
Chapter 2

After enjoying his time with Aika, her mouth was certainly inexperienced but her enthusiasm was commendable, Ivan went to his next class. Next would be a single class for the first years and then it would be just the wait until the end of classes since it would be the time for the club activities.

Reaching the first-year classroom Ivan waited for a bit before entering class. The students were talking animatedly until they saw him enter class.

"Hello class, my name is Ivan Evans. I am your new math teacher and am starting today. I hope we can get along well." Ivan said as he noted that this classroom was mostly only females and he could almost feel the adoration from most of these girls except for one who was distinctively avoiding looking in his direction. It was Koneko Toujo, the nekomata and Rook of Rias Gremory.

Thinking a bit further about it Ivan soon more or less realized what was the issue with her. Namely, Dragon Aura was more effective depending on a few features like how close he is, if the place is confined or not, her power level, and finally, it was more effective against targets that had dragon, serpentine or, weirdly enough, cat features. She was easily the one most affected by him considering how close she is to him now as well as her being powerful enough to sense his aura but not strong enough to resist it. That his other lures would be affecting her was certainly not helping any, or helping a lot depending on how you look at things.

Deciding not to say anything about it Ivan continued classes as normal, feeling clearly how easily explaining things was compared to his normal life. In his mind he really thought that this could only be a dream, otherwise, there is no way he could so easily teach others and they be able to actually learn it properly and without complaint.

In the end, he only took about ten minutes to explain all the contents that were assigned for the class of about two hours.

"Well class, any questions?"

No one said a word and Ivan nodded, glad to see that the class seemed to have learned it.

"Great. Now, while I can't release everyone before the bell rings, we can do something else in the meanwhile until the period ends. How about if we play a game?" Ivan said and then proceeded to try a few simple games with the students of the class before the classes ended.

Of course, throughout the games and classes he used Potpourri to give him a weak, but noticeable for those with a strong sense of smell, the smell of catnip as well as used Eromancy to increase Koneko's arousal whenever he approaches her desk or when she looks at him. Not overly much, but a bit every time. He would not directly use his Dragon Aura, since that would likely attract attention and he needed to better master it before actively using that, but even then the effect was quite big as, he could smell her arousal quite clearly. A dragon's senses were sharp and the girl was fidgeting more and more as time passes.

By the time classes ended she took a while to leave the class as she seemed to be fighting her instincts regarding if she should leave the class, or rape the teacher then and there regardless of who might see her doing so. Try to get some kitties of her own, several if at all possible!

... Ivan really was too inexperienced and did not quite understand how strong the effect he was having on others was.



+25 affection with Koneko Toujo (25/100)

+69 capture rate with Koneko Toujo (69/100)



Seeing the proof that his decision was effective Ivan thought about the list of available perks and what he had, realizing that buying the 'Normalcy' perk was likely a good thing seeing as he was quite sure that, soon enough, his classes for the first years might be accompanied by a certain Neko loli sucking his dick or fucking herself on his dick while he teaches the students. Perhaps with some other girls wanting to do the same, considering the looks he got from many of said girls.

Dispelling such fantasies for the moment, Ivan finished looking over all the papers and exercises from this and previous classes, grading them quickly in the empty classroom. After finishing he was about to go and return to the teacher's lounge when someone appeared by the door.

"Hello, Mr. Evans right?" A pretty boy with blond hair, blue eyes, and a mole just like the one Ivan had on his cheeks, said.

"That would be me, correct." Ivan said easily enough.

"Miss Rias Gremory would like to meet you, would you please follow me." The pretty boy, Kiba Yutto, said and, without much to do until the time for him to leave, he accepted and began to follow the boy.

The walk was somewhat fast, but as they moved Ivan could hear the girls whispering about a 'secret love' between him and Kiba. Ivan could even swear he could hear some questioning who was the dominant in the relationship.

Ivan almost laughed loudly at the idea of: One, him being in a relationship with Kiba just like that when he would only fuck girls or perhaps some traps (he was no prude and never truly cared much about notions created by stupid Christian priests who likely fucked little boys on the side anyway) (AN: the whole idea of the 'sin' that exists from the relationship between people of the same gender was heavily influenced by the Christian religion, just look at how things were before their rise to power and prominence); and Two, the fact some suggested that Ivan was the one being poked, which was absurd since he was not into being sodomized by anyone, ever.

Still thinking the comments amusing he couldn't help but turn to Kiba and mention.

"It seems like we are getting pretty famous now."

Kiba just showed a troubled smile and accelerated his steps, wanting to get to the old school building as soon as possible so as to escape these crazy girls. Ivan amusedly followed him, thinking that this guy is likely gay if he hasn't taken advantage of the girls after him as most any hot-blooded man would. The two stayed mostly in silence until they entered the building.

Soon after they entered a room on the second floor.

Unlike the Student Council room, the Occult Research Club was very well decorated with all sorts of 'occult' things showing all over. And yet, despite that it was quite evident that this place was not truly a club about the supernatural considering the comfy sofas and the fancy desk.

In the room was the whole Gremory peerage. Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Issei, and Asia all were in the room as Kiba directed Ivan in.

The dragon looked around, his eyes locking with Issei for a moment and Ivan could feel a draconic aura being emanated by the teenager naturally. However, the aura was much, much weaker than what Ivan could release, most likely because Issei only had his arm being that of a dragon for now and most of the draconic energy he had was not even his own to begin with but that of a sealed entity in his gear.

Comparing the two would be like comparing a shinigami grunt to a captain of the sereitei, they might be working under the same power but the scale between both was different to an obscene degree.

As for the rest, the girls were truly quite beautiful and very much in his 'strike zone'.

Rias was gorgeous and sexy to a ridiculous extent, only losing out in sex appeal slightly to Akeno who could only be called 'build for sex' with her body proportions and her overall appearance.

'Maybe I should buy those three fallen angels who died. Sure, it might raise some eyebrows, but fallen are clearly built to fuck if Akeno is any indication' Ivan thought to himself as his gaze turned to the next person.

Koneko, much like how she was in class, was trying her best to keep her cool and expressionless facade, but Ivan was sure she was still feeling the effects of his aura and lures quite intensely, if the strong smell of arousal emanating from her was anything to go by.

If he had to guess, she got out of class and went straight to masturbate before coming over.

As for Asia, Ivan admitted that she was beautiful and he would like to take her as well, but for now, he tried to avoid her since he knew that she was a natural dragon tamer and he was not fully in control over his instincts just yet. The last thing he wanted was to perhaps be 'tamed' by the little nun and be made as her servant, or worse, to become a simp for her.

Fuck, that was nightmare fuel for sure.

"Please, sit." Rias pointed to one of the couches available to which Ivan did not mind and sat down in it rather easily.

After getting comfortable Ivan looked at the redhead and spoke.

"Let me guess, you figured out I am not a regular human."

"Huh? He isn't just some ikemen bastard?" Issei, ever so smartly, said in surprise.

No one else in the room was, though. Sensing the power and more or less what race someone was is something one can easily pick up with time, but neither Issei nor Asia had any ability regarding that. Asia, as a girl, could feel the power of the Love Spot lure quite easily, even if she did not acknowledge it due to her intense love for Issei, but Issei couldn't feel that lure so he only saw the new teacher as an irritating guy that had become popular in a single day of classes.

Ivan actually looked annoyed at his words, his instincts as a dragon flaring as his pride would not be offended by a 'lesser dragon' like Issei (he was a part dragon with his left hand being that of a dragon).

Pointing at Issei he increased gravity to where the pawn was instantly pressed to the ground. The whole peerage was in shock but could not react as Ivan released a small fraction of his energy, scarring them quite a bit.

"You really have guts to call others a 'bastard' to their face like that. Do you feel so protected by your master that you can say whatever you want? Or is it that you feel that you are able to say whatever you feel like it because you have a dragon's soul locked in a fancy glove you were born with?" Increasing gravity further and causing Issei to gasp in pain, Ivan continued. "Know your place, weakling."

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" Rias said, no longer carrying about how strong Ivan was and, instead stood before Ivan. Her power of destruction expanded all around as she stood protectively over her pawn. "I will not allow you to do as you want to my peerage!"

Ivan could have pressed Issei further, but chose to let the kid go since he had no reason to mutilate the pervert just yet anyway. Besides, it wouldn't do to make everyone dislike him now since he still intended to get all the girls present and he did not want to depend on forceful bidding for this.

"I was merely teaching this dragon the pecking order and to not insult others blindly." Ivan said before giving the same smile he gave before throughout classes. "I am a teacher, after all. Instructing my pupils in how to live their lives properly is part of my duties."

Issei, being pulled from the ground by a worried Asia and Kiba, glared at Ivan who merely raised a brow at that.

Rias, seeing this, turned to Issei and spoke.



"You insulted him first, you should apologize." Rias said and, as a proper simp, Issei lowered his head and, despite the anger from the last attack, spoke.

"I am sorry for calling you 'bastard'."

"Apologies accepted. Just remember to measure your words since, next time you offend me like that, I won't be nearly as merciful." Ivan said, making Issei gulp at that.

Akeno, who was silent until that point, brought over a tea set and spoke up.

"How about some tea?"


It took about forty minutes until Ivan was able to walk away. Partially because of the questions from the Gremory Peerage, partially because Ivan made sure to use this chance to let his dragon aura be released further, while still in a limited amount, in a small space.

The results were self-evident seeing as Ivan noted how Koneko seemed even more feverish than before and, by the time he left, Ivan could also feel the scent of arousal from Akeno and Rias. Asia, surprisingly, had shown none of that and instead seemed to only have eyes for Issei throughout the time they spent there.

It was almost cute in a certain way, if not weird in Ivan's mind considering how strong his lures were. For there to be no effect, it was certainly not what Ivan would consider as normal. Perhaps he would have to forcefully take her, if things continued like that.

Regardless, Ivan managed to express a fake ass tale for Rias that he knew would not hold. However, he was unwilling, to tell the truth, considering how impossible the others would think it is, and he was also confident that they wouldn't be able to kick him out anyway.

Unless Sirzechs comes over with full power and intent to kill, they better forget about forcing him to leave against his will.

Thankfully, the energy shown before was nothing much higher than a regular High-Class dragon would have, so Rias was still not overly worried and did not inform her brother right away and instead thought about discussing with Sona about what their next actions should be regarding the new teacher. Well, that thought was part of the reason she did not directly enter into contact with the Underworld, the other reason was due to her being worried about Issei after he was so effortlessly crushed by the new teacher so easily, the idea of informing her brother about this whole incident slipping her mind.

Thinking for a bit Ivan walked around for a bit until he arrived at somewhere he felt would be a good location for him.




Looking into the dojo, Ivan could see the Kendo group waving their swords rhythmically as they trained. While these girls were mostly not as beautiful as the devils, there were still some good ones and, even discounting that, the quality of girls in this world was just far too high.

After around a minute or so of him observing, the first of them realized that he was there and stopped the training.

"Everyone, stop, stop." Murayama, the captain of the club, said, making the others stop and look confused for a moment before they all turned in his direction.

Several blushes spread across the students as Ivan went deeper into the Dojo.

"P-Professor, is there any reason you wanted to see us?" Katase, the vice-captain, questions while fidgeting a bit.

Ivan thinks for a moment before deciding on a course of action.

"I was thinking that the clubs normally have a teacher responsible for them. While I do not yet know if this is a rule for Kuoh, it wouldn't hurt for me to look at the clubs around before deciding on which club would be a good pick for me to look over." Ivan explained, making the girls look excited at the prospect of the new hot teacher being the one that would be teaching them moving forward.

Seeing this Ivan was more than a bit happy with their reactions, especially the captain and vice-captain since they were eligible to capture targets he could take. Besides, knowing a modicum of swordsmanship would likely be useful later on.

"Now, could one of you lovely ladies show me the basics for Kendo?" Ivan said, and nearly every girl was jumping at the opportunity. However, in the end, he made sure that it would be the two actual waifus of the club that would be teaching him.

The experience was rather novel and Ivan quite liked learning how to use a sword for Kendo, learning it at a very fast speed thanks to the Martial Talent perk. As for the two teenage girls, well, they might not be jumping him for now but Ivan was quite sure that it would be merely a question of time in the end anyway.


By the time the bell rang for the students to leave the school Ivan was quite glad about the results he got from the kendo club.



+25 affection with Murayama (35/100)

+ 10 capture rate with Murayama (15/100)

+ 30 affection with Katase (40/100)

+ 10 capture rate with Katase (15/100)



Such results for a single day of being around them, it would not take long for him to capture them even without putting much effort into it. The capture rate didn't go particularly high, but the affection was rising quickly and he was quite sure he could get them soon.

In other news, Ivan noted Koneko coming over during the time he was in the dojo. He let his dragon aura as normal, but the effect was stronger than before seeing as he was doing physical exercise and actually pulling up a sweat due to using gravity to pressure himself. While there was no increase in affection, there was another increase to her capture rate of around eleven points to round it up to 80.

Regardless, Ivan was now getting out of the school gates while waving to several students. Looking around it didn't take him long to see Aika reclining in the walls to the left of the school, clearly waiting for him.

Approaching her he spoke.

"Follow me if you want to finish our little actions from lunch. My place is a ten-minute walk this way."

"... Lead the way, stud." Aika said in a husky tone as she started following Ivan away, Koneko following close behind. Her following being because she actually volunteered to tail him after Rias decided someone had to keep an eye on him and she volunteered almost instantly.

Rias, due to thinking Koneko was still too young, did not realize that she was showing signs of her first heat cycle. As such she accepted Koneko's idea and thus the catgirl was following the man that, in less than a day, was turning into an obsession of hers.

Side by side, Ivan and Aika set down the road. There's no conversation on the way to his home, but, instead, an almost palpable feeling of expectation fills the space between them as they move away from the more populated streets.

It takes a short while before they arrive in a residential and not overly populated place.

"Aika, if you follow me from here on out you should know, your life will change forever, but you will certainly experience greater pleasure than what you would think to experience before." Ivan gives one last 'out' for Aika.

"... Look, I am horny as hell since we ended our little cession back there. We either fuck now, or I will go out and find some random guy with a big dick to take my virginity." Aika said with as much finesse as she could manage.

... Using so many lures on her including the fact that his cum counted as an extremely strong aphrodisiac made it where she was barely holding herself to not say 'fuck it' and try to rape Ivan right at the school gate.

"Very well then." Ivan said, taking her hand in his before moving his free hand, a portal appearing before then much to the surprise of Aika who gaped in shock at this action.

Aika stared in shock as the portal opened and, before she could say anything, Ivan pulled her along and into the portal. Koneko, was was 'hiding' a short distance away, stared with wide eyes at the portal which stayed open since Ivan did not bother to think of closing it considering that he, too, wanted to have sex already.

Aika, in shock, could only gargle some words.

"What? How? Wha-"

"You want to ask questions, or you want to do what we came here to do?" Ivan questions as he created a second portal directly to his bedroom, throwing Aika in the bed.

The glasses girl was still in shock, but her mind stopped worrying about other things as Ivan took off his shirt. She could only stare in awe for a moment before she snapped out of it, forgetting all about other details and, instead, moving to him to lock lips with him.

The kiss starts soft, but within seconds a neediness grows in both of them and it deepens rapidly. Their tongues mingle, swirling around each other as they explore each other's mouths hungrily. Ivan's hands move down to cup her tight little ass while her hands feel up Ivan's body.

Pulling the girl the kiss gets more fervent until they both are in the bed, enjoying each other's body as they continued their activity.

Ivan's dick, now fully erect, pushes against the constraints of his pants and grinds into Aika's crotch. She moans into his mouth wantonly as she rubs her crotch onto his dick. His hands, still on her butt, squeeze in response to her rubbing onto him.

She breaks the kiss, but doesn't move away much, leaving a strand of saliva connecting them as both breathe heavily, tasting each other's breath. Her face is flushed, but her eyes are clear with desire overflowing them.

After a time where they stayed in this position, she moves first, sitting up into an upright position. Ivan's eyes move down to her form, once again glad for this 'dream' as he couldn't imagine himself getting such a sexy little minx that was at the same time a nympho and a virgin. His eyes are quickly drawn to a specific part of her, though, as she starts unbuttoning her shirt. Following her lead, he does the same, and his shirt is unbuttoned by the time her shirt is off. Her bra is quite plain, a deep purple color, though quickly comes off as well, leaving a pair of modest breasts free to be seen.

Modest they may be, but they are just right to fit in one's hands with pink cute nipples that were the ideal size to squeeze between one's fingers as well as being very sensitive to the touch. Without further ado, one hand moves into the soft flesh of her right boob while Ivan's mouth finds the other. She moans softly into his ear as his lips find her nipple and start to play with it.

She moans wantonly as this continued for a while, using Sticky Fingers he identifies all her sweet spots and use this information to get her to climax two more times without even touching her pussy.

No longer being able to think straight she pulls Ivan up and kisses him again, trying to dominate the kiss but being the one being dominated instead. Ivan's tongue plundering her mouth as she could only enjoy the experience. His hands still move across her body until it finally moves to her pussy and, with a flicker to her clitoris, she explodes in orgasm.

Her vision goes white as she falls down, her figure laying prone on the bed for a moment as Ivan looked at her in triumph. It takes a little while before she moves again, this time not going for a kiss or anything, and instead goes on all fours before him, head down and ass up with her fingers spreading both her pussy lips and her ass as she speaks.

"I need you," she rasps near deliriously. "I don't care how, just take me already!"

Not wanting to keep a lady waiting, Ivan takes out his cock. Rubbing it for a moment in her pussy he can see it dripping juices, so it should be more than capable of handling his dick. Still, it wouldn't hurt to make sure so he uses 'Imbue Elasticity' in her before he dived for her virgin channel, penetrating her doggy style.

Being merciful he goes very slowly, letting her adapt to the new sensation as he rips right through her hymen and keeps on going. He takes a full minute to get all the way inside and Aika feels as if the air was pushed out of her longes when he goes all the way inside.

They stay like that for a while, Ivan letting her get used to the new sensation before he begins to move again. First slow thrusts, making her pussy get used to it bit by bit, and, slowly but surely, his movements get more and more fervent.

Soon, Ivan was pushing his whole cock over and over in Aika's little pussy, not carrying about anything anymore Ivan let his instincts guide him as he used her pigtails as reigns to pull her upper body up and keep pushing onwards. Her moans grew louder and louder as Aika experienced a series of orgasms in short sequences. Her loudest is when Ivan pushes his tip hard against her womb and releases so much cum that some drips down from her pussy despite how full it is with his dick.

Aika seems barely conscient at this point, but Ivan just spanks her in her ass cheeks making her perk up and turn to look at his smirking face. Her conscience returns as the energy granted by Dragon Thrall makes her stronger yet again.

"You better not be thinking of resting just yet. I will not let you go until I am satisfied." Ivan said and Aika gulped, realizing that this might not have been the best of ideas.

And yet, as she moved one of his hands from her pigtails to her clit and starts moving his dick again, Aika can't regret following Ivan no matter where they are going.

Outside Ivan's room, a group of people stood. They were the waifus that he bought and had arrived during the afternoon directly in his manor. All of them were sending envious gazes at the closed doors, wishing that it was them who were 'entertaining' their master right now. Regardless, they had other matters to deal with right now.

"... What we should do with this little one?" one of the waifus said as she looked down at the petite figure that they have captured.

Said captured figure was Koneko who, after deliberation, decided to enter the portal to see what exactly Ivan was hiding. As it turns out, she was far too weak to be able to resist when beings much stronger than her took action and did not hesitate in disabling her.

"Leave her there, she won't be able to move anyway and with how things are going she will be one of us by the morning even if we do nothing." Another said as they looked at Koneko who was starting to hyperventilate, the dragon aura being emanated now being leagues stronger than before and with much greater potency as Ivan was effectively doing his best in capturing someone (Aika).

The bought waifus looked at one another and simply decided to leave the cat girl to her fate, sure that before long she would be one of them.

... They were not wrong.



Hope you guys enjoyed it. I did some slight changes to the previous chapter since there were some lures and perks that would honestly be unnecessary right now, so instead, I got rid of them and went to buy up two more waifus.

Namely, Olga Discordia and Celestine, the dark elf queen and the high elf priestess of Kuroinu. I am thinking if they should be versions who don't remember their time with the Kuroinu, or those who went through that but had their mental and physical scarring healed, but their minds can still remember the pleasure and, for the lack of better words, are quite the nymphos.

For those who don't know, Mavis is a version who is the Fairy Heart, meaning she has limitless magic reserves, as well as having access to death magic and, with her having been in Fairy Tail for so long, has seen all magic of her guild members. Soul Talent is a perk that lets one quickly learn any magic they have seen before.

... Yeah, I am gonna let you guys think on that one. She being Tier 7, an Ultimate to Satan Class fighter from the get-go, might be underplaying her potential with her access to Soul Talent.

Hope to see you guys next time and any suggestions on what he could get with the 13 points he is gonna get, reaching 14 points. If it needs more points, that should be acceptable considering he can get a loan.

Next chapter