
Dragonball Z: Becoming the brother of Goku

After purchasing Dragon Balls online for $30 and making a wish, he unexpectedly finds himself transported to the world of Dragon Ball! However, his fate takes a tragic turn as he becomes the overlooked and often forgotten brother of a legendary hero: Raditz! But who's to say that Raditz cannot surpass everyone else? Possessing the hair of a Super Saiyan III, he has nothing to fear and everything to gain! __________ If any of you want to support me and read chapters ahead go to my patreon. patreon.com/Blaze987

Blaze987 · Anime & Comics
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97 Chs

Chapter 52: Raditz Heavily Injured!

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Walking through the vast flow of information, Raditz had a feeling of traversing the universe. It reminded him of the awe he felt when he first traveled into space on a spacecraft, facing the unknown and the vast expanse of the starry sky.

The interior memory of the Bondlers chip was equally expansive.

Raditz's mental strength moved swiftly within it, diving deeper into the hidden information base, seeking to uncover more truths.

The so-called evolution chip was actually a weapon. The original inhabitants of Tumat Stars had intended to use this chip to create war weapons similar to humans. However, they discovered additional functions of Bondlers and decided to put it into production.

With the immense absorption and evolutionary powers of Bondlers, the mighty Tumat Stars invaded several planets. They created a multitude of mechanical metal armies and sold these weapons to other galaxies, expanding their power through arms trafficking and colonization.

Some planets resisted trading with Tumat and faced devastating attacks from Bondlers. Eventually, they were destroyed and forced to become dependent territories of Tumat.

As their expansion continued, Bondlers instinct for autonomy began to emerge. It gradually gained control over the planets, transforming them into metallic structures. The Tumat Stars, frightened by this development, implemented an emergency shutdown program buried deep within the chip in an attempt to destroy it.

However, the destruction of the chip had unintended consequences. The oppressed nations of the universe launched an assault on Tumat, leading to the decline of the planet. To erase all traces of their aggression and decay, the Tumat Stars attempted to rewrite history and recreate a "civilized era."

A portion of the chip's data remained intact, locked away in the depths of Tumat. It wasn't until the recent reexamination that these memory fragments were retrieved. The vast amount of data was imported into the new chip, giving rise to the current Bondlers.

This new Bondlers was essentially a replication of its predecessor, equipped with its own emergency shutdown program.

Raditz's mental powers expanded, encompassing the entire chip as he searched for the program.


Inside the planet, vibrations shook the surroundings. The doors of a secret chamber swung open, cutting off energy supply to all the cells and disabling the defense shields. Lights flickered between red and white, cracks even appeared on the walls.

Panic filled the air as the crowd cried out, sensing an impending disaster.

"What's happening?"

"It's trying to bury us here!"

"We're doomed!"

At that moment, Goku rose to his feet and his commanding voice quelled the panic. "Hey! Everyone, the doors are open, hurry and escape! We're saved!"

"Ah?" Many people snapped out of their daze as if waking from a dream, realizing they were still trapped in a room that trembled and quaked.

They saw that the doors were indeed open, but no one dared to step out first. They knew Bondlers was behind all this, and it was likely that a team of enemies awaited them outside, ready to capture them.

Vegeta, however, acted without hesitation and charged out first, followed closely by Goku, Piccolo, and others. Witnessing their bravery, the others quickly followed suit. Remaining inside meant certain death.

All the guards along the way stood still, immobilized. Their guns turned to scraps, electronic screens and surveillance systems sparked and malfunctioned. Nearly all the defense measures were rendered useless. The transport room's door stood open, providing an unobstructed path to the portal.

Goku let the captives pass through the portal first, ensuring their safety.

"It appears Raditz has left his mark. That rascal!" Vegeta clenched his teeth, still resentful of being saved because of Raditz.

"Haha, looks like it worked out in the end," Goku said with great satisfaction. "Having a brother comes in handy after all."

"Lets get out of here."

Piccolo crossed his arms, a smile playing on his lips, unable to be contained.

With a collective sense of relief, everyone turned their attention to escaping. Once all the experimental subjects had passed through the portal and reached the outside world, they noticed a large number of metal structures collapsing. The newly teleported mechs had become scrap metal. The planet's body was breaking apart, turning into fragments scattered throughout the universe.

The scale of the destruction was immense. Raditz's figure, however, was nowhere to be seen.

Explosions resounded louder and louder. The rebel army burst out of the base, expressing both astonishment and gratitude towards Goku. Vladi a women from Tumats had installed a tracking device on them prior to their departure, shielding their internal signals while providing their location.

They swiftly boarded aircrafts and raced away like a gust of wind.

"You've succeeded! Let's get out of here. Bondlers is about to be destroyed!" Vladi shouted, sweat dripping from her forehead. She noticed that the metallic planet was disintegrating, and there was no time to waste. Staying behind meant becoming nothing more than a casualty!

The aircraft landed in front of the rescued individuals. Vladi leaped off and bowed to Goku, while those behind her expressed their gratitude, their eyes filled with tears.

Reunited with their loved ones and friends, they embraced one another, cherishing the joy of a long-awaited reunion.

"Now is not the time to linger. Everyone, let's leave this place. Our spaceship is nearby. Board the aircraft and follow us!"


The reborn individuals joined the rebel army in their retreat, boarding the aircraft and making their way to the spaceship. However, Goku and the others remained behind, seemingly hesitating.

Vladi was puzzled. "What's wrong? Aren't you coming?"

"My brother is still inside."

"Is that so..."

"Mr. Raditz!" The orange-haired girl clenched her hands, praying for his safety. Tears streamed down her face, like a gentle river born from an icy lake.

Suddenly, the planet, now increasingly fragmented, erupted in a deafening explosion. Fire engulfed the surface, and molten metal flowed like magma.

Amidst the flames, Raditz slowly emerged, his hair disheveled, his face pale, his body battered and bloodied. Struggling, he finally broke free from the inferno and collapsed onto the ground, his last bit of strength expended.


Raditz, lying on the ground, his face ashen, was supported by the orange-haired girl. Her hand pressed against his white thigh, feeling its softness and warmth. Overjoyed, she exclaimed, "You're alive... You're alive..."


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