
New Adventure

Dear readers,

I wanted to take a moment to share an important decision I've made regarding this Dragon Ball fanfic. After much consideration, I've come to the conclusion that its best to rewrite the story . Please hear me out.

As the writer, my ultimate goal is to provide you all with the most enjoyable and engaging experience possible. While continuing from chapter 54 was a tempting option, I couldn't shake the feeling that a fresh start would enable me to deliver a more cohesive and immersive narrative.

By rewriting the story, I can address any inconsistencies, refine the plot, and enhance the overall quality. It's an opportunity to polish the character arcs, inject more depth into the relationships, and ensure that everything makes sense in the Dragon Ball universe we know and love.

I understand that this may come as a surprise, and I appreciate your understanding.

Your support and feedback have been invaluable throughout this journey, and I kindly ask for your continued encouragement as I embark on this rewriting adventure.

With heartfelt appreciation, Ashlin_17

Ps. I'm open to hearing any reasonable plots or ideas that you think would be great additions to this story! Feel free to share your creative suggestions in the comments below.

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