
Dragon Ball: Legacy of Seraphina

Chronicles the journey of a young and talented martial artist named Seraphina. With dreams of becoming a Galactic Patrol officer, she embarks on a path filled with challenges, friendships, and self-discovery. Follow her rise as she strives to fulfill her aspirations in a world where martial arts and ki control reign supreme.

The_Mrsix · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Author Announcement and Future of Novel

Greetings, The_Mrsix, the author behind "Dragon Ball Legacy of Seraphine." I wanted to provide an update on the current status and future plans for the novel. After a short break, I assure you that Seraphine is neither canceled nor abandoned.

The previous arc's finale felt rushed because I released 100 chapters in just one month and immediately started the Otherworld arc. Seraphine's training with King Kai has begun, and I've chosen this point to pause the story intentionally. I don't want to compromise the quality of Seraphine's finale, and I aim to create a satisfying conclusion to this evolving story.

Why the pause? I want to take my time and ensure a fantastic conclusion for a novel that started as a prequel idea but has grown into something remarkable. I plan to resume the story soon. I've already begun developing this arc, and while I have a vision for how it will unfold, I want to take the time needed to craft it properly. I always have a few chapters written before releasing, so rest assured.

Thank you for your understanding, and I appreciate your patience as we prepare for the beginning of the conclusion of this series. Much love to all of you, and I'll see you soon in the next chapters.