
Dragon Ball:Fate

The multiverse is in chaos. The laws aredisturbed. Something must be done or the multiverse will face extinction. .................... .................... A soul should not belong here,a person that shouldn't exist. Will he save or destroy the multiverse? ................. ................. This is Dragon Ball Fanfiction Real Credit goes to Akira Toriyama

Ghost_Uchiha · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

After Two Years 1.2


August 7,Year757


A young boy with silver white hair is sleeping peacefully.He looks like about 4 years old.A maid opens the door of his room,she enters and open the windows.The sunlight falls on the young boy face and after some time he wakes up.

"Happy Birthday! Prince Hiroto"The maid says to Hiroto.

"Thanks a lot,bis sis"Hiroto replys

Hiroto is very excited today cause he is finally going to start training.Well his father the King Sadala and his mother forbade him not to train until he is full two years old and every Saiyan Children here after they are about 4 years old that they start training cause it may prove to be harmful to them and some genius can train befor becoming 4 years old.

As I have top bloodline of Saiyan and the purity far exceeds from other Saiyan. I was allowed to train when I was two years old.

Even though I was not able to train but I tried hard to master KI Control and someother techniques.

I was surprised to see that It was very easy to master the techniques of KI control and KI sensing.And using KI to make destructive moves like Vegeta's Galick Gun and Son Goku Kamehameha.

I practice to make a protective layer of KI around my body as how Gohan made.

I explored many abilities of KI and was surprise to know that the Function Of KI my be more than what is seem.

Even though I did not practice very much but only working on the Ki I was able to improve my combat power from my initial power level of 3678 to 15685.

From this power level I was stronger than King Vegeta but the power level of Saiyan living here is much more than.

My father The King Sadala has power level of about 327,248.My father is considered one of the most powerful saiyan.He is considered one of the most powerful warrior across many galaxies.



I got ready It is my second birthday and I insisted that my birthday should be simple only some family members and some of father's trusted persons.

I got ready and went to the Throne room. Everyone is present there.My Parents smiled at me.

Everyperson present in the throne room congratulated me.

They then presented me with different gifts.Even though I do not need that thing but I appreciate their love from their gifts and thanked them.

After few hours the birthday celebration ended.

And I was not able to wait that long.

Father and I went to the taining ground.My father wanted to test my power level.And assigned me an instructor to train me in combat.



Training ground of the Saiyan has about 120 floors and each floor is about 1 mile long in width.

"Have a nice day Your Majesty The King and The Prince!"

"Have a nice day!"

"Good afternoon!Your Majesty and The Prince"

"Good afternoon"




As we went into the training ground every person will stop and greets us.Well I was rather embarssed.But they welcome me and I was happy about that.

We arrive at the 56th floor.This floor with more than 20 floors are specially made to test someone power level.

"Good Afternoon,You Majesty"A person with Spiky hair and having long scar on his left arm greeted my Father.

"Bolt I wanted to test the combat level of my son, you will help him to complete this assessment."King Sadala says to Bolt

Bolt looked at me.

"It is my pleasue My King.To test the combat power of our Prince''Bolt says.

In this floor there is a dual ground.

"Prince Hiroto lets enter the dual ground.You have to fight with me at your full power and do not assume that you are Prince and you father King Sadala is here that I will not harm you.Be prepare"Bolt says to me.

I know when my father knew that my combar power was not over 3,000 he was very upset.And even though he did not show me but I knew that there is some secret Which my father is hiding from us.And that secret may be related to existence of Saiyan. As I heard him saying to his trusted minister Flow. So I am not going to hide my combat level from my father.

"Father can you lock this whole floor and other than three of us, there should no one in this floor."I said to my father.Father and Mr.Bolt were confused as to why I said this but I am serious thus my father did as I said.

I know in this universe hiding power level does not suppose to work you will have to show power to defeat many powerful opponents.

Now Mr.Bolt is standing on the opposite side of me in the arena.

As my father signaled to fight.I flew toward Mr.Bolt with my full speed.He was surprised thus I succeeded in hitting him in the stomach.

Mr.Bolt and Father were surprised to see that my combat level is much more than they had assumed.

As I was feeling happy by hitting him.Mr.Bolt quickly overcome his surprised state,grinned at me and pounch me on my face. I flew and hit the wall.

Now the real fight is about to begin...…
