
Reviews of Dragon ball: The legend of human


Dragon ball: The legend of human


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



I like that the MC isn't any of the DBZ characters or a Sayan, but just a human. I really hope it doesn't drop like a lot of the novels on this app. I really enjoy reading it! Give it a try, if you are a DB World fan.

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This is my first story and English is not my native language. I will try to upload constant content and improve with each chapter. I hope everyone enjoys the story. I accept ideas and suggestions for the story. If you want me to continue uploading chapters, vote with Power stone.


Reveal spoiler


(True star rating= 4.8🌟) (Cause the writing quality for me is 4🌟 and to not reduce the star rating for the new fanfic lol) A refreshing new dbz fanfic concept that give a run for your money. It have a great story line and a legit dbz way of style to get stronger as a human. Although the prologue is a bit lacking i must say,the flow of the story a bit fast but suprisingly very few mistakes in the arrangents of word here and there, it should be a fresh start for those who have seen too many saiyans reincarnations fanfic that you just feel the need for something new and juicy. And on the plus side the mc progress in a fast and steady pace (but still i feel the story a bit too fast but i know how long the story dbz was going to be so i feel you bro). So overall a fine fanfic indeed keep going author. I hope this review helped😄 readers out there. P.s. author if i may say try too slow the pace a little bit give it bits of filler about how the feels while trainings and his thoughts about something or maybe his plans in the future.😄✌️,😄✌️,😄✌️,😄✌️,😄✌️


this is starting to look like a good story in the dragon ball universe and its something else then a op show with those brolly story's or systems that become way to powerfull . this has nice hard work and training do hope the world of dragonball it self will get fleshed out some more


I really like this DBZ fan fic. I like that the MC doesn't use the dragon balls at least not yet but is working with what he has. He is training and exploring ki techniques. It is a little convenient that the first thing he tries gets the exact results that he wants but at least he kinda discussed it with Roshi before he tried it. I kinda wish he was exploring and learning different martial arts and integrating them instead of mostly relying on his previous life's style so heavily but it's not a big deal. Every once in awhile the sentence structure and word choice can be a little confusing but i can generally work out the meaning on my second read in those situations. The character interactions can be a bit stiff and awkward but it hasn't ruined anything yet. Love interest hasn't really come up so i have no idea if it's going to be harem or if romance is even going to be a thing. 18 is always the best and only choice in my opinion. I generally like Krillin though so i'm conflicted. A lot of people chose Bulma but i think Vegeta is the only one that can handle and match her b*tchiness. It's been awhile since the last update as far as i can tell. if it's not at least once a week or even once a month i can't give a ringing endorsement for stability of updates.


Dude if you wanna know how to make human stronger then read this https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Potential_Unleashed It is gohan ultimate form but i can also be obtain by human as it required to be potential awaken by supream kai to attain this form but any human can have this form you just need to find this techniqui .


nice work. i hope for more updates soon. just nice. this is filler for the 140 character minimum fghjkl;jhgfdghjklkjhgfdsasdfghjkljhgfdwsedrftgyhujk


Muito bom , o personagem pode ficar forte um pouco rápido mas é de uma forma tão fluida que parece natural , os personagens no momento podem não ser muito fortes entretanto isso é devido a própria história de DBZ logo não tá errado mas seria legal se o MC ensinasse a técnica que ele ensinou pro kurle aí ele poderia mais ou menos criar um "rival"




Love it........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Really poor grammar. Many incomplete sentences. No logical flow to the plot. Facts that might as well be hyperboles. Explains quite literally no aspects of story, assuming you know about DB. Character appearance, personality, backstory, etc. only brought up on the dime for the story’s convenience. I’m lost how stories like this keep getting voted so high, I guess a large part of the community doesn’t mind any of what I’ve stated above... somehow...


Great story of Dragon Ball. I hope it turns out well developed and with the mutation, cultivation, technology, the potential that this story can show is immense. Excluding grammar mistakes (it is possible to understand, not pleasure as it could be), it`s perfect.


Great novel................................................ ............................................................... ............................................................ ........................................................


why do the good ones stop


Reveal spoiler




yet to start, 5 stars for amazing pic //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


Great novel, I like it a lot _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_


I think this story had a lot of potential...in Dragon Ball m..the humanity is week... time to change this fact...i'm waiting for more updates !!!!!