
Intense Training (58)

Broly grunted as he moved the weight up in the training room, his arm muscles straining as he moved the huge thing up.

'There you go! That makes 100!' Yami said encouragingly.

The weight dropped to the floor, making a light sound as it's huge mass suddenly decreased.

'You're going to kill me' Broly thought, exhaustedly, not having enough strength to lift up his arms anymore.

'Hey, it's not my fault you were training like a bitch before I started coaching you' Yami responded, harshly.

'Remember if I die, you die too' Broly said, wiping off beads of sweat, his muscles crying as he did so.

'Stop being so dramatic, you're a berserker type, progressive overload is your best friend,' Yami said, knowledge pouring out of his words.

Broly looked around the room, seeing all the machines that he had worked on.

He was currently sat at the bench-press at the back of the room, it was all stocked with thick heavy weights as Broly only brought on the ship what he could use to grow.

To keep the stress on the ship low, the weights all used anti-gravity technology to become much lighter than they actually were until they were gripped at the handles.

Opposite this at the front of the room, there was a Broly-sized resistance running machine, Broly wasn't sure what the tread was made of but it was able to handle him running at 50 m/s for hours without wearing out so he didn't pay it too much thought.

To the right of the bench press was a squat rack, equipped with similarly huge weights to torture Broly's legs.

On the right side of the running machine was an arm resistance machine and on the left side was a leg resistance machine, the rest of the room was empty with mirrors on the walls so Broly could check his form from all angles when he exercised. The floor was made of a rubbery bouncy material that cushioned any impact.

Needless to say, Broly was exercising in increased gravity.

Broly breathed heavily as he recovered from his workout.

'You're not finished! You still have another set to do, on everything!' Yami announced.

'You really do want to kill me' Broly said tiredly.

'Ai Ai Ai, Saiyans of the current generation have really gotten too soft, even though your a Berseker, no a Super Berserker, who when his body should only be capable of lifting 120, somehow lifts 150, you still moan and whine like a girl, Ai Ai Ai' Yami lamented loudly in Broly's head.

Broly frowned getting slightly irritated but kept quiet.

Yami grunted.

'Don't be like that, if you do another set, I'll teach you some ancient ki techniques,' Yami said trying to coerce Broly.

It was as if a switch flipped in his mind.

The moment Broly heard 'Ancient Ki techniques' his body was suddenly animated moving over to the machines energetically.

'Hey! Hey! No ki allowed! Do you really think you're going to grow if you take shortcuts? Your ki is busted as it is! Imagine how much stronger you would be if it was stacked on top of your diligently trained body! Ai Ai Ai, really too lazy,' Yami continued to lament as Broly worked even harder, trying to get him to shut up.

[4 Hours Later]

Broly collapsed onto the floor, each and every muscle on his body worked to the bone. Regardless of how big they were, Broly still felt like a complete amateur in the gym, panting like a dog.

If the training he did now was a full-course meal, the training he did on Planet Sythis was a light snack.

'And you thought you were going to die before!' Yami laughed sadistically as he saw Broly ragged.

'F-Fuck you' Broly struggled to think, his chest heaving.

'A deal's a deal, in three days I'll teach you some ki techniques'

'Why in three days?'

'You want a Zenkai Boost don't you?'

Broly grunted, barely stopping himself from passing out as he crawled out of the gym room.

"You good Brother?" Mr Yellow asked Broly curiously, wondering why he was laying on the floor.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Broly said, exhausted but moving.

'Who's the tin can?' Yami asked, meeting Mr Yellow for the first time.

'A robot I made, he helps out around the ship' Broly responded simply.

'You made that thing? Ai Ai Ai, instead of being an awesome warrior you were hunched over a desk piecing together wires? Such a shame!' Yami lamented.

'Shut up,' Broly said back.

He liked piecing together wires.

"What Planet are we landing on?"

"It's an undiscovered one but I think it'll be interesting"

"Do you think it's Planet Vegeta?" Broly asked curiously.

He wasn't in a rush to get back to his home Planet as he had learned that Freiza still squeezed his people with an iron grip and was constantly running around the universe but if it was in his way then he would definitely do his due diligence as a Sayain and punch Freiza in the chest.

"It seems to be in the process of being discovered, multiple ships set on course to land their soon," Mr Yellow chirped.

"How did you figure that out?" Broly asked.

"We're in space and suddenly I was able to hack something so I played around and found some stuff," Mr Yellow said purposely underselling the situation.

"That sounds really good but I need to rest for a bit," Broly said, making his way on the floor to his bed across the hall.

"My stars! You really are fucked up! You don't need to push yourself so hard! You're strong enough as it is!"

'I'm going to snap the tin can!' Yami called out from his resting place.

Broly was in no state to argue and made his way to his bed, with the help of Mr Yellow.

Upon hitting his soft silky mattress, Broly was gone in seconds.

Mr Yellow rotated Broly making sure he didn't suffocate and left the room quietly.

'This kid is really something' Yami thought as Broly slept.

Out of all the inheritors of the Legendary Super Saiyan genes, only two of them had been berserker types and they all paled in comparison to Broly who was a monster.

Berserker types had the fastest growth rate at the expense of having low willpower and intelligence but Broly packed those traits by the dozen.

Deep down Yami was waiting for Broly to fail so that his mind would wear out and he could take control completely but there was something endearing about the way kid politely and sincerely responded to him, pushing himself to meet his expectations, that coupled with the fact that, like iron, Broly's mind sharpened as Yami put more obstacles in his path caused Yami to be at a loss.

'The kid's kindness is rubbing off on me! I can't afford to get soft, not when the vessel with the highest potential in the universe is staring at me in the face!' Yami thought, going to sleep as well.

[Storyteller: Another twist! Yami is actually secretly trying to take over Broly's body! Who could have seen that coming? The Author is really spoiling you guys! Make sure you come back to read the next chapter! Dragon Ball Revised!]

My upload schedule is wack

I was about to give up for the day and I saw a review

My heart rose like I had just used kaioken

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