
Symbol on tapestry

Suna seemed to sense her discomfort, from where she was she could clearly see the contents of the letter, and so, as her personal servant she felt duty-bound to say something, but before she could do it, a servant suddenly came in warning about Celine's last encounter with her private teacher in Celestia, as she was now going to the famous College of Fenymia in the south.

Celine got up from the chair and followed the servant out of the room, Suna followed a few steps away, she didn't have a chance to comfort her mistress by her father's cold temper, so she just thought that if she didn't leave her alone, Celine wouldn't feel so dejected.

Celine walked calmly, the servant and Suna looked at her strangely as they thought respectively: 'Since when is your highness so quiet?', 'What is she thinking?'.

Without the princess's voice to liven up the palace, even the birds didn't dare sing her melodies, the only thing that could be heard were the footsteps that walked calmly towards the library where Celine's study room was.

As soon as they arrived, the servant said goodbye and left, leaving Suna and Celine standing in front of the door. Suna opened the door and ushered Celine inside.

Inside they quickly noticed the murmurs coming from the study room.

– It's probably Miss Tabitha – Suna smiled as she said.

Celine nodded and smiled back, walking to the study room she opened the door and walked in, finding right away a huge mess of books and papers on the floor.

In the middle of the mess was a woman, who stared at those who entered, seeing her situation, she froze, after realizing who was, Tabitha breathed a sigh of relief.

Suna and Celine were willing to help her with the mess, organizing everything quickly.

– Fortunately it was Princess and Lady Suna – She said with a smile.

Suna laughed – You look relieved.

Tabitha laughed along and said – I'm sure I'm relieved Suna, do you know how much these books cost? Not even in fifteen reincarnations could I pay for the damage on a single page of them.

Suna raised her eyebrows and looked a little shocked as she carefully placed one of them on the shelf.

– Teacher, you don't have to worry, even if you ruin one of them it's not like they 're going to take your life, it's just a book, it's not worth a person's life – Celine said calmly as she put the last ones away on some shelves in the back of the room.

Both stared at the princess with complicated eyes for a while, and then Tabitha finally spoke – My princess, these books 'cost' the lives of thousands of people, either to keep some secret hidden in it or to protect your written culture for the generations to come, although for the younger ones this is just two pieces glued to one side and filled with leaves, for many others who have suffered over the years it is a priceless relic.

Celine froze. Then turned to her teacher and bowed respectfully.

– I'm sorry, I was wrong, please teacher, don't take my words seriously – She said when she realized his lack of consideration.

Suna took her to sit while Tabitha spoke:

– Don't worry princess, as long as you understand there is no reason for such despair.

She smiled pointing for Celine to sit – Let's review a little more about the trade in Nairot.

Celine nodded and took a notebook from under her desk to start taking notes.

– Nairot is the fourth largest kingdom of the great nine kingdoms, its greatest progress over the years has been specially related to commerce, although its location is not as good for this as the kingdom of Waterfall, which is practically located in the center of the first archipelago, the people of Nairot somehow grew a lot working with these so-called commercial trips, carried out across the immense Feny River... – The teacher explained as she magically sketched drawings in the air.

Although the class was interesting, Celine still couldn't get those eyes out of her mind... thinking now, they were beautiful eyes...

Celine supported her head with one hand while the other she used to sketch what was on her mind, after so much effort, that was the only thing she could remember about that dream, well, and that weird feeling in her chest, a kind of tingle...

Trying to forget this feeling, she refocused on what the teacher was saying, but again in vain, those eyes seemed to seduce her into thinking only about them...

Celine sighed and thought: 'This is strange, I've never had any contact with anyone but my parents and some servants in this palace, how do I suddenly imagine eyes like that, I've never seen anyone with such eyes, the closest thing to that might be the shifters of snakes and lizards, which I've only seen in books... but these eyes aren't like theirs'

Celine scribbled in her notebook, not being able to think of anything else to solve she just started looking around the room, there were some tapestries on top of the wall.

Some of them depicted kings and queens at their coronations, others depicted the great battles of centuries ago, Celine was about to turn her attention to the class when one of the tapestries caught her eye, she hadn't noticed it before because she ran her eyes too quickly over them.

Celine focused her gaze on the figures on the tapestry.

There were four men, they faced each other, but due to the antiquity of the tapestry, it was impossible to tell what expression they had on their faces, at first glance they looked neutral, but the gestures the tapestry portrayed showed that they were close, above each of them there was a symbol.

Celine looked at the second man, he probably belonged to royalty, and above his head the peculiar symbol that caught the princess's attention. She held the pen tightly and tried to draw the symbol on the paper, although the tapestry was far away, Celine had a peculiar vision, apparently inherited from her father, Lord Aillard, and therefore she managed to perfectly draw the symbol on the tapestry.

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