
Chapter 12

The Z Fighters then pursue Dr. Gero to his lab, but arrive too late, as he has already activated his most recent yet unstable creations, the lethal siblings Android 17 and Android 18.

Future Trunks wants to destroy them before they are activated, having already seen the damage that the two Androids' future counterparts have done in his timeline. However, much to his dismay, Vegeta says wants to fight them, as they might be a good challenge to him.

Dr. Gero knows of their inability to follow orders directly and had built an emergency Shut Down Remote to subdue the Androids whenever they become out of control. However, since the Androids are so powerful and wise, they easily snatch the remote from him.

They make their way to another one of Dr. Gero's creations, and decide to unleash this incomplete monster going by the name Android 16.

Android 20 is furious, and yells at them with increasing intensity to not activate Android 16, as its awakening might kill them all. Android 17 and Android 18 do not listen to him and Android 17 betrays and effortlessly kills Android 20.

At this point, in his Super Saiyan form, Future Trunks snaps and launches a full power Buster Cannon at the Androids, destroying the whole lab and the surrounding mountainside.

This does not faze them at all, and Android 17 and Android 18 then awaken Android 16, who states that his main purpose is to kill Goku.

Androids 16, 17, and 18 leave the site of Dr. Gero's lab in order to begin their search for Goku.

The Z Fighters concede that they will be easily overpowered by the Androids, except for Vegeta, who is eager to test his strength against them. Vegeta is confident that, being a Super Saiyan, the Androids will be no match for him.

Future Trunks warns him once again not to underestimate the Androids, demanding that they should all wait until Goku gets better before confronting them. However, Vegeta is angered by this suggestion, punching Future Trunks in the stomach.

He then takes off to find the Androids by himself. Meanwhile, the three Androids stop at a mountainside road and wait for a car to pass by so that they can steal it, in order to have some fun during their search for Goku.

Android 16 remains quiet at first, responding only when Goku is mentioned. Peculiarly, he stands like a statue at the edge of the road, observing nature and the birds.

When Vegeta arrives, Android 17 suggests that Android 16 should test out his strength against him, but 16 refuses, claiming that he will fight no one but Goku, as he was programmed to do

Vegeta: If you won't come then I'll send you back to the scrap heap.

Android 18: You talk to much let's get this over with.

Mike: Not so fast I'll be your opponent.

Android 17: And you are

Android 16: Scanning data base. No information found about him.

Mike: You want to know who I am well I am the most beautiful handsome man alive. Me name is Mike what's your name beautiful.

Android 18 just rolled her eyes and ignored me.

Mike: System show me their power levels.

[ Showing Power levels

Vegeta (SSJ) - 305,000,000

Trunks (SSJ) - 150,000,000

Android #17 - 400,000,000.

Android #18 - 350,000,000.

Piccolo - 120,000,000

Gohan - 6,000,000

Tien - 7,000,000

Krillin - 5,000,000

Yamcha - 3,000,000 ]

Android 18 and Vegeta began fighting. At first, it seems that Android 18 is no match for Vegeta, which shocks Future Trunks and the Z Fighters, but it soon becomes apparent that Android 18 is only toying with him.

However, not being one to give up, Vegeta continues to fight and get beaten, thinking that he could tire her out. It becomes evident, that these two Androids, in fact, do not tire out or run out of energy, as they were built with almost unlimited internal power sources. Eventually Android 18 ends the battle by breaking Vegeta's arm with a kick. I walk pass Vegeta and start stretching.

Mike:I guess it's time for the real fight. How about I give you a handy cap. I won't transform into Super Saiyan.

Android 18: What makes you so confident that you can -

Before she could finish her sentence I punched her face which sent her flying. Everyone was shocked at my display of power. Android 18 came back and said

Android 18: Great job you made my clothes dirty.

Mike: If it's bothering you so much why don't you remove all your clothes.

I said with a perverted face. Android 18 got mad and punched me in the face. After which she started beating me up. While I was being beat up I laughed which freaked out everyone. She end it with a kick to my gut. After a while I stopped laughing.


I kicked her into some mountains. I then started charging up my power level to around 900 million.

Android 16: Threat detected.

Trunks: How can he be this powerful

What world should I send him to.

Jacksama52creators' thoughts
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