
Bet (111)

Broly stretched slowly, readying his mind for the events that would unfold.

"Let's make a bet," he said, his eyes full of competitiveness.

"Oh? And what would that be?" Queen Vegeta said, her interest piqued.

"We're going to spar and the first one to spend more than 10 seconds on the ground loses."

"What do I get if I win?" Queen Vegeta asked, a fierce smile glowing.

"You get my ship and I have to be your personal servant for the next 3 weeks," Broly said, holding up three fingers as he weaved his tale.

"And what do you get?" Queen Vegeta said cautiously, waiting for the fine print.

Broly smirked, trying his best to appear as mischievous as possible.

"You have to sex with me," he said slowly, maintaining eye contact.

Queen Vegeta's smile morphed into a deeper smirk, she had wondered whether Broly was interested in her and now she got her answer loud and clear.

He did like her.

"You would like that wouldn't you?" She said, moving her foot backwards and readying her battle stance.

"To make things more interesting..." Broly continued, mirroring her movements.

"I'm not allowed to use any ki," he said decisively, his tone extremely firm.

Queen Vegeta furrowed her brows but kept silent.

'He'll have three weeks to regret his decision,' she thought strongly.

"When do we start?" she asked, her eyes glowing with bloodlust.

"Now!" Broly said, taking the initiative to attack and dashing forward.

Broly wasted no time and threw a punch forward, intentionally making such it was honest.

Queen Vegeta quickly dodged, laced her fist with ki and punched the side of Broly's face, moving her body with textbook form. Just before her fist could reach his face, Broly moved his other hand, using it to soften the blow.

Queen Vegeta quickly back dashed, not allowing Broly to grab her fist and jumped back, throwing a ki blast.

Broly tanked the impact without blinking and dashed towards the Queen, punching out again.

Queen Vegeta didn't try to block, instead avidly weaving each attack while charging her fists with ki, giving them time to be fully energised.

'So far so good' Broly thought, following through with his plan.

He chased down Queen Vegeta around the room, giving her enough time to move and dodge where she needed to but exaggerated his movements to make it seem like he was trying his best.

'I need an opening'

Queen Vegeta was unwilling to try and open up Broly, he was much slower than what she remembered in her dream and she already had an idea of his fighting style so all she had to do was wait for the right moment and strike.

Broly reeled back, taking advantage of his long arms and winded up a strong punch, throwing it forward as fast as he could without using his ki.

'Tch! I have to hit back!'

Queen Vegeta now had a feel for his speed and could tell she couldn't dodge in time, blocking would put her on the defensive so to break even she had to punch back.


'It's softer!'

Queen Vegeta braced herself for the recoil of Broly's attack, expecting that his large arms and thick muscles would outclass her smaller frame but it felt much more manageable than she remembered, she would even dare say she held a slight advantage.

'I'm going to win easily!'




Queen Vegeta and Broly stopped moving altogether, standing like turrets and smashing their fists against each other, both of the fist arcs meeting in the middle and sending shockwaves through the gym.

'Great! I've locked her in position, now I'll have to rely on my acting'

Broly slowly but surely increased the force of his attacks, every five strikes increasing the force of his blows by 1%, doing it with a focused expression to make it seem like he was giving everything he had.

'This kid really has a lot of stamina!' Queen Vegeta couldn't help but exclaim noticing that Broly's fists were reaching a little bit further than they were before. Her eyes glowed with competitive spirit as small energy brewed within her.


She now noticed a strong shudder than agitated her bones and muscles, indicating that she couldn't keep going like this. She hurriedly dropped her fists, ignoring the bruised red colour on her otherwise tanned skin and weaved the attacks carefully.

"Bingo!" Broly called out excitedly.




He smashed his fists three times powerfully against Queen Vegeta's face, knocking her about with each punch. Her legs dragged as her back met the wall coming to a halt. Despite the shocking display, she had taken little visible damage but her mental state was frazzled.

'Why is he getting stronger?' she thought, looking down at her own palms.

Broly snickered dramatically.

"If you wanted to sex with me so badly you could have just asked," he said as condescendingly as he could.

"Stop talking," Queen Vegeta said, her face extremely serious as she spoke.

Broly smirked villainously.

"You didn't have to throw the match, I would have no problem spreading your legs apart and-"

Broly was silenced.

Not because he felt he went too far but because there was a fist pressed against his face.

"I said stop talking!" Queen Vegeta said, her eyes flashing green as her hair turned bright yellow, the aura around her changing completely.

'It worked!' Broly thought, concealing his smile.

Broly wanted to have another fight with Queen Vegeta's special Super Saiyan transformation but didn't want to deal with the attitude she would give if he asked nicely. He knew that if he genuinely pissed her off, she would have no problem trying her hardest to beat him up.

Not that he was worried she could anyway.

Queen Vegeta reeled back and delivered another devastating blow to the side of Broly's face, causing him to wince on impact. She hopped up again and threw her fist forward, meeting Broly in the middle once again.

'She's actually a little bit stronger than me! If I don't use ki...' Broly thought, feeling his muscles tingle a little bit.

"What's wrong? Upset that you're getting beat by someone half your age? You old hag! Don't worry, you'll experience all my youth when I win!" Broly said snarkily, pushing himself to maximum douchebaggery.


Bright yellow ki burst out from Queen Vegeta's body, shockwaves flying away from her as the pressure around her increased and her muscles swelled.

"Keep running your mouth! I dare you!" she shouted viciously.

'This is the most important part! She can't lose her anger!'

"Woah! Your hair turned yellow!" he said, trying to sound as ignorant as possible.

"The fuck you talking about, you prick?" Queen Vegeta said genuinely, charging her ki savagely, in order to attack Broly at once.

"Look at the mirror!" Broly said pointing.

Queen Vegeta grunted, turning her head for a second then turning back not trusting Broly, only to do a double-take when she saw her reflection.

"What the fuck happened to me?"



ThAnK yOu FoR rEaDiNg

If I keep saying it, it will lose meaning but I really do mean it

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