
Escape attempts thwarted

Chapter 14

Escape attempts thwarted

After that episode, we had a new addition to our team. We were off to our journey with Oolong in tow after saying goodbye to villagers.

Just after 10 minutes journey to the southwest, we came across a river flowing between the mountain range on both sides. Its last destination was on our next stop too. Bulma got the perfect idea to travel by motorboat. And it was truly better. Although the speed of the motorboat was lower than the bike, we could cover more distance by it in less time.

The reason was pure and simple – Terrain.

We already experienced mountain terrain when we started traveling today but after the village, mountains started getting higher and higher so it was a truly good idea to travel from the boat than spend much more time climbing the mountains. According to Bulma even if the river takes us by the long route, we will reach early by it. Thankfully the current was also in the direction of our destination. So at least we didn't have to go upstream. Thank god for small mercies.

I wanted to practice instead of just sitting on the boat idle, so I swam along beside them. It was difficult to match its speed in the water but not that much I would say it was just like traveling against the bike.

And if I don't exert myself I wouldn't be able to get strong, Right?

Just after 4 days of running, I already feel a little stronger than before.

"You would get pneumonia if you swim in cold water," Bulma said trying to get me to stop, what she calls 'foolishness'. But I was stubborn and in the end, I won the argument.

"When you get ill, I am not stopping for you just remember that" She threatened me for the last time and with a huff, she started the motorboat. I would like to think that she was worried about me and was showing like this. But I knew she was one selfish bitch. She probably thought that without me, she will get vulnerable with only Goku as her back up. Oolong just sat there wide-eyed probably thinking of me as suicidal and foolish for swimming in a cold river.

But only after swimming for 4 hours, I was ready to quit. Not because I couldn't keep up with the speed (30 km per hour was the speed of the boat). The reason was that the water was just damn cold due to evening time. Still, I kept on but in the end, my speed became slow. So Bulma ordered me to get in the boat. I acquiesced knowing it wouldn't be proper for me to waste their time with my selfishness. Moreover only an hour was left before we call it a night.

When I got on board I was a little bit tittering. Only after some time did my body temperature becomes normal once again. Thankfully due to Saiyan blood, I and Goku have never gotten ill so I don't think I will get pneumonia.

In the meantime, they start talking again. While I was in the water at least I didn't have to go through this torture. I was really ready to go back in the water after listening to their voices. Damn the coldness and damn the consequences.

Still, with one ear I listened to them and remained vigilant knowing Bulma could lose her box of capsules like in canon. It would be problematic if she loses them. Not for me but for her and Oolong. But then again, if she doesn't lose them, then we wouldn't be able to meet Yamcha. I was totally confused by the canon.

What? Sue me I don't remember the exact details. In the end, I decided to wing it. But one thing was for sure I will need her to lose her vehicles so that we could travel through the desert.

Bulma was really happy as there were only 2 Dragon balls left to found out. Goku just wondered why we had to bring Oolong with us, while Oolong remarked that he too wanted to know that.

To which Bulma replied "That transformation ability of his is really something. Seems it could come in handy in our journey"

Speaking of that transformation I wondered if I would be able to learn it. Well, I can't learn it from Oolong. I don't trust him so I will have to learn it from Puar later on.

Oolong just replied angrily "I don't wanna go! Journeys are a pain in the ass"

Now Bulma really knew how to play him "It's really hot today. Maybe I'll sleep only in my underwear tonight" She said even though it was really cold or maybe it was just me.

"W...Well, it's good to go on a vacation once in a while" Oolong said with a perverted smile changing his tune 180 degrees. Oh, so that's why.

Goku being his naïve self did the pat-pat to check his gender. To which Oolong predictably got angry "What's the big idea? Why'd do you do that for? You are creeping me out" I tuned out their bickering from then knowing it would only further annoy me.

Fortunately, the sun, set, not after much time. So we had to find a clearing that could house a capsule house. I was vigilant in keeping an eye on Bulma's purse so I knew that she didn't lose it till now. I was right. It wasn't shown in canon but I had a theory that Bulma lost the box during the fiasco where Oolong tried to run away. Thankfully he didn't ask where we were going otherwise it would have been a pain in the ass to find him in such low visibility.

After tying the boat, Bulma took out the capsule house and entered it. Oolong tried to go after her but she kicked him out of the house and locked the door. So he decided to just stay with us. The bastard didn't even offer any help.

I was already fresh after swimming in the river so I didn't have to bathe. I only had that half Pterodactyl that I caught on the first day. So I took it out from the capsule and skinned the last half part. Oolong became scared seeing me carrying it. He asked why we had that to which I simply replied that we were gonna eat it. Oolong didn't annoy me much after that.

I cooked it up in no time with some spices mixed in, although it took more time to cook than wolves and the bear. It was enough for both Goku and me. I only ate half of the Pterodactyl on the 1st night as I missed the lunch.

Oolong predictably refused to eat it so Bulma gave him some of the food from her rations. I was sure that with Oolong, her rations wouldn't last that long. Moreover, I also used some of her vegetables in cooking my meals since the 2nd Day of our travel. By my estimate, her rations wouldn't last more than 1 day.

In the meanwhile, we chatted while eating dinner.

"So Bulma tell me when and where did you find that 2nd dragon ball?" I asked Bulma. Oolong was confused but thankfully didn't ask about it.

"I got it from a farmer in the north valley just 2 days before meeting you guys and 7 days after I started collecting them," She said.

"So it took her 10 days to reach us so that's why a refrigerator's worth of food was finished' I mused internally.

Seeing it was already dark and we were nearby a river so the night was quite cold. So we decided to call it a night pretty early. Oolong tried to sleep on the bed with Bulma but a slap from her on his face sent him right back beside us. That was damn hilarious.

Bulma even locked the door on my advice. Well, it was good for her to follow my advice once in a while. Still, I wouldn't trust Oolong not to do something while she was asleep. Oolong was pretty glum about it but I didn't care about his feelings one bit.

Seeing that Goku and Oolong were not tired, they started talking. While they weren't tired, I was from all the running and swimming. So I tuned them out and went back to sleep.

Sleep that night was quite satisfying.

Next Day

I woke up quite early the next day. Morning dawned bright. I could even hear birds tittering.

Goku woke up by the time I was done with my morning rituals. I did some exercise while I waited for Goku to complete his morning rituals. After 10 minutes we were going at each other like crazy. I really took it easy on him. While he battled with the Power pole, I battled with my fists.

I ended the spar when our hunger made its presence known. My hand went for the capsule but then I remembered that all of our rations were over. In the end, both Goku and I went fishing. That way we had a bath and we caught some fish too. I ordered him to catch as many fish as he can, knowing it will be hard to find any game in the desert.

Before going fishing, I also woke up Bulma and Oolong knowing if they kept sleeping we will be late. Bulma bitched about it but one reminder of Dragon ball energized her and sent her running to the washroom.

After swimming for 10 minutes all the sweat and stink we accumulated during the spar washed away. I was in my clothes like yesterday. Goku, on the other hand, was stark naked.

Unfortunately, we didn't find any fish. We came to know the reason a few minutes later. The water was infested with the piranha fish. It was why I didn't see any other aquatic animals in their territory. Obviously, when we encountered their group of about a dozen, they tried to eat us. Their size was also no laughing matter. All of them were bigger than a foot while some others were even reaching 2 feet. The largest was more than 2 feet long and appeared to be the alpha of the group.

Still, they weren't much of a threat against us. We both made short work of them. Once, we killed them, we carried them back to the camp.

I put the 4 largest fish of the bunch on the fire while I went back in the water to see if there were more piranha fish. I also ordered Goku to search with me and kill them if he encountered any of them.

There weren't. We came back and sat down. The fish were ready in 20 minutes. My clothes were also dried by then.

I didn't know if we would even stop for lunch, and knowing I would be crossing the desert, I decide to eat extra. So I put 4 more fish to cook while both Goku and I ate 2 each. It was a good thing that I did as those 4 fish didn't satisfy us.

Oolong and Bulma also came up and tasted it. Finding it good they decided to dig in so I added all of the other small fish except the smallest one. We four finished 11 fish to the bone. When we were finished nothing was left. So, in the end, I only had 1 fish left in my capsule. My supplies of spices were also getting dangerously low. By my estimate, it would be only enough for the last fish.

In half an hour we were again on the road….err water. I naturally swam beside them. After 2 hours I was getting bored so I decided to just sit back and relax for today. Moreover, I felt that Oolong will be making a run pretty soon.

Goku being impatient asked "We have come really far. This place is really far. Aren't we there yet?" He asked

"Hey! Where the hell, are we going anyway," Oolong asked. I was instantly on alert and got ready to catch him knowing he was going to make a run at the first chance he gets.

"We are still pretty far away! I'd say it'll take another 2 days until we get there" She said trying to take out a map.

"Say where the heck are you trying to go anyway?" Oolong asked

"Umm….. Let's see somewhere around Frypan Mountain is around here" She said looking at the map. I already looked at it the other day. The river actually goes around the desert to the Mountain. But if we go by the desert, we will reach quickly than the river route. The river actually separates the mountain terrain from the forest area and then the desert.

"W-WHAT?! Frypan Mountain! You are really going there" He screamed getting scared.

"You know about that place,?" Bulma asked him getting excited.

"You Guys don't? Frypan Mountain is where the s-super scary Gyumao lives" He stuttered out. (For future reference Gyumao is another name of Ox-King)

"Well don't worry, we will have Baali or Goku take care of him for us," She said waving his concerns off. Now I was proud that Bulma showed so much confidence in us but I wasn't sure that I could take him on. I sure as hell will try though. I wouldn't get that opportunity again.

"Do you have any idea how frightening he is? He is truly terrifying. He is also known as the emperor of the demons. His ax could cut through the mountains and whoever goes near gets killed" He said with a panic filling voice

Goku being carefree said it sounded fun and truthfully, a part of me was also thrilled at fighting an opponent like Ox king.

"Well, it doesn't sound like fun to me! You can count me out" With that said he changed into a fish. I was instantly on him. I even caught him but the bastard was really 'slippery'.

"Hehe! Later suckers" He said and with that, he was in the water. Now I was really angry at him.

"He never learns, does he? Now I will have to go swim and catch him. Damn my uniform just got dry" I said

Bulma stopped me and said "There's no reason to do all that in order to catch him. Just look over there for a minute" I then remember that she was going to strip and take out her panties. I wanted to see her pussy so bad. But I knew I would get a chance in the future. So I reluctantly turned in the other direction.

When I turned back, I saw Bulma tying her panties to the hook and with that, she threw the bait in the water. Oolong was also quite stupid and got caught easily. When Bulma tried to yank him out I saw her box failing from her pocket. Now I didn't want to steal her Box of capsules, but to preserve canon, I hid the box in my pouch. Hey, I wanted to preserve canon. Not waste perfectly good capsules.

Goku even remarked at what he was thinking of getting caught like this. Just to be on the safe side I threatened him before Goku could "If you try to run again, I'll make you cutlet and eat you" I said in a very serious tone. He nodded so rapidly that I feared for once that his head would fall off.

"I'll stay with you alright! But… at least give me those panties" He morosely muttered out loud.

To which Bulma gave him a candy "Here you can have candy" She said in a sweet voice. On one hand, I felt a little bad for him but the bastard totally deserved it what's coming to him.

"What's this? It's just a piece of candy!?" He said but still took it and ate it.

Bulma being devious gave him a carrot and stick approach "If you prove yourself useful to us from here on out, I'll give you the panties!" She said.

Still, Oolong was a little wary and doubtful as he said "That better be a promise"

Goku naturally being a kid asked for candy but Bulma didn't give him. Oolong thought he was given candy because he is usually popular with girls. Bastard didn't know Bulma's game here. I just silently smirked to myself at the trouble he would be getting into.

The engine also stopped just 10 minutes later. Now I only hoped that Yamcha would cross our path, otherwise it would derail the canon a bit.


DAY 5:

1:30 pm: Started the journey to Fry Pan Mountain

1:40 pm: Changed the vehicle to the Motorboat

6 pm: Stopped for the night and dinner

8 pm: Went to sleep after eating Pterodactyl

Total distance covered 210 Kilometer (80 to Aru village and 130 Km to Fry Pan Mountain)

DAY 6:

6:00 am: Baali and Goku woke up

6:30 am: Started the spar after doing morning rituals.

7 am: We disengaged from the spar. I woke up Bulma and Oolong. We both started swimming to catch some fish.

7:40 am: We ate the fish after catching and roasting them.

8 am: Started the journey

10:20 am: Oolong tried to run away


Power levels:

Bulma: 04

Goku: 43; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (430)

Baali: 49.5; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (495)

Oolong: 4 (only due to transformation ability otherwise its 3)

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