
Chapter 18 The Temple Of Neo

A year had soon passed. On the spaceship you could find 2 people sparring under 200x gravity. They were punching a kicking each other but soon Yuudai had the upper hand as he shot Luna away with a close range ki blast.

"Whew! Well after this I am going to use instant transmission." Yuudai said as he went to the scanner to check his power level. "Your power level is 2mil!" The machine said as Yuudai stepped off and Luna stepped on.

"Your power level is 1.9mil!" The machine said as Luna jumped in joy saying "One day I'll catch up with you."

'God it might actually be in a day. At first I thought she was just abnormal but her training speed was ridiculous.' Yuudai thought as he grabbed onto Luna and used Instant Transmission.

"PZZP!" The spaceship disappeared along with Yuudai and Luna leaving an empty void where they once were.

Soon they arrived on planet Zardita and Yuudai immediately pulled Luna out of the spaceship as he put it into a capsule.

Zardita looked like a sandy wasteland. There were tons of hills made out of sand and in the distance one could see an old grey temple with a golden statue in the middle. "That must be the Temple Of Neo." Yuudai said as he walked towards it.

"I still don't understand why you want to come here so much. You said there was a manual here right?" Luna asked as they continued to walk. "You wouldn't understand with your terrifying training speed." Yuudai said as they walked along the sand.

Once they arrived something weird happened. Two hooded figures rushed out with spears and pointed them at Yuudai and Luna saying "HALT! This is the Temple Of Neo. No unauthorised access is allowed."

"Then how do we gain access?" Yuudai asked as he gauged their ki level. He gulped down hard when he noticed they were at least as strong as 1st form Freeza.

"To gain access you must fight the Temple Defenders. Once you defeat them you may have access to the Temple. But be warned, the Temple Defenders are much stronger than us." One guard said.

"So where do we fight them?" Yuudai asked. "Come with us." The guards said as he took them next to the golden statue.

"If you touch this the trial will begin." One of the guards said. Without thinking much Yuudai touched the golden statue. It lighted up and soon 4 hooded figures came from different directions.

"We are the Temple Defenders! Who wants to do the trial?" One of them asked. "I do." Yuudai said. "OH ME TOO!" Luna said quickly.

"Well then you can pick 2 of us to fight each. Once you have defeated us you may enter the temple." They said. Soon Luna picked 2 of them and Yuudai was left with the remaining 2.

Once they were chosen they took of their hoods. Yuudai looked at all of them. His opponnents were an old man with a cane and a shell and a man with white and black striped hair with sharp nails and a tiger tail.

Luna's opponents were a man with 2 antlers and sky blue hair and a woman with scarlet red hair and a pair of wings on her back.

"I see the 4 cardinal beasts." Yuudai muttered as he asked "So do I fight you both at the same time or one at a time?"

"You choose!" The oldman said. "Then I'll fight one at a time. Before we begin may I ask your names though? I am Yuudai." Yuudai said as he bowed and cupped his hands.

"I am Kurogame." The old man said as the white and black haired boy interjected saying "And I am Shiro Tora."

"Then I'll fight Mr Kurogame first." Yuudai said as he got ready to fight. "Then we shall begin. You may make the first move." Kurogame said as he got into position.

Hearing that Yuudai collected ki in his right palm as he prepared instant transmission. In a split second Yuudai was behind Kurogame and was plunging his ki into Kurogame when suddenly Yuudai's ki was dispersed by Kurogame.

In response to that Yuudai dragged his right leg up as he went in to kick Kurogame but he just wacked Yuudai on the ass instead. "Damn that hurts!" Yuudai said as he staggered back a bit.

Kurogame didn't attack him though he just stood there. So Yuudai devised a plan. Using telekinesis he started moving the ground under Kurogame bit by bit. Till suddenly the ground under Kurogame collapsed and Kurogame started falling as he was caught of guard.

In that moment Yuudai rushed in and sucker punched Kurogame right in the face. He was sent flying and Yuudai intercepted him from behind and shouted "RASENGAN KAMEHAMEHAAAAAAAA!" As the ki twirled and compressed in his hands it shot out with all it's might.


Kurogame was shot back 10s of kilometres away as he kept hitting the ground. Yuudai soon caught up though and drop kicked Kurogame into the ground.

Kurogame got up before saying "You've won Yuudai!" After that he rushed off into another direction. 'What an interesting old man.' Yuudai thought before heading back.

"Man you beat old man Kurogame. He probably rushed off to go scout and protect just in case. Now your next opponent is me!" Shiro Tora said while getting into a fighting position.

Yuudai did the same as he said "Shall we begin?" "We shall!" Shiro Tora said as he rushed straight at Yuudai.

In response Yuudai blocked his punch but Yuudai felt as if he was hit right in the stomach. Yuudai was put on the defensive as Shiro Tora kept assaulting him.

Luckily though Yuudai managed to find an opening. While Shiro Tora was punching Yuudai grabbed his arm and flipped him over.

As he lost hi balance Yuudai punched him the gut sending him flying into the sky. Once he started descending Yuudai shot a ton of ki blasts that kept hitting him on his back sending him hurdling to the ground faster and faster.

Yuudai punched him in the face just before he hit the cold hard sand. After that Shiro Tora got up and said "Your win Yuudai. You have now gained access to the Temple Of Neo!"

As soon as he finished saying that Shiro Tora ran off.

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