
Wrathful (135)

'It isn't as fun as I thought it would be'

Broly waved his greatsword and erased the mid-section of a Frieza Force soldier, the bright red flames burning his body to ashes in an instant, colouring the battlefield beautifully.

"How dare you attack a-"

Broly waved his sword again, this time splitting another soldier's head before withdrawing and letting the soldier freeze, driving his leg into his chest and shattering the ice, breaking him apart.

'To hell with it then!'

Broly threw the greatsword in the air, piercing an enemy who was flying above him and suspended it with ki, concentrating on its surface.

"We have you surrounded, stand down and we'll let you live!" a Squad captain shouted, pointing his gun at Broly.

He wasn't wrong, several soldiers were positioned around him, some hovering in the air with their ki charged while others hung on the ground, those with guns at the back while those with claws stood at the front.

They didn't know who the stranger that attacked Planet 63 was but they doubted he could overwhelm every single one of them.

Broly breathed softly, recreating the state his ki was in when he entered Great Ape, slowly channelling the Legendary energy to its agitated form.

His eyes snapped open.


He let out an ear-piercing screech, the eardrums of several soldiers rupturing due to the merciless cry.

'It hurts like hell!'

Broly's eyes which were solid black before fluttered yellow, the pupils becoming bright while his hair stood up, looking like Super Saiyan but remaining glossy black.

'It appears that the sheer increase in power is much more sloppy than Super Saiyan and Legendary, the ki in your body which would have expanded due to the size of the great ape is pressing violently against your organs, causing extreme pain,' Yami said, analysing the state.


His blood vessels swelled as he groaned awkwardly, trying to stabilise the sensation but his ki was extremely slippery, evading the command of his will with foreign speed.

It wasn't necessarily damaging his body, it just felt very bad.

The squad captain panicked, unsure of what to do as Broly didn't attack but instead screamed like a lost child, thrashing from side to side while gripping his head.


Broly opened his eyes and stared at the blue sky, trying to adapt to the struggling, breathing in and out loudly. He could feel himself slipping towards transforming, the anger and pain he felt easily making him want to go all out and burst with everything he had.

"Attack!" the captain commanded, making a fatal decision.


The noise the captain made set Broly off like a bomb, his green energy bursting out of him dramatically, smashing into the line of soldiers and exploding onto them on impact.

The soldiers were unperturbed, the quality of them that were stationed on King Cold's planet seemingly higher and so they charged boldly towards Broly only to realise that the pressure around him had increased, bearing down on their bodies.


A bright green aura shot out from Broly, bypassing the soldiers and weighing down on them strongly, encasing the bodies with green and paralysing them in the middle of the air. Several of them managed to quickly jump back, firing beams with their rifles.

Broly grunted as he tried to manage himself, wanting desperately to control himself and he was somewhat successful, the strain evening out but not completely disappearing.

Broly's eyes swirled with yellow as he looked at the soldiers in the air, madness lurking beneath.

"Now I'm pissed," he said bluntly.

He condensed his aura, the field of paralysis lifted as the green energy around him thickened, becoming much more dense and powerful.

He leapt up into the air and slammed his chest into a falling soldier, a ki beam shooting from him and pushing the soldier a few miles away, his eggs thoroughly scrambled. Broly then turned, raising his foot and ramming it into the face of another soldier, crushing his skull and liquefying his brain in a long stride.

"Swarm him! Attack him all at the same time! Don't give him room to move!"

The soldiers all fearlessly dashed to Broly, years of Frieza Force programming, giving them the confidence to move without hesitation.

"Yes! All of you scumbags come to me at once! Help me save time!" Broly yelled angrily, throwing punches in all directions, his sheer speed overpowering the soldiers.

His strength and durability had palpably increased, something around ten times while his speed and manoeuvrability stayed the same.

Its still hurt like shit though.


He grunted loudly as he went full power, his aura intensifying and becoming much more oppressive, weighing down on the area around him for about 3 metres. He collected his ki again and smashed his way through the soldiers, one skull-crushing haymaker at a time.

'Why did you-'

'It's faster,' Broly replied simply, re-arranging the skull structure of a peculiar alien.

"He's slaughtering all of our men!"

"He's a monster!"

"A demon!"

Broly's eyes fluttered as he sensed 5 ki signatures that were much stronger than the cannon fodder soldiers he was facing now, their energies about 50-100 times stronger.

'It's the Ginyu Force,' Broly thought, a smile coming to his face as he remembered.

'They're not that strong though, I bet you could take them all out without ki,' Yami commented, not impressed by the group at all.

Broly stood in the middle of the battlefield, several collapsed and dismembered bodies around him. The initial army of soldiers were all slaughtered without hope of fighting back and it appeared the second batch wasn't as willing to throw their lives away, holding off on immediately attacking Broly.

Broly blinked and his greatsword moved, kebabing four soldiers in one thrust while long and sharp ice shards shot out from it, piercing the soldiers and spreading through the bodies like viruses.

Broly threw his arm forward, releasing a ki blast with near textbook form, exploding the ice sculptures he was making.


The Elemental Greatsword caught a soldier at an odd angle, erupting with fire as it slashed ankles and ruptured kneecaps, immobilising enemies. Broly hopped forward, stomping ruthlessly on their crippled bodies, snuffing out any life they had remaining, dominating them completely.

It really wasn't that hard.

'While they may not be that powerful, they should have special techniques that make them important, once I copy them, their useless to me and can meet the same fate as their comrades,' Broly thought, carving a path through the soldiers towards the Ginyu Force.

What are your guys' favourite scenes in Dragon Ball?

The DBS Broly movie scene has it for me because some guy made an edit where the sound effects are funnier


LOLRIPcreators' thoughts
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