Transformation Multipliers

[It's based on different forums or youtube vidéos]

Oozaru ×10

Ikari ×10

Kaioken ×1.5, ×2, ×3,...

False SSJ ×25

SSJ1 ×50

SSJ1 V2 ×60

SSJ1 V3 ×75 power but less speed

Mastered SSJ1 ×70

SSJ2 ×100

SSJL ×200

SSJ3 ×400

SSJL full power ×500

Golden Oozaru ×500

SSJL2 ×1,000

SSJ4 ×4,000

SSJL3 ×5,000

SSJGOD ×20,000

SSJ4 full power ×20,000

SSJBLUE ×25,000

Ultra instinct : sort of 6th sense that is automatic

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