
Tournament? (35)

Broly knocked on the door with mixed emotions.

In recent years he had been seeing less and less of Aspa and Celery. When he was younger he felt like he saw them every day but now their interactions were limited to birthdays, special occasions or passing interactions in the gym. Although they lived in the same space, it was large enough for them to almost never see each other.

"Who is it?" An irritated voice asked from inside.

"Good Afternoon, Aunty Celery"


Some rattling could be heard from inside.

Celery opened the door wearing a shirt that appeared to be 3 sizes too big.

Broly kept his eyes up as she opened the door.

"Can I come in?" Broly asked hesitantly.

"Uh?! Give us a few moments!"

The door slammed shut and Broly heard sounds of rapid footsteps and muffled shouting.

'They're like teenagers' Broly thought as he waited at their doorstep patiently.

Broly was left alone to his thoughts as various rustling occurred inside the house.

'I have a job interview to prepare for so I'll try and explain it to them quickly, I've already written up the notes on Mr Yellow 3.0 so I'll just draw up the blueprints when I get home'

"C-come in!" a voice from inside said.

Broly entered the house slowly, his eyes settling on a panicked Aspa hurriedly putting on a shirt hiding his 8 pack abs that were formerly on display. Broly pretended not to see it as he took a seat in the living room.

"Good afternoon, Broly!" Celery greeted, now wearing a pair of leggings.

"What you like something to eat?" Celery asked, her eyes flickering.

"No thank you, I actually have some news to bring you," Broly said revealing his intentions.

"Oh? What happened?" Aspa asked, chiming in out of nowhere.

"Well...bluntly put, the Tsufurians want to see us fight. A public survey was taken last week and 78% of Tsufurians believe that their technology has better fighting capabilities than we do, without the use of our Great Ape transformation. So Queen Nana decided to have us fight against a series Androids, either programmed or controlled by Tsufurians to increase our favour and popularity within the public." Broly said concisely.

"Sounds like effort," Aspa said lazily.

Broly chuckled, "It is"

"Mmmmmmmm... I don't know how I feel about that," Celery said, a small uneasiness growing within her.

"Well, you've been training hard for the last six years right? Now's the time to show off all your hard work!" Broly said cheerily, trying to excite them.

"Why do we have to prove ourselves to them though?" Aspa asked frustratedly, he didn't like the situation at all.

"Because they more or less handed you a new life," Broly said softly.

Aspa's brows furrowed.

"Well when you say it like that, I sound like-"

"An asshole," Celery interrupted.

Broly covered his mouth in shock, feigning outrage while with his expression he subtly said to Aspa "I wouldn't have that"

Aspa was about to say something, then he remembered the events that occurred a few minutes earlier. A goofy grin blossomed on his face and he remained silent, his patented smirk rearing once again.

Broly switched sides now looking at Celery, understanding the implications of Aspa's smirk which was a seamless rebuttal to Celery. Celery's face fell and she asked Broly a question.

"How long do we have until the tournament?"

"Six weeks"

A knowing smile formed on Celery's face and she walked out of the room, her enchanting hips swaying from side to side as she left. Aspa's eyes followed each movement, like a snake sizing up its prey until she left.

"I'll let myself out," Broly said quickly before Aspa could stop him.

Satisfied with the seed he planted, Broly quickly left their house.

'I'll bang out a quick set at the gym and then work on the blueprints' Broly thought, hurriedly making his way onwards. Broly had finally figured out that when he covered the surface of his body with ki he needed about 36 hours for his zenkai to finish. Broly was now in the process of milking this fact.

'I also have to pre-order the parts for Mr Yellow, meet up with Dr Limiter later and maybe I'll have time to play Superstar Fighterz.'

Broly charged his body with ki and flew high into the sky, not stopping until Tuffle City was a strange shape on the surface of the land.

'Flying is not so hard now, as long as my body has a ki supply it's just levitation and then propulsion.'

Broly cut through the air, light green ki surrounding his body as he flew over Tuffle city and saw other parts of the Planet.

'Tuffle City is only on half of the land on Planet Sythis and the rest of the area is still in the process of being explored.'

When the Tuffles first arrived on the Planet, their main priority was to prepare defences, a few centuries later and after discovering new metals their attention shifted to development and utilisation of those metals. Point being, they simply didn't have enough time to properly explore the Planet they were on. Only so much could be done in such little time.

Broly zoomed through the sky, soaking in the warm heat as a gentle breeze caressed his body. He could feel his body relaxing and closed his eyes as he drifted through space.

Not long after Broly closed in on the second island, its tall trees metres away from Broly as he cut through the air.

Broly landed down on the forest floor, his bare feet sinking into the muddy swamp-like ground that was below him. Broly leaned forward, copying a stance he had seen Celery make before, he pushed off his left foot, the sheer force knocking back a lot of the mud in the area. Broly's feet hit the ground in rapid succession, thunderous steps being heard for kilometres around him as his arms cut through the air.

'Running like this is just the simplest way to engage my lower body, it also helps me keep my muscles the same size, if they get too big then it'll be really problematic' Broly thought as the wind blew his hair back.

Broly didn't even use ki to boost his speed and he was still able to race through the forest, his surroundings blurring as he moved forward. In only a matter seconds, Broly ran out of ground to run on as the forest floor disappeared in front of him.





A slight noise could be heard as Broly feet mashed through water, the ocean only realising Broly had stepped on it when he was seven steps ahead.

'This is the best way to wash my feet,' Broly thought smiling as the bottom of his soles embraced the water.

'Let me try turning' Broly thought daringly as he tilted his body shifting right.


Broly's huge body fell through the water because his speed slipped under the threshold he could get away with.

'Drats!' he thought as his clothes got soaked.

'I guess I'll have to switch up the exercise'

Broly then swung his massive arms forward and wagged his feet down as he performed the butterfly stroke, tearing through the water like a missile.

It didn't take him long to reach the edge of the surface, where he smashed his arms down and leaned backwards, his body rising out of the water due to sheer momentum.

"Light Super Dash!" Broly said encasing his body with ki and leaping high over the trees.

Broly descended and landed in a particular spot, the earth there was much more damaged, the trees snapped and the surrounding mountains jagged as various cracks lined its surface.

'I can fit some Special Technique practice right?'

Broly looked at the sun.

'I have 45 minutes' he thought, bringing ki to edge of his fingertips.

The Fan-Fic is still in it's infancy and I got my first and second 1-star reviews, I know I have to have tougher skin but I still kinda feel bad about it.


Happy New Year!

LOLRIPcreators' thoughts
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