
Dragons Of The Hidden City

In a world that is full of magic,Dragons and different beasts,Royal families,Nobles,clans,and underground organizations and also not only that, this is a world where there is both magic and science. A girl's journey about how she changes her life after coming out of her family's clan, how she meets new people,and makes friends,and how she changes from a cold person to a person with feelings,and how she learns about people around her,knowing the difference between fake and real friends and how she faces challenges. Her two best friends who thinks she is a guy become dumbfounded when she turns into a girl. There is also a legend in this world which is, for every 1000 years there will be five dragons who will be coming out of the dragon gate and will choose their successors. The people who will be chosen are considered to be unparalleled. wait and see who they will choose and how it will lead us to a road of mysteries. --------‐---------------------------------------------------------------- (looking at the ice block before her, which has a person inside it.) Illuka:" Wow......What a devilish beauty. Hold tight...let me break this for you." Lucifer:"......" Illuka:My devil~ If I break this you have to marry me to pay me. Lucifer:"......." (After 10 years, When a talk came about their marriage. ) Illuka(Sweating):"Lucifer ....They are saying that we are going to be married soon. We are still young, there is no need for a marriage this soon, tell them we are not going to get married yet." Lucifer:(silently looks at illuka with his Gold coloured eyes)"We are already married the day you met me." Illuka:"What?!!!!But I didn't know how I got married." Lucifer:(Smirking)"Wife , The dragons get married by exchanging the blood." Illuka:(Remembering the day they met.) what??!!!!! Lucifer:"Wife , let's go to bedroom . we have already delayed our wedding night for a long time. Illuka:W-wh-what????.... (He princess carries her to their bedroom.) Illukas friends & Master : serves you right. At last someone is tormenting the person who torments us...ahh this feels so good. (Author: Guys, forgive me if you find any mistakes. I don't have an editor and I am typing this in a phone, so you may find mistakes. I will try to reduce them as much as possible and try to make this novel as interesting as possible.)

Shrihitha_Kumbum · Teen
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63 Chs

chapter 13

When Illuka heard his voice from behind her she was shell shocked at first by hearing those words from that man's mouth . She was baffled after understanding the words said by that man 'Will he not let me go away and he even knows what I am thinking? ,What kind of person is he? How can he read my thoughts ?and he doesn't even look human with that looks of his and he is also confined by those chains in this cave.'

 "Well yeah ,I am not a human but some part of me is like human ,its like I am a half human in your language .Anyways ,so you are going to learn from me and I promise you that I will let you take revenge on your family for what they have done to you so ,what do you think?".

"Wait ,How do you know that I want to take a revenge on my family? ,"asked Illuka."Well ,probably by now you would understand that I can pretty much read your thoughts although it is a bit power consuming ,but the thing is I can also read your life history or your memories and I know what happened to your mother and these are not fake words .I promise you ,as your master I will fulfil your wish no matter what if you become my disciple".

Illuka thought about it for a moment and took some time to observe the man and looked at his eyes for something and in that moment she thought the eyes of the man were looking very sincere and she got a feeling that she could trust this man and when looking into his eyes she got the feeling for which she was looking from when she was small or from when she was understanding the so called feelings and she got a feeling of a family from him and that she could trust him no matter what and without any further extending the time she accepted his conditions to become his disciple.

" I will become your disciple.but , let me set one condition too."

Hearing her say that she would become his disciple that man was feeling very excited in his heart and asked what she wants and he would agree to them no matter what.

"I want you to trust me and never say a single lie to me and or try to make me do something which I don't want."

Listening to her condition that man thought for a moment and agreed to her condition but he also said that as long as in training in which she can't say that she doesn't want to do he would not force her to do anything that she doesn't want and he also said even though he wouldn't force her to do anything he would give her advice and opinions in some matters .

"that is fine by me and I will listen to you in any matters as long as I don't dislike them .Now ,may I ask what is the name of my master is ?"

"My name is Zack silver."