1 Land of Dragons

A country ruled by powerful dragon riders. Where Ysaac a boy of seven year of age grew and had experienced many things. Growing up all Ysaac wanted was to become a dragon rider himself. Everyday his father would see him day dreaming and would even get scolded about it. Ysaacs father was a farmer, him being the only child of the household held him responsible in helping his father with his work. His father often told him to stop making such uneccessary imagination, his father keep telling him that it would not be possible for only the chilldren of high ranking families are allowed to become dragon riders. Becoming a dragon rider is not that easy either other than having a lot of wealth does not imply that you'd become one. It is always said that the dragon chooses its master. But Ysaac kept dreaming and still hoping that 1 day he'd be able to ride a dragon of his own. 5 years past and Ysaac reached 12. This is the age where new dragon rider wanna be applies to be trained. But then again his family being not wealthy hindered his dream. One day an incident caused his father to be permanently incapable of working, many wealthy families had an interest on their land, but his father refused to sell it. Ysaac as the only son continued the work of his father and he was very good at it, thinking that this boy is only 12. His father is very proud of him. Regardless of growing up without a mother. His mother died giving birth to him and so his father had to take all the responsibility in raising him. Ysaac loves his father so much that his dream of becoming a dragon rider has been forgotten so that he'd be able to take good care of the farm and his father. Every day Ysaac would see dragon riders pass by their farm but he could not stop but feel envious of those people who became a dragon rider. Winter came and food became scarce, but with Ysaac and his father. Ysaac did not tell his father that he was storing food for the coming winter. all their crops were supposedly be sold at the market every harvest as it was ordered by his father. One night his father asked where does he get the money he used to buy the food they consume at the table, knowing that a great scarcity of food in the city is widespread news. Ysaac then smiled and arrogantly told his father that he has been storing food for a while. his father suddenly grew angry. "why did you do that!?" his father asked. which also made him angry "if i did not store enough food we would starve to death!" Ysaac answered. This scene trigered Ysaac and asked his father "I have been working a lot and I gave you all the money i have earned. Where is now? why cant we buy food from the market!? I never asked you or made a fuss about it but blaming for storing food is just so unfair!" His father was silenced and a tear dropped from the eyes of this grumpy old man. The night went silent and both of them went to bed with a pain in their heart.
