1 Arakan

A muscular, spiky sea green-haired 16 year old boy by the name of Arakan, which means warrior.

I, Arakan, stood transfixed at the top of Warrior's Tower, the tallest tower in Calan.

Being a lone warrior is me. What I'm known for. I defeated Cagarion the half a giant half crocodile monster that had terrorized Calan for centuries, and I the warrior, the hero, had saved my people from this threat.

But now I am a fallen hero. My people have all turned against me, because I betrayed them, by killing their King, King George. King George was an evil vampire, descended from a long line of vampire Kings, and even though I saved them, and it isn't their fault for hating me, because they just didn't know.

Warrior tower is situated above Calan, and since only warriors our loud at its peak, hardly anyone ever comes up here, so this is where I go when I want to be alone, to escape the prying, hateful eyes of my people.
