
The Desert Bandit duo

Chapter 16

The Desert Bandit duo

The sun shone down brightly in the depths of the desert as I, Goku, Bulma, and Oolong walked endlessly. The evergreen plantation had stopped just an hour into the journey. And now it was some 4 hours past noon.

"I can't go on. I am gonna die!" Bulma panted. "I'm not meant to walk in the desert" while Oolong panted "I lost all my strength after that diarrhea" they both were walking with the help of the sticks.

Goku just insulted them without even meaning to "Come on! You guys are really slow. I even went out of my way to walk along with you guys" He said

"I am a city girl, you know! Don't compare me to some wild mountain boy like you" "Where are we anyway? It's all desert" She said looking at the surrounding

"Of course it is. You have to cross this desert in order to get to the Frypan Mountain" Oolong chimed in. He was right. Bulma had a good idea when she used the boat. The river went around the desert to Frypan Mountain.

"I can't take it anymore. Let's call it a day" "This is it for today" They commented simultaneously and sat down.

Goku again insulted them "How pathetic. You sure are weak" He said.

I just rolled his eyes. "Let's take a break then." Seriously, were they always this weak'? We covered barely 20 kilometers in the last 6 hours. I didn't really care about how good of a time we made through the desert. Well, I cared a little but not that much. I just cared more about meeting Yamcha and Puar and fighting them. I already tried to sense them but couldn't find them. Either they were far away or my sensing capabilities were getting rusty.

I was pretty sure it was the former case.

"Do you think there's a hotel or an inn around here somewhere?" Bulma asked. I looked at her. I rolled my eyes. Seriously was she this naïve or walking in the heat has roasted her brain.

Before I could comment on that, Oolong dashed her hopes in "Of course not" and that matter got closed right then and there.

Bulma walked over to the shade of a rock and lay down there going on a tantrum about how life is really unfair to her, how she is hungry, how she couldn't take a bath etc. etc. She even fell asleep while screaming like that.

"She doesn't have the greatest personality, does she? Talk about selfish" Oolong said.

Goku instantly chimed in "As if you are one to talk"

"I guess it's time for us to sleep too," Oolong said with a sigh totally ignoring what Goku said.

"I'm hungry. I'm going to go find some food," Goku said. I was feeling a little hungry too. We already ate Lunch in the form of the fish we caught in the morning. That was some 2 hours ago. Even Bulma and Oolong ate some of it but walking in the desert really used up quite a bit of my energy. Moreover, a single fish really couldn't fill me and Goku up fully. I was totally out of food at the moment. And finding a game in a desert is pretty tough too.

Before he moved two steps though he stopped, and turned back "Do you like pork" He asked Oolong to which he angrily replied in negative. That cracked me up. Really this proved that Goku was not very observant. Before he could say something we all heard the sound of a bike. I also spotted a dust cloud in the distance. Thank god the timeline didn't get affected. I was also able to sense him now. Judging by his KI, he was quite powerful. Not on my or even Goku's level but I would say he was a little bit more than 4/5th of Goku.

Damn just thinking of fighting against a powerful opponent other than Goku sent pleasurable shivers down my spine. Although I was a little hungry, I could still defeat him with no problem. Even Goku might be able to defeat him, unlike the canon. They would probably be evenly matched though. He could sure defeat him on a full stomach though.

"What's that?" Oolong asked quaking with fear when the dust got closer and even Oolong could see it.

"I'm not sure," I replied lying through my teeth.

In minutes the figure that caused the dust cloud developed into a man on a hover scooter. I could sense 2 being on that hover. That meant Puar was with him too. I and Goku could easily see him but Oolong was still not able to see him.

The figures drew closer before finally coming to a stop in front of us.

Yamcha stepped down off the scooter. He was a tall, handsome teenager with long hair and bangs. He was dressed in green pants and an orange shirt and carried a sword sheathed at his side. Atop his shoulder sat a small blue cat-like creature. I was always confused if he was a boy or a girl. According to manga, he was a boy but in anime, he was shown as a girl. Still now was not the time to satisfy my curiosity.

"Who are you?" I asked him already knowing the answer. Still, I asked for the propriety's sake.

"I have a bad feeling about this" Oolong commented beside me, still pretty shaken up.

"Fufu... I am the hyena whose citadel is this very wasteland, Yamcha" Yamcha said while the cat chimed in "And I am Puar"

Yamcha continued "I will hate to have hurt you boys, but if you boys want to leave here alive, give me all your money and capsules you have, and I'll let you live," He said.

Oolong recognized the cat "Puar? You are crybaby Puar, aren't you?" He said in a mocking way.

"O….Oolong" He stuttered out.

"An acquaintance, Puar? Do you know him?" Yamcha asked him

"Y…Yeah! A long time ago when I was going to the Southern transformation preschool, there was this other boy Oolong who always bullied me. He was a huge pervert who stole panties from female teachers and was eventually thrown out from the school" He said

"Pervert, Pervert I hate you" He screamed at him.

Oolong being a coward "Y…You little… You sure have a good memory and you really have to bring that up, you jerk…." He stuttered out.

Goku even commented "So you haven't changed at all"

"Bullying weak people is wrong. Well Puar," Yamcha said with a grin. "It appears the tables have turned. So hurry up and hand over your money and capsules. We might even go easier on you but you – we will pay" He said pointing to Oolong.

'Wow. Guess he was just sprouting shit considering he was trying to bully 2 little boys' I mused

"You are strong right. Real strong" Oolong asked me taking me out of my musings. I answered in the affirmative.

"Your name's Yamcha, right? We have no intention of handing our money or capsules to you" Oolong said with a smug look. "My boy, Baali here, will take out both of you. So if you don't wanna get hurt, you better hurry up and scram" He said making a shooing motion with his hand.

"Just like always," Puar said "Having someone else fight for him. Yamcha Sama, please take out that bastard" He begged Yamcha.

"Didn't you just say that bullying weak people is wrong? And, now you are bullying us to take our money and our capsules. And before you say it, you can beat Oolong. I have no problem with that" I asked him just sizing his character. I had no problem fighting him but I wanted to see what he will say.

"This is your last chance," Yamcha said ignoring my question completely. "Give me your money and you won't get hurt"

"No," I said simply already waiting for the fighting to start. Still, I didn't expect him to totally ignore my question.

"Oh! I see you really want to take a trip to heaven. Well, it's your funeral" Yamcha said taking out his sword.

"I doubt that you could even touch my hair," I said.

In the meanwhile, Oolong tried to run but I wasn't having any of it "Alright! I am leaving him for you! Get him!" He said trying to flee but I stopped in front of him

"Oh no Oolong you aren't going anywhere," I said stopping him and smirking at him already forming a plan in my mind. "If I am going to fight, you are also going to fight that little guy over there. After all, it's only justice that you get what you deserve," I said lifting him up and throwing him in front of Puar.

He literally screamed like a girl.

"Now let's fight. You could provide at least a little bit of amusement even if you are weak. Goku, don't interfere" I said knowing that calling him weak will make him angry. I ordered Goku as he wasn't in any position to fight. Moreover, I don't think he even knows why we are fighting and I was right.

"Eh, why are you fighting? Is he a bad guy?" Goku asked. I just nodded and prepared in a fighting position. I wasn't in the mood to explain this stuff to Goku.

"I'll show you, who is weak," Yamcha said charging at me. In an instant, he had his sword swinging at me.

I leaped into the air dodging the blow. An instant later I landed on the ground and rebounded. I shot back at the desert bandit planting a foot in his back. His sword was sent flying in one direction while Yamcha went flying forward across the ground but quickly rebounded himself charging back at me. The bandit began throwing kicks and punches at me as fast as he could but I easily managed to dodge or block every one of them. Minutes later we two separated.

I was a little disappointed. It was easier than spars with Goku that we usually do in the morning. After a few minutes of that, we both stopped.

"Now you're going to get it. Looks like I will be able to have some fun once in a while. It's been so long since I have fought a tough opponent" Yamcha said breathing a little hard "I'll show you my Wolf Fang Fist" He said like it was some ace technique.

"Bring it on," I said taking a defensive stance. Truthfully I was a little excited to see Wolf Fang Fist in action. My breaths were even. I haven't even broken a sweat. Knowing I could dodge his Wolf Fang Fist attack if I want, I remained focused.

"Wolf Fang Fist," Yamcha yelled as he moved his hands around in a complex motion. I could see a silhouette of a wolf in place of him just for a second, as he charged at me throwing punches and kicks at a faster speed. I could sense that his kicks and punches were a little stronger than before. On further observation, his punches appeared to be more like clawing. His hand and finger movements may be intended to mimic the biting of a wolf.

I dodged all of them already knowing that blocking his strikes would cause a little bit of pain. Still, he persisted. I had to give it to him. He was damn stubborn. Suddenly he was stopped as my fist landed in his stomach with tremendous force. The taller warrior bent down clutching his stomach finally falling to the ground.

Damn, I shouldn't have taken advantage of that opening. I wanted to see his full attack. I shrugged at that.

"It was some attack," I said. "It might have worked if you were a little bit stronger and I, a lot weaker" I praised him. Hey, I might be a bastard but I compliment where it was due. Even Goku would have a problem with it even if he was at the full stomach. Still, Goku could have eventually come out on top and, I was leagues ahead of Goku. All the training I did in the last 5 days only made me stronger.

Moreover, I think I can mimic his attack but that's for a later date.

"You'll pay for this" Yamcha said getting to his feet and panting probably due to the attack. He started running to me at tremendous speed and started using the Wolf Fang Fist again. He doesn't learn at all. I already showed him that WWF doesn't work on me. Still, he tried it again.

"I doubt that," I said taking a defensive stance.

We met in a clash of punches and kicks. This time I blocked each and every punch and kick from him. I literally threw caution to the wind not bothering to dodge any attack. Getting to fight a somewhat good opponent other than Goku sent my blood singing. In the end, he finished the attack with a double palm strike, probably to launch his opponent - me away.

I also blocked those.

He was quite surprised by that. I just smirked at motioned with my hand to come. I had always wanted to do that.

He became angry when he saw that I was taunting him. He attacked me again with Wolf Fang Fist. This time too, I blocked each one of the attacks again. It was quite fun but it was getting a little boring. Moreover, I wanted him out cold so he doesn't come tonight. Call me selfish if you will but I didn't want Bulma with him. So, I reluctantly ended the fight.

The next time he tried to sweep my legs, I jumped in the air getting to his face level, and landed a kick to his face with tremendous force. He skidded back. When he got up, I could see his jaw was swollen. His tooth had also come out. Talk about fate Huh. Sometime between our fight, Puar and Oolong had their fight too.

Oolong being a coward first tried to bribe him away with a capsule but then tried to fly away after transforming into a housefly. But Puar transformed into a Fly Swatter and struck Oolong nice.

"Dammit I thought we were classmates," Oolong said holding his head in pain to which Puar replied "That's what you get for bullying me"

Oolong being a coward tried to bribe him by giving a capsule.

Thankfully Puar didn't have time to take the capsule, as it was the same time around I took out Yamcha's tooth. Puar was immediately beside Yamcha helping him to stand up.

"C'mon let's continue our fight. It's been ages since somewhat even remotely challenged me other than Goku" I said to him. My heart really was getting all pumped up.

Puar suddenly screamed noticing his broken tooth "Ahhhhh! Y…..Yamcha-Sama, your tooth…!" He said and with that, he changed into a mirror to show him his face. Seeing his broken tooth Yamcha was certainly angry. No scratch that he was furious. "Uuuooohhh! You knocked my tooth out! What have you done to my manly face?" He screamed at me

"You will pay for this," He said pointing his finger at me, and with that, he charged at me wildly screaming at top of his lungs. He really looked like he would change into a wolf if this kept going. I ready myself in a defensive stance. I was hoping he would provide better entertainment. But as now he was just a bull charging at me wildly – it wasn't fun. Angrily charging at an opponent far stronger than you won't do shit in my opinion. Even the ground was shaking a little at the force he was running.

"What's going on? What are you being so nosy for? I can't get any sleep in this noise…Keep it down will you?" Bulma said suddenly sitting up. Yamcha stopped completely when he noticed her. Her eyes met Yamcha's and I could swear I saw hearts in both their eyes. Damn, I didn't want Bulma to see him. Now she wouldn't shut up about him. Yamcha seeing her start shaking from toe to head. His face was red too from the blushing.

"A girl" Yamcha yelled as he fell back. Puar being a faithful servant/companion was instantly beside his side.

"P...Puar… Let's temporary retreat for now" He said jumping back on his scooter and hauling his ass back to his lair with Puar. I could have defeated him when his guard was down but I didn't. I wasn't in the mood for taking him out while his mind was elsewhere. Still, he screamed to be back while running and getting the capsule. Talk about being a sore loser.

Bulma just woke up so she was pretty confused "W...What happened?" She asked

"Baali beat him up," Goku said excitedly. The next second he was holding his stomach which was growling and all of his energy vanished. Now that I think I was also feeling quite hungry.

"Guess you showed him," Oolong said to me. "But you didn't have to throw me to fight against him. What was that? Huh?" He said screaming at me, going glum in the end.

"I was just getting warmed up," I said somewhat disappointed that the fight got stopped in between. "As for throwing you away, I just felt like it," I said with a shrug. Oolong literally face-vaulted at my answer. He doesn't need to know that I dislike him and did that to take him down a peg.

"Hey, Hey, Who was that? He seemed like a good guy" Bulma said when she was a little more awake. We 3 just deadpanned. Well, Goku was really hungry so he was totally out of it.

Wanting to nip in the bud I dashed all of Bulma's hopes "Bulma that 'good guy' as you called him, was a bandit. He wanted all our money and capsules so stop being so shallow" I berated her.

She just huffed and pouted "But he looked so good," She said with literal hearts in her eyes. Damn, there goes Bulma being just vain.

'I really don't think that I can woo her now that she has seen him' I mused 'Still I can date her when they get separated' I thought. Moreover on further thinking I couldn't even date her or any girl while I was a runt. Also, I wouldn't be able to give time with all my training.

In the end, I admitted defeat and decided to try once I am tall enough and my body is a little mature.

"Speaking of capsules, Oolong do you want to say anything about that capsule of yours?" I asked Oolong

"W….Well surprise," He said laughing awkwardly.


DAY 6:

4:30 pm: Yamcha came into the picture


Power levels:

Bulma: 04

Goku: 43+; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (431)

Baali: 49.5; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (495)

Oolong, Puar: 4 (only due to transformation ability otherwise its 3)

Yamcha: 34; Wolf Fang Fist: 39 (15% increase)

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