
Family Reunion (129)

"Q-Queen Vegeta?"

All the Saiyans were gathered around a table, engaging in a typical Saiyan pastime which was eating, enough food to sustain an orphanage for a week distributed evenly on the table.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, S-Sir"

Paragus, Celery and Aspa were both dumbfounded by the response.

Hanasia was very much their superior as far as social status was concerned but she was attending the gathering as Broly's girlfriend which meant she had to be respectful to his elders, making her think that a formal response was needed.

Her words were very genuine but involuntarily awkward, not familiar with addressing anyone in such a manner.

Paragus looked at Broly who only smiled back at him, sitting close to Hanasia.

Paragus refused to believe there was any kind of relationship between the two as he knew how King Vegeta was but Aspa looked at Broly with a stronger sense of astonishment, not understanding how he managed to seduce the Queen.

'He's a wolf in sheep's clothing,' he concluded.

"How is Planet Vegeta?"

The question came out early, the Saiyans while disliking the King, still concerned for their kin also wondering what circumstances lead the Queen to follow Broly by herself.

"It was destroyed by Frieza," Broly said softly, his voice clear and smooth.

Paragus' face fell whereas Aspa's gaze grew cold harshening immediately, feeling anger build up inside of him.

Celery had already snapped, the pressure around her increasing but before she could do anything Hanasia spoke out.

"We already avenged our people"

On cue, a thick long tail levitated from the floor hovering over the table before reaching Broly's hands.

"No way!" Aspa called out, staring at it.

"But Frieza's tail is pink, this one is white," Celery called out observantly.

"That wasn't his final form, he was hiding his real power from us all this time," Hanasia said, closing her eyes as she remembered how weak she was before, scornfully.

The three older Saiyans leaned back in their chairs blown away, speechless from the feat.

Paragus looked at his son marvelling, he believed that Broly could potentially beat Frieza but having flat-out proof that he did was another thing entirely.

"I used to think that the only person who could be Frieza was the Legendary Super Saiyan but it appears we don't need him after all," Paragus said, exhaling sharply.

Broly and Hanasia looked at each other.

"Actually, your son is the Legendary Super Saiyan," Hanasia explained, smiling as she spoke.

"I knew it!"

"It makes more sense that way"

"What kind of ordinary Saiyan has a power level of 10,000 at birth?"

Hanasia looked at the Saiyans who didn't even look surprised.

'He's been a freak since he was young as well' she thought, shaking her head.

"Enough talking, let's eat!" Broly said, not wanting the food to go cold.

"Wait!" Aspa said, waving his arms protectively of the meats that would surely disappear.

"We have an announcement to make," he said looking back at Celery.

"I'm pregnant," she said quietly, a tinge of red on her face from the attention.



'I couldn't imagine having another child' Paragus thought as he sipped his water.

No matter how the cake was sliced, there was no other Saiyan that could hold a candle to Broly.


(15 minutes later)


A collective groan rang out around the room, each Saiyan stroking their bellies which seemed to be inflated with food, their abs gone, Celery now looking as if she was 6 months pregnant although she was only a few weeks.

"So much food, so little room," Hanasia grumbled, reaching out for another bowl.

"I might have overdone it," Paragus said, looking at the plates that were still steaming.

"We'll take it, Celery needs it since she's eating for two," Aspa said greedily.

Hanasia frowned, wanting to say something but ultimately deciding against it, leaning against Broly who managed to position his own bulging belly so that he supported her.

Paragus raised an eyebrow, with the confirmation that the Vegeta was destroyed, it only left more questions as to how the Queen ended up meeting his son.

Aspa came outright and asked.

Hanasia explained, not that annoyed as she narrated the story for the fourth time, detailing her interactions as well as Broly's with the Mentelians.

"Sounds like you've been busy," Aspa said to Broly, his eyes communicating his hidden message.

"Yeah," Broly said back, his cheeks tinging a little.

'He actually did it!'

A wider grin cropped up Aspa's face, a mischievous smile taking place, causing Celery and Paragus to shake their heads while Hanasia looked back, not getting what was so funny.

"There's a lot we need to catch up on," Broly said, being the first to stand from the table.

"You've got that right," Aspa said, still grinning.

"Any of you up for a fight?" Hanasia said brazenly, stretching her limbs quickly.

"I thought you'd never ask," Celery said, sizing up her fellow Saiyan woman.

Although she was pregnant, she wouldn't be immobile until the third month and while the doctors didn't recommend it, they couldn't exactly stop her.

Saiyan women were built different.

Hanasia had grown considerably since her first meeting with Broly, now reaching a strong 7 feet in height, taller than most Saiyan men. This was largely due to her experimenting with the Super Saiyan Grade 3 form on a daily basis, when she made her body to balloon in size frequently it had a permanent effect on her, however, Broly couldn't complain, if anything, it made her the right height for snuggling and kissing which would have been harder if she was any shorter.

Celery seemed to be in stark contrast, appearing like a Tsufurian until you noticed her strong quads and sleek biceps. She seemed to be a small section of condensed muscle and her fiery demeanour made her even more threatening.

"Sounds like a plan," Broly said, itching to fight as well.

"Let's see how strong you've gotten kid," Aspa said, his eyes tingling as well.

"Please don't blow my house down," Paragus said, showing his kin out before they broke into combat.

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