
Ch.6: Classes Start

It was almost eight when Jason and Skye receive a pounding on their dorm door. A minute later, the door was unlocked and open. It was the student council president and the dorm president. Both Jason and Skye were sprawled out on the floor, Skye's leg on top of Jason. It was Jason that woke first.

"Morning sleepyheads, time to get up. Y'all half a hour late to class. Anymore lateness within the first week be probation prior to being kick from Meridian. You have been warn." Claire warned, closing the door.

"Huh, what timE! Skye, wake up, we are late." Jason jumped up, looking for their luggage that was on their bed.

"Senki...breakfast..." Skye yawned. Jason toss Skye's uniform to her while he was stripping himself.

"Jason, wh-wh-what you doing-too early for that shit!" Skye sliding back, away from Jason.

"Too early for what? Th-th-the heck, just put your uniform on!" Jason instantly turn back around.

They both got undress and redress in their uniforms and sheath their weapons, grab their book bags, and head on out. Jason forgotten their class schedule that was laying on the night stand.

As soon as they got onto the breezeway, Jason started fumbling around, looking for their class schedule. It was nowhere to be found. Jason was pasting around thinking where the schedule is, when someone came out of the nearby doors. It was Clock Tower and what it seems like, a small upperclassman in a discipline uniform.

"Oh oh oh, a young freshie couple already skipping y'all first class of today. That's not good, not good at all." The old man chuckled at the two.

"Need me to escort these two to the office for questioning sir?" The upperclassman boy questioned.

"We not skipping, I just can not find my class schedule." Jason answered.

"We not a couple either!" Skye exclaimed, high kicking Jason as she turned red. He ducked her high kick.

"Sure sure, excuses of freshies every year." Clock Tower replied.

"Then where is your schedule at then?" The discipline boy questioned Jason.

"Must be still my dorm room..." Jason replied.

"Show me then." The discipline boy said, canking an eye at Jason.


Jason and Skye's schedule went like this:

1st Period(Jason): Survival

1st Period(Skye): Akira's Special

2nd Period(both): Magical Arts


3rd Period(both): mathematics

4th Period(both): Dragonight Training

"Finally made it, hopefully Skye be alright with Akira.." Jason said as he knock on the survival class door.

"Weapons down, we have a guest, come on in, come on in." A replied came from inside the classroom. Jason open the door and was greeted by a rapier to the throat.

"Another inexcusable tardy and your head be mine understood young man?" The teacher warn.

"I don't know bout you having my head but I promise not be late again.." Jason replied. A round of chuckling sounded in the background. The teacher instantly shut that down though.

"Good, now come in and you be sitted at the back. You be exempt from today's class. Zero make up credit." The teacher said, pointing with her rapier.

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