4 #4 Oh crap

Clarissa " That was intense, And yes that was our Mother.

Clarissa stepped up to everyone and presented them with a bracelet.

Clarissa " No one is to speak to anyone about what happened here today".

"Revelation of Aric by anyone is under a Royal proclamation of DEATH ".

"This is the first time today that even ARIC has found out what his mother truly is".

"I was forbidden to reveal anything at all about Aric or our family".

"Now continuing on, Your bracelets".

"Place your bracelets on your left wrist and place your right hand over them and send your Domain energy into them".

"You will feel a slight itching for a few seconds ".

" That's just the nanotechnology coursing through your bodies ".

"You will no longer age when you're in any space time Domain".

"Your bracelets are pretty much infinite storage and I've Classified everything in them, they're unique and personal to you and only you".

"Saying as such Jasmine some of the thing in Arics ring would actually blow up your Daggers".

"So be very, very careful in assimilating anything in Arics storage".

"Everything in your rings if you're diligent will help you for many Realms to come".

" Everyone now take out item #1 And cultivate it".

We all sit on the floor in our respective circles and swallow a small pill.

Suddenly it feels like our bodies are getting ripped apart and put back together again.

Clarissa your bodies are now changing to bring you all to the peak your bodies, minds , souls and spirits can handle at your Realms.

"You will feel much better soon".

"I need everyone to bring up your Domains to their peaks, as much as you can stand and hold it for a count of 10 minimum".

"If your brain doesn't feel like it's being shredded your not giving enough".

"Congratulations you've just solidified your Domains".

" Now the fun begins, during the tournament in a few months you first years with be expected to take all 6 top spots.

"Your powers and abilities whether guessed or known will become an issue ".

"Because of your strength whether you like it or not will have political ramifications".

"You kids must not only show that you are the Elites, you must also show that you are loyal to a fault".

" Currently you must show your unquestionabley loyal to the King and Kingdom".

"From today forward you must not go anywhere alone".

The King knows everything that Karina took from his Vault and has given them into your care".

"This is an itemized receipt From the King".

Clarissa hands Shawna a scroll.

"Shawna you are tasked with noting down who has what and when it was given".

"This is to protect your Master ".

Shawna mind scans the scroll and hand it back.

Shawna "Done".

Shawna gives the scroll back and says nothing more.

" You are the strongest children in the University but not the most experienced".

" That could be your downfall it you become stagnant".

"I'm now finished".

"Go back to your rooms and take your second and third pills the wash and sleep well, school starts tomorrow".

Breakfast is normal with Shawna setting our table and being ready for us.

I don't know what food Shawna stores away for us and herself and don't really care.

Shawna takes care of us and that's all I'm seeing or caring about.

Shannon is now getting more hardcore with our studies.

We have to use control of our magic to the tiniest fraction of power.

Jeoff has us pair up and practice against our other classmates.

Apparently 2 other schools will be participating in out Tournament and Our school wants us to win, no matter what.

When asked about death, Jeoff plainly said " Its all the parents fault for not having better offspring ".

"Remember this students".

"Your death is on you and you only ".

" Now line up in pairs".

Yeah Yuki and I are paired up.

No surprise there.

I let Yuki handle the Domain since I can handle being in hers.

For some reason her Domain doesn't affect me.

from now on every night our 7 will be practicing our Domains and an hour each and full power for as long as it can be held.

"North facing students defend South facing attack" Go.

It continues like this every day.

the following week we officially chose our partners.

Shawna being a slave to a student doesn't get a partner and is not part of our classes or Tournament.

After Finals the Tournament begins.

First rounds are arranged as 6 couples in each circle.

Knock out all of the couples out of the ring, incapacitate them or get them to give up.

Those who Yuki doesn't or can't freeze I stop and dimension door them out of the ring.

After 5 days with multiple Arenas running 100 circles 5k teams have been eliminated.

now we have triple matches 3 teams to bring us down to the top 100 teams.

Our friends are also still going strong.

soon we're down to 2 on 2 matches. we have to beat everyone in our 10 team set up to make the top 50 then the same to reach the top 10.

some of us will eventually fight each other.

hopefully the single loss will get is all into the top 10.

soon all of our friends conceded defeat rather than fight is.

this actually got so monotonous that we didn't bother remembering our fights. Yuki and I during these battles actually laid my space Domain under her Ice which made everyone stop dead upon entering our combined Domains.

50m across in a dome that even time stopped every attack.

Yuki and I woke every contest immediately. those that Yuki couldn't freeze ended up getting teleported to the VIP seats.

krish and Jasmine conceded a match to me and Yuki.

Rolls and Juana conceded to Krish and Jasmine.

After 7 days we all took the top 3 team spots.

Then the top 10 teams fought one one one against the other individuals.

Jasmine has a jungle Domain and makes poisonous flowers grow and incapacitate everyone and has plants that while incapacitated suck out your Cultivation.

Krish makes a void Realm that instantly sucks all strength and power of mind, body, soul and spirit from his opponents and absorbed it into himself.

Krish and Jasmine with their combined Realms actually leveled up 3 layers.

Rolls makes a magical void Domain which is turning into an eventual energy Void Domain.

Juana feeds on mental energy and leaves people comatose instantly.

People that aren't nice to Juana end up in endless nightmares in a Comatose state until they die or Juana releases them.

one particular individual kept making horse face comments he now has cursed nightmares every night.

one of Jasmines mean opponents will never get his manhood to rise again.

Jasmine and Juanas nice and polite opponents slept in bliss and contentment.

Yuki freezes her opponents and then her new ice sculptures move themselves out of bounds.

one particularly vile beast tamer decided to try to intimidate Yuki by describing how his pets were going to violate her.

His ice statue accidently shattered.

one of my more persistent challengers kept trying to run at me, Yeah I had him running and bouncing off the Arena walls until the judge called the fight.

we all paced top 6.

At our age group we are the now officially the strongest under 25 year olds in this Realm.

well 18 to 20.

We do get invites to the Palace and of course accepted.

We all during our awards ceremony pledge ourselves to the Exclusive Kings service as needed or wanted.

In private we also offered to return everything the Shawna was guarding. King Meshi the XXXIII " I have no knowledge of what you speak and if I did I would answer the same".

"Enjoy your evening".

"You've done my University Proud and I couldn't be happier".

"Aric a word of warning Shawnas family is actually under a Royal Death Sentence if they are ever freed from their Slavery in this Realm".

"For your achievements I will declare now that any future offspring of their line will now be born free".

"You kids go have fun and fill yourselves with food and drinks".

We made the rounds of Headmaster, Teachers, Clarissa etc.

Clarissa " lil brother you never cease to surprise ".

"Now the 6 of you also need to combine your Domains".

Everyone's parents were also here and we got greetings from them and praises for our hard work.

the Mothers of Jasmine and Krish were practically setting a Spring wedding date till Headmaster Jesshu stepped in and mentioned that the kids still had at least one more year till graduation.

Auntie Haj stepped up "I am the High Priestess of the Ancient Pharoahs and I would be more than happy to perform the ceremony if wanted ".

Jesshu " Didn't it yake you twice to do the entombing ceremony for the last Pharoah?".

Haj" That's ony because his mother pulled him out of the Royal cesspool before I could complete the first attempt".

Jesshu "Well he was only 8 years old at that time, just a little premature don't you think ?".

After the laughter died down we continued our rounds.

Jesshu and Juanas parents had met before and while not as forward as Krish and Jasmines family they also agreed that they made a remarkable couple.

It was only after Clarissa told Yukis mother that I was her brother that she finally gave me permission to continue with her daughters training.

We were invited to stay the night at the Palace and had a late night private meeting with King Meshi in his Private Quarters.

When asked about our future plans.

Rolls " Our families and our partners families are getting along better then in generations so I am going to try to get preferred trading status between all of us".

" With better and more trading between our tribes we should see the improvement of items and more taxes through the trading into my King and Kingdoms coffers".

Meshi " If you were a politician I would say your piling it up too much but I'll take it this time as youthful exuberance".

Rolls " My apologies my King Maybe I am being too hopeful but I would still like to see how much of of a foundation that I can accomplish with your permission of course".

Meshi " And you have it".

"Still being children don't forget to have fun before you get swamped in politics".

"Yes sire".

Meshi "Talking with Clarissa here I know that possibly 2 of you will be leaving to higher Realms?".

Yuki " Majesty Aric and I at this time are the only ones of us committed to attaining journeys to higher Realms ".

Rolls:" Our 4 families along with the Ona tribe will be the ones trying to establish a trading confederation".

Rolls Will be trying to get the Litchs and the Pharoahs descendants, Juana the Nightmares and Phantasm Demons

Krish is for the Dulahan and demonic Knights Jasmine the Naga. Yuki the Snow People.

Krish " We all of course have to finish at Baa'al University first Sire but we'll be doing our best to set a good foundation so at least we won't leave with a diploma and penniless".

Meshi " It sounds like my University and your parents are raising good, strong and intelligent children".

Jasmine "We're doing our best to do our families proud, Majesty".

Meshi "The only possible down side to your victory in the tournament is the fact that the tournament is only held every 3 years and as freshmen winning it you won't have to try it again.

"next year you can fade into championship obscurity if you wish and settle in on your studies".

Me " that's actually part of a good plan for us".

Yuki " Although we done a to get a lot stronger Majesty".

"In order to move to the next Realms we need Strength Sire ".

Meshi " I thought you weren't going?".

Jasmine " We're not at this time going Sire, however we do want the abilities should we need".

King Meshi agreed then we got the kicker.

Meshi " I actually want you all to get stronger".

When you all graduate I'm wanting you all except for Aric and Yuki to work for me".

Rolls " in what context Sire"

we have several Rifts leading to other Realms and you 4 among a few others will be out rift exploration team".

"Do whatever you can to raise your levels and you fighting abilities ".

"While you create your trading company you will explore several new Realms for future trade with our Realm".

Juana " So Traders, Spies or what Sire?'.

Meshi "That and more".

" Starting this next Semester you 4 will be the Exclusive "at the" moment students of a New Professor at Baa'al University".

"You other 2 could probably stand to also take the new classes".

" Espionage 101", Or officially "Advanced Cross Cultural Affairs".

Krish " If I could your Majesty as a question?".

"Continue Krish".

" Are we going to be officially government spies or more like Independently Contractors?".

"I would say Closer to independent Contractors but Official Trade Ambassadors".

Jasmine " That actually sounds kinda fun".

Rolls "A question Majesty, Who would we be reporting to?".

Meshi "the most part ultimately me"

" I will have for you a full briefing beforehand and I will have a full set of personnel files of all your staff and laborers etc".

"You Rolls will be in overall charge of your Task Force ".

Rolls " Yess Sire".

" Sire I'm guessing we will be getting Skills and cultivation resources for our training?".

Meshi " It Will start on your first day of class and at the beginning of every month to have distributed among your class top class skills and cultivation aids".

"Plus depending upon your skills and abilities when you graduate you will be given possibly more aid".

Rolls " Thank you Sire".

"We will be yours to command Sire".

We finish up our late night snacks with the King and go to our rooms.

After my girls try to wear me out I wake in the morning with looking down at tops of 2 heads resting on my chest.

My fiance and my slave sleeping peacefully.

Yuki made half Tyrant early this morning.

When the girls woke up we all got up to take a bath and get cleaned up for the day.

while we were getting dressed a knock at the door and a voice announced breakfast in 15 minutes.

with a 5 minute walk to the Kings Dinning room we got finished and set out.

All 7of us including Clarissa arrived before The King as Etiquette required.

While Yuki and I are still dressing Shawna rushed to the kitchen to help.

So it was no big deal when the King noticed Shawna serving breakfast and taking a normal stance against a wall behind me in readiness to any desire I may have.

When breakfast ends The King bids us farewell and departs.

With Breakfast over we get ready to also depart and make the rounds of our families territories.
