
Dragon Demon Lord

The pl

EvilGodZ · Games
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37 Chs

End Of Valor

After weeks of trying all sorts of torturing methods, Terasia finally gave up.

'This boy, he's really a monster…'

"Bitch, are you done? Don't you know it's useless and a waste of time to try to kill me?" [Sol]

"Almost done! There's still one more." [Terasia]

"One more?" Sol sighed.

It was at this moment, Luna looked at the prison guards and without saying anything, the prison guards nodded their heads, as if they knew what Terasia wanted them to do.

A few minutes later, the prison guards brought someone that Sol knew, and it was Valor.

When Sol saw Valor, he was furious.

"You bastard! How dare you betray me and reveal to them my whereabouts!"

"I'm truly sorry…" Valor said in a weak voice.

"I think there's a misunderstanding here," Terasia said, "Actually, he didn't betray you, we just knew where you were because we had someone spying on you the entire time and you didn't even notice it."

Hearing that, Sol instantly felt guilty for jumping straight to conclusion.

At the same time, seeing how skinny Valor's body was, that made Sol worried.

"What have you guys done to Valor? Why is he so skinny?"

"It's all my fault, don't blame them." [Valor]

"Your fault? What do you mean?" [Sol]

"Because I chose to follow a human, that alone is a massive crime against the demon rules, so that's why I'm getting punished for it."

"Hey Terasia, can I ask you for a favor?" [Sol]

"What is it?" [Terasia]

"Let Valor go, he has done nothing wrong. He only chose to follow me because I threatened him, so it's not his fault."

"You threatened him?" [Terasia]

"Yes, he didn't have a choice because if he refused to follow me, I would've killed him back then. So technically speaking, it's not betrayal if I was the one who forced him to do it."

Out of nowhere, Terasia started laughing out loud.

"What's so funny?? Why are you laughing…?" [Sol]

Unexpectedly, another familiar face entered the room and it was Ingrid.

Seeing Ingrid, Sol immediately had a bad feeling about it.

"Looks like everything is going as planned." [Ingrid]

"Hahaha! Yeah, this boy thought nothing worked on him, but too bad, little does he know he's about to experience something even worse." [Terasia]

"Going as planned? What the hell are you guys talking about??" [Sol]

"You'll know it soon," Ingrid said and after that, she looked at the prison guards and without saying a word, the prison guards already knew what to do.

Following the plan, one of the prison guards took his sword and without mercy, he cut off Valor's head.

"Noooo…!" This was Valor's last word because he passed out and died.

The moment Valor's head was sliced off, it fell onto the ground and slowly rolled it way to where Sol was.

During this moment, Sol wanted to speak, but he couldn't because he was so shocked about what had just happened. Everything happened so fast and he wasn't prepared for it.

"Hahahaha! Look at him, he's not even talking."

"He's probably too shocked to react right now. Haha!"

The prison guards began laughing and mocking Sol.

"Well, serve him right! I bet he didn't thought we found a new way to torture him. Hahaha!"

Suddenly, Terasia clapped her hands and said, "Alright, everyone! It's time to leave and give this boy some time to be alone."

"Right, I bet he's gonna cry soon. Haha!"

"True, no matter how tough he is physically, losing someone he has a relationship with will still hurt no matter what."

After a while, everyone left. They knew Sol was going to grieve for losing a friend, and knowing that, it made them happy because seeing Sol suffer was their ultimate goal.

No one thought of this idea other than Ingrid herself, even Terasia didn't think of it. All this time, the mastermind behind all this was Ingrid. From the get go, she knew it was no use harming Sol physically, so that was why she focused on destroying Sol's mentally instead.

A few minutes later after everyone left, Sol raged and screamed out loud to vent out his anger and hatred.

"You fucking demons!!! I swear if I ever regain my power, I will kill every single one of you without mercy! Just you wait!! I'll make sure all of you taste eternal hell!!!"


Sol was raging nonstop to unleash his anger and this kept going until roughly two weeks later, he finally calmed down. During the time when Sol was raging so loud, the prison guards had to patrol elsewhere because they couldn't bear to hear Sol scream because it was so noisy.

Once Sol stopped raging, only then, Ingrid, Terasia and some other prison guards decided to pay him a visit. Of course, it was solely just to mock and provoke him to rage even more.

Six months later…

Together with other human prisoners, Sol was seen working as a butler serving the demons. <<

The reason he chose to work was because that was the only way he could go outside and enjoy the sunlight. However, if he chose not to work, then he would be trapped in the underground prison forever where there's no sunlight, basically mental torture due to boredom.

Originally, he started off as a manservant, but thanks to his unlimited stamina, he was promoted to be a butler. And thanks to that, he's now in charge of taking care of all the manservants.

At the moment, Sol was serving Terasia some hot green tea. As much as he hated Terasia, he didn't dare to say any vulgar words, because if he did that, then he would be punished and locked in the underground prison.

'Fuck this bitch! I can't believe I have to be her butler out of all the Elite Demons.' Sol thought.

Up until now, Sol never gave up in searching for a way to escape. Throughout these past six months, he had tried to escape many times, but unfortunately, he failed every single time.

"Would you like some sugar in your tea, master?" [Sol]

"Yes, please."

As Terasia was watching Sol putting a teaspoon of sugar into the tea, deep down in her heart, she was laughing out loud. That's because looking at Sol's facial expression, she could tell that Sol was pissed off even though he tried his best not to show it.

"Anything else?"

"Oh yes! Some milk too, please."

With that, Sol poured some milk into the tea and began stirring it with the teaspoon.

"Alright, is that it?"

"Hmm, let me think."

'Grrrrr!! This bitch! She is definitely doing it on purpose to piss me off.'

"Ah! I remember now, I would like some mango cake too."

"Very well, I'll be back with your mango cake."

5 minutes later…

The mango cake arrived.

"Here is the mango cake you ask for, enjoy."

"Oh no!"

"What is it now?!"

Sol couldn't take it anymore and began raising his voice.

Seeing Sol raise his voice, once again, Terasia was laughing out loud inside her heart.

"There's something missing in the cake."

"Yes, and what is it?!"

"Err, let me check again, oh! I remember now, it's missing the cream at the top."

"Give me that cake! I'll be right back!"

Sol took the plate of cake aggressively and left.

5 minutes later…

The mango cake arrived, but this time with cream on top.

"Here is the cream you ask for." [Sol]

"Okay, you can leave now, thanks!" [Terasia]

"Hmph!" and just like that, Sol left the room angrily.


After months of waiting, Luna couldn't take it anymore and had made up her mind to leave the dungeon even though it's risky.

Before leaving the dungeon, she made sure to conceal her power, this way it will be harder for the higher tier demons to sense her.

Once everything was all set, she then proceeded to leave the dungeon.

At the moment, standing outside the Carrot Dungeon, she was looking excited but only for a short period of time before she disappeared and quickly hid deep in the forest.

At the top of one of the tallest trees in this area, she looked around to scan her environment to make sure no one saw her. After making sure she was safe, she began thinking about her next step.

'From what I heard from Sol, he said the safe place right now for humans is the Xenon Continent. However, before that, I need to find him first to check and see how he's doing.'

With that, using one of her tracking skills, she tried to search for Sol's whereabouts. It wasn't easy but after a few hours searching, she finally found Sol's footprints.

During those days when she spent time with Sol in the dungeon, she had already memorized Sol's footprints, and thanks to that, it becomes a bit easier now.

'Based on the footprints, it seems he wasn't alone, there are a bunch of demons' footprints here as well. Hmm, this is confusing, I wonder what happened here? Did something bad happen to him?'

Luna thought while stroking her chin.

'Welp, there's only one way to find out.'

As much as she wanted to just head straight to the Xenon Contient, but she couldn't help because she was concerned for Sol's well being.

After losing so many of her friends during the war, she's no longer the type that would only save herself and ignore others.