8 The Journey Begins

After Kalmin packs his belongings in a small bag he sets off to start his adventure.(he doesn't own much of anything) His first goal is to find a place to cultivate safely.

Cennor "Remember you are still half human, so you need to eat on a regular basis."

Kalmin "I'll worry about wearing when I'm hungry" he laughs. "You know what your the closest thing I have to a parent."

Cennor "Well is that, that funny. You need to hurry up and find a place to cultivate."

Kalmin quickly found a cave high on a mountain that was covered in dense magical energy. He quickly started to climb the mountain but it was so tall that it took him 32 hours to climb to the cave. The cave was only halfway up the mountain. when he got into the cave he felt refreshed.

Kalmin "What is that smell?" starts looking around the cave "Do you smell that Cennor."

Cennor "Yes I recognize that scent. Stay back, you'll regret it if you travel any further within this cave!"

Kalmin laughing "What is it a living Dragon or something?"

Cennor "Yes as a matter of fact it is." changing topics. "You should start cultivating. You'll regret it if you miss this opportunity."

Kalmin sits down and starts to cultivate.

3 days late.

Kalmin stands up and quickly starts to read his magic books. First of all he started practicing his fire theory and lightning theory. He quickly learned both but he took a while to learn techniques for them. His first techniques he practiced was fireball and fire fist. He quickly mastered both of them. He found he was ready to explore the cave.

Kalmin "I'm gonna see if you were right that there is a Dragon here."

Cennor "You should trust me, and stop walking."

Kalmin kept walking untill he found a pit of lava.

Fefnir "Who is it that comes to my home."

Kalmin "My name is Kalmin. What is yours may I ask."

Fefnir "I'm Fefnir." shoots his head above the lava and Kalmin jumps. "What are you doing here."

Kalmin "I'm here to cultivate."

Cennor "You need to be careful around him but, you want to use that lava, it will help you cultivate your body."

Fefnir "Is their someone else here I feel a third spirit. It feels like my brother. Cennor come out of the shadows."

Kalmin "He's your brother?"

Cennor "Yes he is my brother by blood. Tell him what is going on."

Kalmin explained the entire situation to fefnir and he understood. He also requested that he could use the lava in order to train his body. Fefnir agreed to this and Kalmin quickly broke through to level 2 transendance, of the 9 layered demon god technique. Fefnir and Cennor started to communicate through telepathy.

Fefnir " You realize this childs blood is half Dragon correct?"

Cennor "Yes I have realized this that is why I have taken him as my disciple."

Fefnir "His bloodline is so special. half is Dragon but the other half is of something not human. His mother may have been a god or demon. Half of his bloodline is amplifying his magic power by 10 fold. He also has some of the purest dragons blood ever. He may be able to surpass even the almighty being if he terrains for long enough and has a good mentor.

(the almighty being was the strongest god to ever exist)

Cennor "His bloodline has yet to awake. that is why I'm training him." remembers something "Brother I'm in need of a new body as well so can you assist me with this."

Cennor teaches Kalmin a technique that allows him to cultivate a dragons body to the moist powerful levels. and Kalmin begins a long period of cultivation.
