
A Suspicious Mail

Zhou Yuan from a young age could be called different from his peers. Whether it be sports or academics he was unnaturally talented, yet he put no real effort in either. He could often be found sleeping, watching anime, or reading light novels which were his favorite activities.

Even though he slept in class he always got perfect grades shocking his peers and peers alike. Why you may ask? Because he had a IQ of 250. Photographic memory/eidetic memory he had it all with god like perception and reaction speeds to match it.

Sports such as kendo were a walk in park as all the opponents were instantly seen through like they were in slow motion. This coupled with his highly intelligent calculating mind made this too easy as he was. To be honest Zhou Yuan never really close with his parents. They often paraded around bragging about their prodigious son while he never wanted any attention. with his overpowered memory Zhou Yuan already memorized many subjects to college level along with learning many other languages such as English and Mandarin by he was twelve already. He also read many books about the medicine book, Cooking books, and books about many different Occupations. BY this point he never study any point he knew it already.

Zhou Yuan filled his boredom by pursuing many different hobbies. After he discovered anime and light novels he consumed endless amount of both as he was entranced by the fantasy world inside, from there his interest was peaked so he requested his parents to learn martial arts. His father approved of idea as his son rarely took an interest in anything and although he was athletic he never did anything with it besides his time with kendo which he soon quit it afterwards.

His parents hired aswin retawet an exspecial forces american solder for his tranning,a45 year old ex speacial forces american who lived had served in iraq and afganistan. He was gresly man with his towering 6'2 frame covered in scars. Coming back to his life from the war he had returned to japan where his mother side came from as he spoke both japanese and english fluently.

he is well reputable as bodyguard and self defence instructor to more often wealthy patrones. Although not considered rich, his parents were well off from their buisness, and their love from their son convinced them to pay out the hefty sum to hire one of the best of the best to their son.

Over the past few weeks Zhou Yuan learned along many differnet technique from aswin. They were often simple yet deadly with no unnecessary moves. Aswin and he often sparred as was taught knife skills and self defence moves such as defending yourself from armed attackers barehanded. He researched many different martial arts as he experimented with different techniques he found.

He also trained in knife throwing and could soon hit targets very consistenly within a 20 meter range. Suprisunly enough he also picked up Archery his natural talent combined with his perception quickly made him a deadly force. Not only that he also picked up swords and sniping as he trained.

His talent and perceotion shocked aswin as although his skills were unrefined and slow at the beginning, he improved at a monstrous rate, His reaction speed was equally shocking as with no formal training he could dodge many of his advenced techniques by hair's breadth limmiting any unneccessary movement striking back with a ferocity astoning the tough vet as he had to put more and more effort to hoid Itachi back as he improved.

Soon picking up different fighting techniques he could give aswin run for his money his 5'9 150 pound frame produicing a shocking force for a 12 year old and aswin knew that this kid had the potential to become one of the best fighters in the world if he continued on this course.

The previously lazy kid soon trained almost everyday with his strict regiment of 100 pushups,100 sit-ups,100 squats, and a 10 km run as he studied multiple martial arts such as karate, mixed martial arts, jujutsu, muay thai, takewondo, judo, boxing, kung fu, aikido, kick-boxing, ninjutsu, kendo etc.

he continued his hobbies of anime and light novels in his spare time and 2 year quickly passed as he finished up highschool preparing to move to college.

his life went like past bored and lazy without light novel, games and anime Today was same for him ,just as always he was bored today playing game all day long and he got an suspicious mail.

saying it 'if you want to reborn in dragon prince yuan as which character will reborn ?'

'Zhou Yuan'

What blessing would you get ?

'Taotai blessing and Sacred Dragon Blessing'

What talent would you get as a price for forgetting some part of future events.

'Copy talent'

After answering this questions suddenly his computer exploded. and it ended up with Zhou yuan cursing for it.

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