
Bulma Briefs

In the middle of the night, around six to seven.

Goku was sitting on a log near a campfire that he set up.

Grilling a dinosaur-like animal that he caught for food.

"I should have brought some salt." He said as he ate the meat that he just grilled.

Then suddenly he heard a very loud voice.

"Vroom." It seems to be the sound of a vehicle.

It was a tall person who was wearing a helmet riding a motorcycle towards him.

Goku grabbed the power pole that he put near him as he observed the motorcycle that was coming towards him.

It stopped a few steps away from him and a tall person got off the bike.

The person took off the motorcycle helmet and revealed her face to Goku.

"My name is Bulma."

She said.

"And I think you have the thing that I am looking for." She continued.

"Your introduction is too flashy," Goku said as he put down the red pole and continued to eat.

"What do you want?" Goku asked.

"I am looking for the Dragon Balls. You have one right." Bulma asked.

Goku didn't reply.

"You know things like this," Bulma said as she showed an orange orb that had three stars on it.

So those are called dragon balls. Goku thought.

But he still didn't reply to Bulma.

"If you gather seven of them together you can summon a dragon that can grant any wish."

Bulma said.

What a load of BS! Goku thought he didn't believe Bulma.

Seeing someone using an energy beam to destroy trees and mountains is one thing. Believing that a magic dragon can grant you a wish is an entirely different thing.

"How do you know I have one of them?" Goku asked.

"Using this," Bulma said as she showed the dragon radar to him.

"The place where I am is here. And See this glowing dot near it. That represents a dragon ball." Bulma explained.

"And by looking at that radar thing, Apart from mine it looks like you have two of those things," Goku said as he stood up after finishing his meal.

"I am willing to pay you any kind of price if you just sell it to me," Bulma asked.

"100 million yen. Take it or leave it." Goku said.

"Yen? Do you mean Zeni? Right." Bulma asked.

"Whatever the currency that you use?" Goku said.

"Just give me a hundred million," Goku said.

"Well. I would immediately give you a hundred million Zeni if I could. But I didn't bring that much amount of money for this trip." Bulma said.

"If you don't give me the money I am not giving you the dragon ball," Goku said.

"Hmmm. How about this?" Bulma said as she proposed a solution.

"Why don't you join me on my journey? I will provide food and everything. Then when I go back to my house I will give you the money. You can be held onto the dragon ball until you get the money." Bulma said.

She doesn't seem to be lying. I don't immediately need the money anyway. Goku thought.

Plus she said she would take care of food and accommodation. Goku was tempted.

"On one condition." He said as he raised a finger.

"What?" Bulma asked.

"You can't. I am still saving myself for my future boyfriend." Bulma continues as she holds her boy with her hands.

"But if you want I can at least show you the panty that I am currently wearing," Bulma said as she blushed.

"What the hell are you talking? You are too young to arouse me. The condition that I wanted was to get some sort of payment during the time I travel with you." Goku said.

Bulma's figure is somewhat developed but it still doesn't look like a proper adult woman. And not only that the way she speaks gives her the impression that she is on the younger side.

Too young. You looked like you were only five years old. Bulma cursed Goku inside her head.

She was offended by Goku not finding her attractive and saying right in front of her face.

"My name is Goku by the way. And I am looking forward to working with you," Goku said as he extended his hand towards Bulma.

Bulma was upset that Goku said she was unattractive to her face but she wanted the dragon ball so she temporarily swallowed her pride and temper.

"Me too," Bulma said as she accepted the handshake.

"Now. Let's get to sleep. It's already pretty late." Bulma said.

She then pulls out a small object from her pocket.

It's a small capsule.

"Hoi Poi." She said as she pressed the button that was in the capsule and threw it onto the ground.

A house appears in the place where the capsule landed.

Goku was stunned.

Bulma opened the door and went into the house.

"Hey, are you not coming?" Bulma asked.

"Right." Goku followed her.

He had some problems pushing his backpack into the door that was not very big but after a good push, he was able to accomplish it.


Goku was shocked by how good the house looked.

It was a comfy-looking house with white wallpapers.

"There is a TV there. You can watch it if you want." Bulma said.

Goku nodded.

"Do you want to take a bath first or should I?" Bulma asked.

"You can take a bath first. And you don't have to worry about me peeking at you while you are taking a bath. After all, I am not interested in the body of a brat." Goku said.

"Who the hell are you calling brat? You look like you are barely eight years old." Bulma said as she entered the bathroom.

"By the way how old are you?" Bulma asked. The house was not very big so Goku could still hear Bulma's voice even if it was from another room.

"Around twelve. I guess. I am not really sure. I have not been keeping track of time since my grandfather passed away." Goku replied.

"Twelve? You are older than I thought. I am 16 so you are only four years younger than me. Such a shame if only you were a little taller..." Bulma wanted to say something but she stopped.

"Your grandfather passed away. Huh? What about your parents?" Bulma said as she switched the topic.

"I don't know. I always lived with my grandfather since I was very little. There is something that I want to know about them though." Goku said.

"Their name?" Bulma asked.

"No, I always wonder if they have tails too," Goku replied.

"Tails. Why would a human would have tails?" Bulma asked.

"I don't know. Maybe I am not a human. I might be an alien who comes from outer space to conquer Earth." Goku said while laughing.

"You sure have a strange sense of humour," Bulma replied.

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