

Once Yuudai reached the Elder he said "I killed the Mumanaga it basically evaporated under my attack but this survived." while holding up the black scale. The Elder's eyes widened but not for the reason Yuudai thought.

"Y-O-O-OU FOUND IT! HAHAHA YOU FOUND IT! FINALLY US YARDRATIANS CAN TRULY LIVE!" The Elder said as he rushed towards Yuudai to grab the scale. "What is this?" Yuudai asked while moving back his hand.

"Oh sorry I lost myself for a moment. That black "scale" is actually a piece of our Yardrat totem. With it us Yardratian can finally evolve back into Tue Yardratians. You see a long time ago us Yardrats were actually different and much more powerful but then a war began and due to lack of nutrition and us losing our old ways we devolved into what we are now. Luckily enough though the last True Yardratian was a genius and left behind the Yardrat totem as a means for us future generations to evolve back into our former state. Again though someone else attacked and shattered the totem. Since then we've found all but one piece by using instant transmission, the one in your hand is all we need." The Elder said as he calmed himself down.

"Okay there must be some reward though right for getting you extra?" Yuudai said as he glanced at the piece of the totem. "Indeed the reward is a liquid called True Divine Water. If taken you will have a dramatic increase in potential if after you were to ingest more Divine Waters there would be even stronger effects." The Elder said as he took out some water.

Yuudai took the water and said "Well I hope you're not poisoning me but if this is real then I shall be indebted to Yardrat." Yuudai clasped his fists and bowed as he gave the totem piece to the Yardrat Elder and went to his spaceship while saying "I'll be drinking the water and then I'll come back to learn Instant Transmission."

"Okay see you then." The Elder said as he could keep in his excitement. He rushed to the centre of the Yardratian village as he struck the gathering gong. Once everyone appeared he said "Fellow Yardrats we shall finally become TRUE YARDRATIAN WE HAVE FOUND THE LAST TOTEM PIECE!"

There was a massive uproar amongst the Yardratians they were all extremely excited. As the Elder placed the last totem piece something strange happened. The totem started shining in bright white light as it rose into the air and smashed onto the ground.

Soon a holographic face appeared in the air. It was a round blue head with 2 small dark blue protrusions. The face had pupils for eyes two small nostrils and a big mouth with thick lips. "Future Yardratian I give this as a guide to you to show you how to become a True Yardratian. Find the essence of Ohr and the pollen of an Euar fruit and mix them together then send it into the atmosphere of Yardrat and you shall all become a True Yardratian." The holograph said before it disappeared into nothingness.

In the spaceship though Yuudai drank the True Divine Water while thinking 'I didn't go for the Ultra Divine Water as it's presumably poisonous to humans but if this water works it will probably give me a sort of resistance to the Ultra Divine Water so I'll go back to Earth acquire it and leave something else for Goku so he can kill King Piccolo.'

Soon Yuudai was rithing on the ground in pain, little did he know that this one choice had changed the future indefinitely.

Title: True Divine Water!

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