
Dragon ball Master: Next Generation

Welcome to AGE 804, In a cosmic era, seasoned warriors venture into space, unveiling ancient secrets. Meanwhile, Earth's new protectors-Goten, Bulla, Pan, and Uub-trained in diverse arts, stand ready. Yet, their true challenge lies beyond combat, in grasping the forces shaping the universe. Join the cosmic odyssey in Dragon Ball MASTER: The Next Generation Saga. Unveil past legacies, embrace future promises, and witness the timeless saga unfold. What comic mysteries await? Discover in Dragon Ball Master. DISCLAIMER: Dragon Ball MASTER: The Next Generation Saga is a work of fan fiction inspired by the Dragon Ball franchise created by Akira Toriyama. All characters, concepts, and artwork within this non-canon fiction are derived from the rich lore of Dragon Ball, with creative liberties taken to expand upon the established universe.

Mathiuz · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Multiversal Invasion 1


As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, the Lookout stood as a silent witness to the turmoil that had unfolded within its hallowed halls. From a distant vantage point, the elder Kai gazed upon the aftermath with a heavy heart, his ancient eyes reflecting the weight of the tragedy that had befallen them.

The descent of the Lookout towards the earth's surface was a solemn spectacle, its once majestic form now marred by the scars of battle. As it descended, the devastation became visible to all below, a stark reminder of the price of their failure.

Within the wreckage, Dende and his students worked tirelessly to tend to the wounded, their faces etched with determination as they sought to alleviate the suffering of their comrades. Amidst the chaos, the connection with the Namekians remained blocked, their distant allies out of reach in their time of need.

Inside the Capsule Corp HQ, the atmosphere was heavy with grief as the reality of Master Roshi's demise sank in. Bulma, her eyes red-rimmed with tears, clung to Vegeta for support, her heartache palpable as she mourned the loss of her dear friend.

Krillin, his usually jovial demeanor replaced by a look of anguish, searched frantically for his missing friend, his heart heavy with the weight of uncertainty. Nearby, Yamcha offered words of comfort to those around him, his own grief mingling with theirs in the somber air.

Trunks and Goten, their once youthful innocence shattered by the harsh reality of death, watched in stunned silence as Dr. Hedo prepared to perform his solemn duty. The sight of Master Roshi's battered form was a harsh reminder of their mortality, a reality they had never truly grasped until now.

With a heavy heart, Dr. Hedo draped a white sheet over Master Roshi's lifeless form, his hands trembling as he completed the solemn ritual. Outside, Hercule faced the relentless barrage of questions from the press, his voice strained as he tried to maintain order amidst the chaos.

But amidst the grief and despair, a sense of unity began to emerge among the gathered mourners, a shared bond forged in the crucible of battle. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting its golden light upon the devastated landscape, a solemn silence fell over the scene.

For in that moment, they were not just warriors or friends, but a family bound together by their shared loss and their determination to honor Master Roshi's memory. And though the road ahead may be fraught with uncertainty, they would face it together, drawing strength from each other as they continued their fight for peace and justice in his name.

As the news of Master Roshi's heroic sacrifice reverberated across the globe, Hercule found himself in a reflective mood. Sitting in front of the cameras, he spoke with a sense of reverence for the man who had shaped the destinies of so many.

"Now, I ain't never had the pleasure of meetin' Master Roshi in person," Hercule began, his voice tinged with admiration, "but let me tell ya, folks, I've heard stories about him my whole life. And let me tell ya, they ain't just stories. They're legends."

He leaned forward, his eyes alight with passion as he spoke of Roshi's incredible feats. "Master Roshi trained some of the strongest fighters this world has ever seen. Grandpa Son Gohan, The Ox-King, Son Goku, Krillin, Yamcha...you name 'em, he trained 'em."

Hercule paused, letting the weight of his words sink in before continuing. "And let's not forget about that Kamehameha Wave of his. Ain't no move more iconic, I tell ya. I remember the first time I saw him unleash it...shocked everyone, it did."

The camera panned to show images of Roshi's legendary battles, the sheer power and intensity of his attacks on full display. "But ya know, there's somethin' else y'all might not know about ol' Master Roshi," Hercule said, his tone somber. "He ain't exactly what you'd call pure-hearted."

He leaned back, his expression grave as he explained the truth about Roshi's character. "Turns out, Master Roshi ain't exactly the stand-up fella y'all might think he is. He's got a dark side, he does. Creepy, dirty old man, if ya ask me."

But despite his flaws, Hercule's admiration for Roshi remained unwavering. "But that don't change the fact that Master Roshi was a hero," he declared, his voice rising with conviction. "He caught bullets with his bare hands, blew up the moon...he was a force to be reckoned with, no doubt about it."

As Hercule spoke, the camera captured the emotions playing across the faces of the Z Fighters. Bulma, Gohan, and the others listened intently, their hearts heavy with the weight of Roshi's loss.

"And so, today," Hercule concluded, his voice ringing out with determination, "let us honor our heroes. Let us stand together as one, united in our gratitude and admiration for the brave men and women who have given so much to keep us safe. And who knows, maybe one day, we'll all learn to be heroes, just like Master Roshi."

As the broadcast came to an end, the people of the world were left with a renewed sense of hope and appreciation for the extraordinary individuals who had dedicated their lives to protecting the planet. And though Master Roshi may have passed on, his legacy lived on in the hearts of all who had been touched by his greatness.

As the news of Master Roshi's sacrifice spread across the world, a profound sense of loss swept through the hearts of millions, transcending borders and cultures. It was as if the world had collectively lost a beloved leader, a guiding light whose wisdom and strength had touched the lives of generations.

In the bustling streets of cities large and small, people gathered in solemn assembly, their faces etched with sorrow yet illuminated by flickers of admiration. From Tokyo to New York, from Paris to Beijing, the world stood united in its grief, a testament to the indelible mark Master Roshi had left on the fabric of society.

In the heart of Capsule Corp, Hercule, now weathered by the passage of time, sat in his wheelchair, flanked by his daughter Videl. Together, they made their way towards the towering skyscraper that housed the Z Fighters, the thrum of the crowd echoing in their ears like a mournful symphony.

Outside, the atmosphere was electric with emotion, a palpable sense of reverence hanging in the air. Hercule's voice, though weathered with age, rang out strong and clear as he addressed the gathered masses, his words a poignant tribute to the fallen hero.

"People of Earth," he began, his voice trembling with emotion, "today, we mourn the loss of a true legend. Master Roshi may have been a fighter, but he was also a teacher, a mentor, and above all, a friend."

As Hercule spoke, the crowd fell silent, their eyes fixed on the figure before them with a mixture of awe and respect. It was as if the weight of the world had descended upon their shoulders, a burden they bore willingly in honor of their fallen comrade.

Inside the compound, Gohan and Tien listened intently to the sounds of mourning drifting in from outside. For Gohan, the loss was personal, a reminder of the countless lessons he had learned at Master Roshi's side. And for Tien, it was a somber reflection of the sacrifices made by those who had paved the way for a better tomorrow.

Without a word, Gohan stepped forward, his heart heavy with grief yet buoyed by a sense of purpose. Bowing deeply to the crowd, he felt a swell of gratitude wash over him, a deep appreciation for the outpouring of love and support from the people he had sworn to protect.

The crowd responded in kind, their cheers and applause a balm to Gohan's wounded spirit. It was a moment of unity, a shared recognition of the sacrifices made by their fallen hero and a pledge to carry on his legacy for generations to come.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, the world stood united in its grief and its gratitude for the heroes who had given their all to protect it. And though Master Roshi may have passed on, his spirit lived on in the hearts of those who had been touched by his teachings, a beacon of hope in a world still struggling to find its way.


As the events on Earth unfolded, far away in a distant realm, the Elder Kai and Shin watched in anguish, their hearts heavy with the weight of their inability to intervene. The dimly lit chamber where they sat seemed to grow colder with each passing moment, the air heavy with the weight of uncertainty.

Shin's eyes welled with tears as he watched the chaos unfold, his mind racing with questions and doubts. "Why can't we help them?" he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "Why won't they let us reach them?"

The Elder Kai sighed heavily, his expression one of deep regret. "I'm afraid we're dealing with forces beyond our control, my young apprentice," he said, his voice filled with sorrow. "It seems that some dark power has taken hold of Earth, blocking our attempts to contact them."

Shin's brow furrowed in confusion. "But who could possess such power?" he asked, his voice tinged with fear. "And why would they want to harm the people of Earth?"

The Elder Kai's eyes darkened with anger as he spoke, his voice low and filled with menace. "I fear that we may be dealing with a threat unlike any we've ever faced before," he said, his words heavy with foreboding. "These are no ordinary adversaries, Shin. They are the Makaioshins, born from the darkest depths of the Demon Realm."

Shin gasped in horror at the revelation, his mind reeling with the implications of what he had just heard. "But how can we hope to defeat such powerful beings?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

The Elder Kai's gaze hardened as he spoke, his voice filled with determination. "We must not lose hope, Shin," he said, his tone firm and unwavering. "We may not be able to reach them now, but we must believe that our friends will find a way to overcome this darkness."

As they continued to watch the events unfold, the Elder Kai's mind drifted back to a time long ago, when the Makaioshins had served as the guardians of balance in the universe. But something had changed, something had corrupted their noble purpose and turned them against the very people they had sworn to protect.

Shin watched in silence as the Elder Kai recounted the ancient history of the Makaioshins, his heart heavy with the weight of their failure to prevent their descent into darkness. But even as despair threatened to consume them, they knew that they could not give up hope. For as long as the Z Fighters still stood, there was still a chance to reclaim the light and drive back the forces of darkness that threatened to engulf them all.

Meanwhile, on Earth, the chaos continued to unfold as the Z Fighters battled against the forces of evil. Hercule, watching the events unfold on his television screen, felt a surge of admiration for the heroes who stood against impossible odds. Though he had never met Master Roshi personally, he knew of the old master's legendary exploits, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy at the thought of being among such esteemed company.

But as he watched the battle rage on, Hercule's envy turned to gratitude, his heart swelling with pride at the courage and determination displayed by the Z Fighters. "We owe them everything," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "They have sacrificed so much for us, and yet we take their heroism for granted."

Turning to the camera, Hercule spoke directly to the people of Earth, his voice ringing out with passion and conviction. "Instead of blaming them for our troubles, we should be thanking them for their sacrifices," he said, his words echoing across the airwaves. "They are the true heroes of our world, and it's time we started treating them as such."

As the people of Earth watched Hercule's impassioned plea, a sense of unity began to sweep across the globe. From every corner of the planet, people joined together in a chorus of gratitude and admiration for the Z Fighters, their voices rising up in a collective tribute to the heroes who had saved them time and time again.

As the Elder Kai recounted the ancient tale of rebellion and betrayal, Shin listened intently, his mind racing with questions and doubts. The notion that the Angels, beings revered for their purity and wisdom, could turn against the very gods they served seemed almost incomprehensible. And yet, as the Elder Kai spoke, Shin couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this story than met the eye.

"But why would the Angels rebel?" Shin asked, his voice tinged with confusion. "What could drive them to turn against the Omni-King and the gods?"

The Elder Kai shook his head, his expression grave. "That is a question that has plagued scholars and historians for eons," he said, his voice heavy with sadness. "Some believe that the Angels grew resentful of their role as mere servants, while others speculate that they were swayed by promises of power and glory."

Shin frowned thoughtfully as he considered the Elder Kai's words. "But if the Angels were imprisoned by the Omni-King, how did they escape?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

The Elder Kai's lips curled into a bitter smile. "That, my young apprentice, is a mystery that has yet to be unraveled," he said, his tone tinged with resignation. "All we know is that they have returned, stronger and more determined than ever before."

Shin's eyes narrowed in determination as he listened to the Elder Kai's words, his resolve hardening with each passing moment. "Then we must do whatever it takes to stop them," he said, his voice firm and unwavering. "We cannot allow their darkness to spread any further."

The Elder Kai nodded in agreement, a flicker of pride in his eyes as he looked at his young apprentice. "Indeed," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "We must stand together, Shin, and face this threat head-on. For the fate of the universe hangs in the balance, and it is up to us to ensure that light prevails over darkness."

As the Elder Kai's words echoed in his mind, Shin felt a sense of apprehension gnawing at his heart. He knew that the time had come for him to step into the unknown, to face the challenges ahead without the guidance of his mentor. With a heavy sigh, he reached out to activate the mystical orb that would allow him to contact the angel Whis, hoping that he would be able to provide some clarity in the midst of the chaos.

As the orb began to glow with a soft, ethereal light, Shin closed his eyes and focused his energy, channeling his thoughts towards the distant realm where Whis resided. But just as he was about to make contact, his vision suddenly shifted, the image in the orb flickering and distorting before stabilizing once more.

To Shin's shock and horror, the scene that unfolded before him was one of utter devastation. The Makaioshin, their twisted forms radiating malevolent energy, had breached the barrier between realms and were now descending upon the mortal world with a fierce and unrelenting fury.

As he watched in horror, Shin could see the chaos unfolding below, the streets of cities torn asunder by the dark forces that now threatened to engulf them. Buildings crumbled, screams pierced the air, and the stench of death hung heavy on the wind.

But amidst the destruction, Shin could also see glimpses of hope. The Z Fighters, their faces set in determined grimaces, stood tall against the tide of darkness, their powers blazing like beacons of light in the encroaching shadows. Gohan, Piccolo, and even Marron, their eyes ablaze with fierce determination, fought bravely against the onslaught, their movements a symphony of skill and power.

As Shin watched, his heart swelled with pride and admiration for these courageous warriors who had dedicated their lives to protecting the innocent and standing against evil. But even as he marveled at their strength and resolve, he knew that they faced an enemy unlike any they had encountered before, an enemy that threatened to overwhelm them with its sheer power and malice.

With a heavy heart, Shin knew that he could not sit idly by while the world burned. With a determined glint in his eyes, he focused his energy once more, reaching out to contact Whis and inform him of the dire situation that had unfolded.

But as he did so, a sense of unease settled over him. The road ahead would be fraught with peril and uncertainty, and Shin knew that he would need all the help he could get if he was to stand any chance of emerging victorious against the forces of darkness that now threatened to consume them all.