

"I'm glad to be back." She gives him a little squeeze before letting go of the hug. Skipping to her bag she pulls out a book.

"I got some things on my travels. Want to see them?" He smiles at her "I will love too." "Ok!" Smiling she goes over to her bag to pull out some things. Small tarts, shiny rocks carved as animals, and the book she pulled out before. He Looks at the book and he smiles at her and keeps looking at her book and smiles. " Wow, you went everywhere."

"Yep! I travel to a lot of places. I tried to write everything down and put some flowers I found between the pages." Violet smiles as she holds a tart for him.

"Want one?" "um… sure." "I have a strawberry and a lemon one. Which one would you like, dragon boy?" "Strawberry of course" "Ok" Violet holds out the strawberry tarts while she eats the lemon. Dragon boy started to eat the strawberry Tart. "Mmmm so good who made this?" "Oh you like?" Violet smiles as she nibbles on her tart.

"I learned how to make these on my travels but don't tell anyone ok."

"Alright i won't." he smiles at you and keeps eating the tart. He finished eating the Tart that Violet made so as Violet and he looked at her eyes. "I got a surprise for you" he said. She looked at him confused and she asked "What is it?" and he replied "it's a secret" he stands up from her bed he walks out the window and jumps down. She freaked out and he ran to the window and she saw he was alright. He raised his head up and asked her to jump down. He will catch her and she did what he said she jumps down and he catches her and puts her down. And then he transformed into his dragon form and it's the first time that Violet saw that. "Hop on" he said with a deep voice "I...I...Is it safe" she asked And dragon boy nodded his head. "O...Ok" she gets on him and he starts to flap his wings slowly and then starts to pick up speed. " Hold on," he said, "Ok," she replied.

He started to fly up and then he flew away from the Castle and she was holding on and then she saw the whole kingdom from the sky and she had a big smile because it was so Amazing.


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