloody hell Hermione you must've read that book a hundred times already!" Ron countered, moving his knight so it was positioned to the left of Harry's rook.

"I'm just trying to read something light tonight." She sighed, sipping from a glass of tea as she turned the page.

Ron shook his head. "You're mental you know. Beautiful, and a genius, but mental"

Hermione smiled to herself and turned another page.

Harry grinned as well, continuing the game and eventually giving up because Ron was just too damn good at wizards chess.

A loud slamming on the door drew the Gryffindor commons from their games and books and conversations, and instead focused their attention on the portrait. A loud yelling from the fat lady got Harry, Ron and Seamus on their feet. Fred and George followed behind, slowly crawling through the portrait with the other Gryffindors.

"A trap!" Ron yelled, trying to get back into their house.

Harry heard yelling from voices he knew.

"Shhhh! God damnit Weasley you'll get us all caught. We're here to help." Pansy Parkinson's voice hissed.

"How do we know you aren't baiting us into more of that woman's punishment?" Ron asked.

"Here let me prove it to you. Dray lift your shirt real quick."

There was a groan of protest before Harry heard shuffling.

"Guys we better let them in." Ron choked, his voice hollow and cracking. When they turned and went back into the commons, Harry noted Ron's pale face. He looked disgusted, horrified.

"Ok Malfoy, Parkinson, the rest of you. Why are you here this late. Shouldn't you be taking orders from lady tortur-ton?" Fred prodded.

"Yeah why aren't you rounding us up for being out of bed?" George asked with a raised brow.

"Do you think we wanted to do any of this shit? She got in direct contact with our parents and offered the positions to us. And our parents made us do it. And then she tortured us if we so much as frowned." Pansy seethed. Draco seemed particularly quiet, his body pressure resting against pansy like a support beam. Harry could feel the pain radiating off of him.

"What happened to lover boy?" Dean asked, motioning to Draco.

"I told her she was an ass." Draco breathed an uneasy laugh.

"What'd she do?" Seamus leaned forward in his seat.

Pansy glanced over to the blonde her hand delicately wrapping around his wrist. She opened her mouth. "You don't have to Dra-"

"It's fine." Draco sighed, nudging her hand away and turning his back to the group of Gryffindors. He tugged his shirt and robes up to his neck exposing the thing that'd had Ron white as a sheet.

In Draco's pretty handwriting were the words "Faggot" carved deep into his back from shoulder blade to shoulder blade. Other gay slurs were carved into his skin, but they were smaller.

"For disobeying." Pansy explained, pointing to the first mark. "And the rest are for things like not smiling or not apprehending a "perpetrator" and shit like that." Pansy ran her hand over the blondes muscled back, a sad sigh coming through her lips.

"That's awful!"

It was Ginny. She had jumped out of her seat and looked horrified.

"It wouldn't have been as bad. Except..." Draco stopped. "She made me write them all myself, and then tell her I understood what I was." Draco's voice was soft and sad, and Harry was unconsciously walking towards him. He'd only been a few feet away, so he was able to reach the blonde quickly, and tenderly stretched out his hand to touch Draco's shoulder. His fingers just barely grazed Draco's left collar bone before the blonde tugged his shirt back down and swiveled away from Harry, leaning harder against Pansy.

"Anyways. We risked torture and our cover to fill you in on all of her secret hideouts and shit. You gonna trust us? Or do we all have to show you our marks?"

Vincent Crabe and Gregory Goyle both lifted their sleeves. Over their dark marks were the words "order" and "faithful" carved in their arms. Pansy had "whore" and "traitor". Blaise had "traitor" and "faggot-lover". The others had things just as awful carved into their arms. Draco's sleeve was pulled up to reveal tons of little etched words. Harry could only make out a few of the larger ones like "poof" "mudblood-lover" and "disgrace"

Ginny was walking closer. She touched Pansy's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered. "We had no idea."

"Well it's not like you were expected to know. We acted like assholes because she made us. It's fine, but I need you all to trust us now. We already visited the ravenclaws and hufflepuffs."

"I trust you." Harry said. Ginny nodded. "Me too." She smiled warmly. "I'm guessing Luna said yes too?"

"Yep." Pansy said.

Ron seemed hesitant, but when hermione voiced her approval, it was good enough for him so he agreed as well.

Soon all of the Gryffindors had agreed and they sat down.

"She plans on having this whole place ministry owned." Draco started, Pansy helping him down into a chair. His back didn't touch the soft couch, and he leaned forward. Harry sat next to him.

Since there were a lot of slytherins now packed into the room, most of the seats were over crowded, so no one but Ron and hermione noticed when Harry scooted over until he was touching Draco from shoulder to toe.

Hermione gave him a cheeky grin that he pretended he didn't see, and Ron snickered and handed hermione two galleons.

"We think she intends on trying to snap you Harry, so that the ministry can arrest you officially. You're already on thin ice, so one slip up could land you in a world of hurt." Pansy said.

"No matter how much she pressures you, pisses you off, bully's you, it's very important you don't engage her whatsoever." Draco finished, turning to look Harry in the eyes.

"Ok. But what if-"

"Nope. Unless she is actively killing you, do not fuck with her in any way. Leave that to us."

Harry made a "hmph" noise and turned back towards the table they were all circled around.

"She's got guards and watch-spells set up everywhere. If you do or say anything outside of this room she'll know about it. Hell we had to have three slytherins go and erase all evidence that we were even here." Goyle said.

"Ok. So basically be perfect law-abiding students twenty four seven?"

"Pretty much." Blaise sighed, reclining back in his chair.

"We gotta go." Millicent Bulstrode said, tugging on Goyle's sleeve. Pansy and Draco nodded while Blaise stood.

"Thank you." Hermione said, touching Pansy's shoulder.

"Of course. Not all Slytherins are bad you know."

Hermione smiled sadly and nodded.

"Potter." Harry knew who was speaking as soon as his name left their lips. No one pronounced it like that. Harry loved it.

"What's up Malfoy?" Harry turned to face the blonde.

"A moment?"

"Yeah what?" Harry walked a few feet closer.

"Jesu- alone Potter. A moment alone please?"

"Oh! Oh-ye-yeah of course-of course yeah. Yeah"

"God I swear-" Draco pinched his nose and closed his eyes, laughing to himself.

"This way I guess?" Harry led him up to the Gryffindor dorms, and to his curtained-off bed.

Draco plopped himself down against the headboard.

"Yeah just make yourself at home." Harry teased, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Sorry. Back hurts. Anyways I needed to speak with you privately."

"Yes I noticed. Can I ask what this is about?" Harry was very nervous and suddenly very aware of Draco's lips.

"Of course. I'm worried about you."

Draco didn't seem to have any shame in admitting it, in fact Harry was confused as to why the blonde boy was being so blunt. He hadn't noticed Draco noticing.

"Ok.... how do you even know anything is wrong?"

"You haven't smiled in almost two months." Draco whispered.

"So? You've only smiled under the threat of torture. Hardly anyone smiles anymore. That doesn't mean I'm in distress Malfoy."

"You don't eat as much as last year. You're thinner."

"No I'm not! And yes I do, I eat plenty." Harry felt a huge swell of admiration and appreciation and a feeling of being cared for, but he didn't show it. Not even Hermione and Ron had paid this much attention to his health.

"I'm terribly afraid you're being affected mentally more than physically this year. And I'm worried about you." Draco was blatant, he wasn't hiding or teasing or laughing, just telling Harry exactly what he thought.

"What makes you think I care?"

"Well your posture changed when I mentioned your eating habits. And I just know. I know you want somebody to care about your health. Mentally and physically, even if you don't show it."

"Maybe you're just a stubborn ass." Harry seethed, glaring down at the bedsheets, his cheeks burning. He heard the mattress creak, saw Draco shift. He didn't expect the blonde to gently grasp his chin and pull his face to look at him.

"Maybe I am just a stubborn ass. But I'd still like you to know you're cared for. And loved. And even though Umbridge tortures you mentally and physically, you stay strong. And if no one else will say it I will: I'm astounded you're still on your feet Harry. I mean honestly, you've dealt with more loss and pain and suffering than anyone in the ministry, and that's bound to take a toll on a person. And after all, that's what you are. A person. And you deserve to be treated like one, not just a pawn in their plot."

Draco's knuckles very softly brushed Harry's cheek, and rested on his jaw.

The brunette teared up, whimpering quietly as he pressed into Draco's touch. Then he spilled.

"I hate being the hero. I hate having to save everyone and losing them all anyways. Everyone I love gets taken away. I do everything right, I always get the bad guy, and I still lose them all anyway-"Harry choked on a sob and fell forward on the bed into Draco's arms. The blonde encased him in warmth.

"I'm sorry." Harry whispered, sniffling and moving to sit up.

"It's ok, no no, please tell me. Tell me how you feel Harry. Deep down,what are you keeping inside that is causing you so much pain?"

"I..." Harry took a deep breath. He'd never told anyone how he felt truly. Not the whole of it anyways.

"I hate doing this. I hate waking up every day and knowing deep down that I'll never be whole again. I lost my parents, my family, my uncles and aunts and friends and every person I've ever loved always gets ripped from me. And I'm left with anyone who hates me. I lost Sirius, Remus, my parents, and got stuck with the Dursley's again and again-" he broke off again to take a breath and choke out a sob.

"Is that all love?" Draco pulled Harry up in his arms, leaning back against the headboard and gently carding through Harry's warm brown curls.

"No." He whispered. "How long do you have?"

"As long as you need."


"And I hate that they all look to me. I want to be normal. I just want to be Harry Potter, the blandest kid ever. That's all I want. I hate being torn from anything even resembling normal life. I hate that people always hurt me and hit me and yell at me for things I can't control. I hate that everyone wanted me to be with Ginny and when we both came out they blamed us and skeeter said I was lying to get into peoples pants. I hate that I can't trust anyone but Ron and Hermione. I hate that I have no one. I hate that I have to keep all this inside and let it eat away at me and slowly kill me off. And I hate when Umbridge does stuff to me. I hate her. And she hurts me and I hate it. I feel so weak when she does these things to me. Tortures me with hand and mouth. And it's hurts so bad, the things she says. And I hate that Voldemort got to me. And I hate that everyone either obsesses over me or wishes I was dead. I just want to be normal, and stop hurting, and have family that isn't murdered in front of me."

Draco rocked him back and forth gently like he had been for the last twenty minutes. "You're safe Harry. You're ok and you're safe. You're safe with me. I won't let her hurt you."

Harry whimpered and nodded, nuzzling into Draco's neck and crying quietly.

Hermione and Ron were listening on the staircase, getting teary-eyed as they heard Harry's painful confessions one after the other.

Draco kissed Harry's forehead. "I hate to leave you but if Umbridge finds out I'm here she'll kill me."

"I really don't want you to leave. I-"

Harry was cut off by Draco's lips, gentle and warm against his. Sparks flew down Harry's spine, he was flying, the amazing feeling he got from Draco's lips on his, Draco's hands on his waist and nape, it was lovely. And he never wanted the feeling to end. Draco's hands both slid to grasp onto Harry's hips.

"Woah." Harry breathed. "I've wanted to do that forever" Draco smiled, his lips grazing over Harry's cheek.

"God I'm so sorry." Draco whispered, kissing Harry once, twice, three times before standing up.

"Swear to me you'll come back." Harry begged.

Draco nodded, leaning down and kissing him again.

Then again.

"Parting is such sweet sorrow." Draco sighed, kissing him yet again. Harry gripped his collar, locking their lips for one final long kiss.

"Wait!" Harry said as Draco walked to the door. He dug through his trunk until he found it: the invisibility cloak. "Take this." He slid the fabric over Draco's shoulders kissing him one final time before ushering him out the door.


Harry walked out of potions, grumbling to himself about how ridiculous the class was now that all they did was read and take notes.

"Hey gorgeous." Came a whispered voice behind him. Harry walked forward, not even glancing to Draco as the boy followed his stride and walked beside him. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." Harry sighed. "I really wish we had more time to be together. It's been three weeks and I've seen you five times outside of class."

"I know love. I'm sorry. When that wench is gone we'll be free to make out in any and all hallways you want." Draco grinned to himself when Harry blushed.

"Idiot." Harry mumbled.

"Oh you don't mean that Potter." Draco said with a smirk. He tucked two folded sheets of paper into Harry's pocket and grabbed him by the waist, quickly pecking him on the lips. Harry's cheeks and ears burst into flames.

"Draco!" He hissed. "She could see!"

"It's fine love. Life was made to take risks. And I am entitled to your lips now that I'm your boyfriend."

Harry blushed harder and glared down at his books.

"I really really like you." Draco said, turning to go to class.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well the first time I tell you I love you I intend to make love to you. So like will have to do for now." Draco snickered as he walked into transfiguration, watching Harry's cheeks turn rose-red.


Something was off. Draco was sitting ahead of Harry in charms, their final class of that day. But Draco didn't turn to look at him at all, didn't even bother to take a glance or make a signal or anything. It was like he was made of stone. And it worried Harry the entire period. So much so that he hardly took any notes and was left with jumbled pieces of sentences that made no sense whatsoever.

Class ended after what felt like an eternity and Draco rushed to leave, so quick that Harry hardly had any time to get his things before running after his boyfriend.

"Draco!" Harry whisper yelled, pulling up to walk beside the blonde boy.

"Stay away from me Harry."


"I mean it. You- you're... bad-bad news. And we're done. You just ruin all th-" Draco's voice broke. "You ruin the lives of everyone you meet. And this is over."

Harry's eyes widened and he stumbled forward, collapsing to the ground.


The loud pounding at the Slytherins dorm entrance had all of the kids drawing their wands and turning off the record they were playing in the commons.

Pansy peaked through one of the cracks in the cobblestone.

"It's me!" Whispered Harry potters voice.

"Jesus Christ Potter! You shouldn't be here. I thought Draco-"

"He'd never say those things. If he was truly done with me he would've made it his fault. I know something happened and I'm pretty sure Umbridge has something to do with it. So let me in."

Pansy sighed and opened the entrance, letting Harry inside.

He stormed into the commons, and unsure of where to go, waited for Blaise to point him towards the Slytherin boys dorms. He ran up the pretty stairs and into the dorms, and saw Draco laying on his side, facing away from Harry. The brunette ran over to the bed shaking Draco and forcing him into his back.

"JESUS!" Draco gasped. He saw it was Harry and immediately his body seemed to fail. "Harry you can't be here. I told you-"

"Oh my god." Harry whispered. A huge bruise was forming on Draco's face. "When you kissed me. She saw and made you break up with me right? That's what happened?"

"I- Harry no I don't... god- ok fuck it. Yes Harry that's what happened, but if she hurts you-"

"I'll be fine, it's you I'm worried about."

"I've suffered far worse than a slap Harry."

"I'm just trying to help. You basically just told me I'm self involved and disgusting to my face with no explanation. I knew it was fake but I didn't know it would hurt so bad coming from your mouth."

"I'm so sorry Harry. Please forgive me. I won't ever do it again, but she threatened to hurt you. And- I don't... if she did-"

"It's ok. We'll figure it out. We just have to be careful is all."


"You were going to Dumbledore weren't you?" Umbridge hissed. Harry looked over at his boyfriend, Draco's expression said he would gauge her eyes out, all Harry had to do was nod. Instead Harry glared into her eyes and with all the strength he could muster spit out: "no"

She smacked him straight across the face, and Harry heard a low snarl to his left. He knew Draco was probably about ready to tear her head off, but he couldn't do it. He couldn't ask Draco to do that for him, not when he could get hurt.

"Well then, the time has come for answers whether you're ready to give them or not. The cruciatious curse."

"That's illegal!" Hermione growled, stepping forward.

"What the minister doesn't know won't hurt him." She said with a smile, setting the portrait of the minister face down on her desk.

She stepped forward, raising her wand to Harry's head, the spell rolling off her tongue.

"ENOUGH!" Shit. Draco.

Umbridge turned towards the blonde, her wand raised.

"Need I remind you of last night Mr. Malfoy?"

"No, no you don't need to remind me. But I'm not about to let you curse him like he's a fucking animal. You want a fight? Fine. But you can't have one with him. Fight like an adult, not a toddler."

"Preposterous." She hissed, turning back to Harry.

"I thought you liked order. I guess what you really like is torturing defenseless kids."

"It. Is not. Torture. If it is teaching a lesson." She growled through clenched teeth.

"Ok well you're not teaching him a lesson. You could however, teach me one." Draco offered, his wand raised.

Her eyes narrowed, and she flicked a spell off her wand, sending dust careening towards him. He threw a counter spell, using a "stupefy" to send her stumbling back. She stood up and cast a half-hearted difindo, which Draco dogged quite easily. He flicked his wand and was able to half tie her up before she cut out of the restraints and cast some kind of hex that flew past him and shattered the window behind him.

He used another wordless flick of his wand to send her careening backwards, but she levitated herself and used another dark hex to try to impair him. Draco was an amazing dueler, but he was trying to duel clean while his opponent threw dark curses at his head, and that was bound to cause some disadvantages. Then she turned and her eyes were insane. Her hair was messy and burnt and she looked deranged.

She lifted her wand and screamed "CRUCIO!"

The deep red light flung from her wand and smashed into Draco's chest, sending him crashing backwards into the wall behind him.

Snape appeared out of no where, using a spell to bind Dolores and take her wand. He tossed it aside and hustled to Draco, who was now writhing on the floor, screaming in agony as the curse made its way from his chest to his arms and legs, sending his entire being into a frenzy of shaking and violent flailing. his face contorted in pain, his screams became shrieks of agony.

Harry was frozen, his throat closed as he watched his love writhe on the floor. He snapped out of it, running to Draco's side. Snape sent his patronus flying down the hall for Madame Pomfrey, and Harry dropped to his knees reaching to touch Draco. Snape smacked his hands away.

"Touch makes it worse. We can't do anything right now."

Draco screamed again and Harry began to sob.

"Cant you do something! HES DYING YOU BASTARD!" Harry screamed at Snape.

"I have potions, they will be useless until Pomfrey determines the curses strength and effect on him. Interfering will prolong it. If you touch him, it will worsen."

Harry broke down on the floor, watching Draco writhe in agony, his eyes piercing Harry's with longing. As his body shook his hand inched towards Harry, clutching the brunette boys index and middle fingers for dear life.

"It's ok Draco! I'm promise it'll be over soon. I- oh my god...Snape please!!" Harry was in hysterics, sobbing as Draco clung to his hand. The potions teacher really did look sad, broken, as he watched his best (and favorite) student wrench himself in agony on the floor.

"Potter, if I could do anything for him I would. I can't. Pomfrey has all of the remedies I've made. She'll be here soon."

And not a minute later she was there, medical bag in hand, floating stretcher being held up by her wand.

She stuck her wand out and mumbled a few spells before nodding to herself and digging in her bag.

"It's a strong cruciatious. The ones fueled by insanity and anger always are, it'll be very very painful for Mr. Malfoy, and I'm not sure how he'll do mentally, but he will survive." Pomfrey touched Harry's shoulder as she pulled out a small vile of potion. She forced the liquid down Draco's moving mouth as he screamed. His body seemed to settle just a bit.

The students all around him were horrified, most of them had never witnessed so much as a difindo much less a cruciatious. As Draco's body contorted on the floor Pansy and Blaise were in hysterics, watching Poppy lift him up into the stretcher.

"Snape please walk with me down to the hospital wing. I may need more muscle-mend potion. And Potter you can come too I suppose. It won't be pretty though."

Harry nodded and rushed to follow her as she quickly ran down the halls, Draco floating at her side. His screams pierced the walls, and teachers peaked out of their classrooms only to gasp and quickly shut the door.

"Why are they-"

"So the first years don't have to see." Snape said, slamming on McGonagalls door.

She opened it with a frown.

"Severus I am teaching." She hissed. "Oh dear me."

"Dolores just struck Draco with a cruciatious, you're needed in the hospital wing, your students can wait."

She nodded sharply, running down the hall after Pomfrey and Draco.

Harry took a look at the terrified second years, then quickly sprinted after them.


Harry felt like he was going to die. Severus and Pomfrey were working hard on Draco, coaxing potions down his stomach, and using counter spells, but the blonde was still screaming and sobbing on the table as the curse went through him.

When the curse finally began wearing off, Draco's breathing became labored from the exertion, and he reached for Harry, pulling the boy into his bloodied arms.

"She's gone now." Draco sounded so happy as he said it. "It's over. Right?" His grip on Harry was unrelenting.

"Yes." Harry whispered, nuzzling his nose into Draco's neck and smiling.

Draco passed out holding Harry exhausted and sweaty. Harry followed soon after.

It seemed they were going to be ok.


"Well? Is it Harry Potter?"

Draco's gut tore open as he looked into Harry's eyes. He'd kissed Harry goodnight just yesterday. "They'd been almost able to forget about the suffering. And then...

"I can't be sure." Draco whispered, the pain hardly obvious to his father, but blatant to Harry. Draco wanted to kill himself for not protecting his boyfriend. The one person he'd always been sure he would die for.

His father stood, the anger bright in his eyes.

Draco had always known it would have to end this way. He'd always known he and Harry couldn't both live. One of them would have to go.

And he'd been damned if he let Harry die.


"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort's giddy laugh made Hermione furious. Harry lay dead in Hagrids arms. His body limp and broken.

"The time has come to choose. Join us, or die."


Draco knew what he was doing. He knew what was going to happen. He felt the angry glares on his back as he crossed the divide towards Voldemort. He could hear Harry's heartbeat, could feel it's rhythm thanks to the soul potion he'd taken.

So now came his decision.

He was not kind like a hufflepuff

Not smart like a ravenclaw

He was a loyal slytherin, heir to the Malfoy fortune, the last line of his blood, the disgrace of his family, the holder of the throne.

He was Draco fucking Malfoy.

But god help him have the bravery of a Gryffindor.

He'd need it.

Harry threw himself from Hagrids arms and Draco sprung forward.

"POTTER!" He screamed, throwing the wand across the divide to his boyfriend. Harry grabbed it, looking at Draco with a loving smile before chucking a hex in Naginis direction and running down the cobblestone for cover.

Voldemort snarled, flinging curses at Harry as he ran. The order spring into action, already fighting as the death eaters ran forward.


Batte raged on, pain and blood covered the ground. Bellatrix was dead, Snape too, and still they fought. Wand to wand, hand to hand, it didn't matter.


Harry made his way to the center of the courtyard, his wand raised at Voldemort, the creature grinned, a low growl building his his throat.

"It looks like I win Mr. Potter." Voldemort sneered.

"No. I'll never stop fighting. You'll never stop losing. I'll do this forever if I have to."

"Well you see Mr. Potter, that isn't quite what I meant."

And then with a raised wand the killing curse was spat from his lips and a blinding green light flashed towards Harry.

But Voldemort was not aiming for the brunette.

The flash zinged past Harry's shoulder, right behind him. And he heard the soft gasp.

Harry turned, watched Draco look from where his hands clutched his bloodied stomach and back to Harry. Then Draco sunk to his knees, his eyes going dead.

And Harry screamed. His face turned red. His agonizing shriek made hermione want to cover her ears. He could feel a sharp painful tear in his chest. He could swear he felt his heart rip in half.

He sprinted forward, and with all of the emotions built in his chest, screamed:


The flare of green slammed so hard into Voldemort he flew backwards, the light still pouring from Harry's wand as Voldemort slowly withered away.

When it was over Harry stumbled behind him, grabbing Draco in his arms.

"I guess I should've stayed in school." Draco joked, coughing as blood soaked his clothes.

"You're-god damnit you're such an idiot Draco Malfoy when this is all over I'll have your head."

"My- my heart too though right?" Draco's voice was a light whisper.

"Well of course." Harry cried, tears pouring down his cheeks.

"Sorry I couldn't make you a Malfoy. I was planning on it though."

"You'll have plenty of time to make me a Malfoy when we fix you up." Harry sobbed softly.


"No, stop. Medic!!!" He hollered, looking up at the circle that had formed around him. "Well do something you assholes!!" He yelled.

"It was the killing curse Harry. I can't be saved."

"No, no you're still alive so it must've been something else. We didn't hear him say it, you'll be fine!"

Draco reached up, brushing back Harry's hair.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't show you, but I love you."

Harry choked on a sob.

"I really, I really do love you. And I'd do this a hundred times over if it meant you got to live."

The brunette hunched over Draco in defeat.

"Please. I can't live without you."

Draco looked up at Kingsley.

"I need something" Draco said.

"What is it?" Kingsley asked.

"I need you to make sure all of my things go to him."

"No draco-" Harry cried.

"Please shacklebolt."

Kingsley nodded, scribbling something down and sticking in in his coat.

"Draco stop. Stop please. I can't-"

"I intended to marry you. You would've owned all my stuff anyways."

Harry buried his face in Draco's shoulder.

"Don't leave me." He begged.

"I love you. I've... I've always loved y-"

Draco head dropped back, his eyes closed, his body quieted.

"Draco-" Harry shook him a bit. "Draco wake up." He shook the blonde boy harder. "No. No please god no Draco. Draco wake up!" He was yelling now, shaking Draco violently.

Mcgonagall was behind him, pulling the boy back against her chest. Harry screamed, sobbing as he tried to move.

Hagrid sniffed and walked forward, draping his coat over Draco's body.

"He wadn't perfect, but he learned. And he fought. And I'm damned proud to have known him."

Rolanda hooch walked up next. She acciod a broom and placed it at his side. "God he was a good seeker."

Mcgonagall stepped away from Harry who was now crying softly as he watched them. She removed her hat, lay it over Draco's covered face and walked back to Harry's side, hugging him against her hip.

"Thank you." Harry choked, turning to cry into her chest.

Then Ginny walked up, laying a small flower at his side. "We should've seen that he wasn't a bully, he was a mislead child robbed of his freedom. We all were." She whispered.

Then all the students were laying gifts at Draco's body.

Neville sat down a small plant, mentioning how he'd known Draco had a certain fondness for botany that he'd only half-noticed.

Ron walked forward, swallowed, and then sat down his coat.

Hermione carefully laid the time turner at his side.

Dean and Seamus put some little trinkets they'd swiped off of Slytherins over the years.

George put Fred's wand down at Draco's side, stunning half the crowd.

The oldest Weasley child cleared his throat.

"Maybe- maybe they weren't so different. Maybe they'll link up in the afterlife and screw with Snape."

Harry laughed through his tears, still hugging mcgonagall as he watched.

When almost all of the students had left their gifts Harry walked forward, and very gingerly lifted back the covering to place Draco's wand in his hand.

"He should have it." Harry also deposited his own coat over Draco's body. Tears pouring down his face.

"I never got to tell him I loved him back." Harry stated.

"This war has taken so so much from all of us. Wives, husbands, siblings, friends.... Family-" Harry looked around at the group of people, dirty and bloody, and he spoke from the heart.

"We don't have to wallow, we don't have to live to forget, that's not what they would've wanted. They would've wanted us to fight through with kindness and intelligence and bravery and ambition, they would've wanted us to carry on their legacy. Because while it hurts to lose, it is impossible to forget. So why not let them keep on living through our memories? We don't have to let Voldemort win again. He took and took and took and now it's our turn to take something back."

The crowd was nodding and smiling and crying as they watched their savior encourage them even after losing everything.

"Because happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light"
