
Dragon Ball: A Human's Legacy

Please note that the system I am using is only for info due to me not knowing how to use a system. Maybe as I learn how to use it over time then I'll do more with it. A take on the dragon ball universe, Zero is a human reborn into his favorite anime Dragon Ball! After his "arrival" he is thrown into a predicament. Zero's goal is to become the strongest human to ever live, and show people that they arent a race to be reckoned with. Join his story altering adventure! (Also, I have changed and will be changing some things in the story for my FANFIC to spice things up. So please dont go in always expecting everything to follow the normal storyline, it is a fan fiction story after all. This book is the practice I'm using for writing.) THE COVER/BOOK PICTURE IS NOT MINE, JUST USING TO MAKE COOLER!! I have no rights to any dragon ball cast characters in this book.

Your_God_Menace · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

The Beginning

It is morning and birds are chirping, bees are buzzing and the wind is blowing. It was a bright sunny morning and everything seemed to be going great! Nearby is a red-bricked house which was nothing special, it was a simple one-story building that housed a lonesome teenager named Zero.

An alarm buzzed and he lazily put his hand on top to stop its obnoxious ringing. "I'm up, I'm up..." He wakes up slowly rubbing the side of his face with his sleeve wiping the sleep drool off his face. The teen stands up yawning and stretching, almost to the point where he falls over! His room was decorated with various anime posters and figures, from Hunter x Hunter to The Flames of Recca and Inuyasha.

The first thing Zero does is head to the bathroom. His appearance was quite sloppy due to just waking up, his dragon ball pajama pants had some food stains from the day before while his four-star dragon ball shirt was a little... tattered...

While stretching some more he starts to speak "Alright I think it is time to get this show on the road!" Doing the daily morning essentials Zero starts to brush his teeth, shower, and change clothes. "Ahhh, I feel so refreshed." Zero was a big fan of Dragon Ball, Hunter x Hunter, and One Piece.

Walking downstairs to the kitchen he passes a bunch more posters of Dragon Ball GT's super Saiyan four transformations. Some are what-if's while others appeared in the show, those of Ssj4 Gogeta, Vegeta, and Goku. The what-if was a concept of Ssj4 Gotenks!

Finally arriving at the refrigerator Zero reaches in and pulls out a jug of milk. "Almost empty, I'll have to get some more when I leave for work later today." Inside the pantry, he grabs a box of Cereal with the picture of Cat burglar Nami "I'll finish these and move to the HxH box next." After grabbing a bowl from the cabinet, Zero pours in the cereal and after the milk. The cereal was in the cool design of an uppercase B and with a curved line down the middle.

Chuckling at the name while eating "Berry-O's huh, the names people come up with nowadays. Then again, I'm not so great myself." He laughed at himself. Zero hasn't had many friends ever since his parents died, for some reason they all just up and left him. As he took another spoonful of cereal Zero noticed the time. "OH CRAP, IT'S ONE FORTY! I'M GONNA BE LATEEEEE!!!" He tossed his now empty bowl into the sink, grabbed his keys, and left his home in a hurry after locking his door.

"Shit shit shit!" Zero hopped on his bike and zoomed off towards his job. He worked in a local grocery store and was on his last strike. Rushing towards the store taking a few shortcuts, his dreads flew in the wind behind him. He passed a familiar alleyway but noticed a very unfamiliar noise, it sounded like a wounded dog.

Risking his job, Zero hated when animals were hurt. So even if he lost his job for helping a wounded animal, there would be no regret in his very soul! He pulled the breaks so hard he almost flew over the front of his bike. "Helloo..?" This alley was his least favorite, the buildings seemed too close together and they were connected at the very top allowing no light to enter except for the entrance. In the distance of the dark abyss-like alley, Zero saw some sparks fly.

"Excuse me, are you okay?" This situation gave off a very ominous feel, one that reeked danger but now intrigued he keeps going. As he got near there stood a figure in a black trenchcoat who held a small bright yellow and black gun-like object. The man shot it once more in the direction he stood and that's when he heard it, a wounded cry of an animal! "Hey!" Zero figured that this man was hurting an animal so he ran at full speed prepared to fight, and braced himself for a tackle.

Because of his decision to yell, the man had noticed Zero from the moment he yelled 'Hey!' so he turned and shot Zero with the Tazer gun. "Agh!!" He screams in pain while being electrocuted, the shady man was distracted by Zero which allowed the animal to escape. 'Thank you human, I'll remember this..' A soft voice spoke to him telepathically. But Zero thought he was just hearing things due to the pain he was currently experiencing.

"God damn you brat, you let the subject escape!" This 'subject' he spoke of was the creature that just left. It was a small Lion whose mane was colored a fiery red and its coat was cloud white. Zero was so confused about what was happening, he didn't even know why the man was hurting the animal but his instincts told him to rush in and help!

"Since you have seen the target, I'm afraid I cannot allow you to live." The man reached in his pocket and pulled out a pistol and pulled the trigger. BANG! The loud noise echoed which caught the attention of nearby police officers who called for backup while running in that direction of the noise.

After a few minutes the man was gone, without a trace of him left behind the cops arrived with a deep solemn expression. "It seems this young man was shot, not too long ago... Who would shoot a kid for no reason?" The EMS workers follow through and take him to the medical bay.


Zero has been floating in this area for a while now, it was a pitch-black void. So dark in fact, he could not tell if his eyes were open or closed! "Am I... dead??" He tried to rotate and move his body but nothing worked. "So this is my afterlife huh? Just sitting around in the dark, nothing to do and nowhere to go for all eternity..."

Zero still had no regrets, he was glad that he assisted in that creature's escape. "I hope the little guy made it somewhere safe, and hopefully grow up big and strong." All of his words would just be him talking to himself out loud, for some reason his mouth was the only part of his body that worked.

"I am so sorry..." A soft and sorrowful voice spoke out loud.

"Huh, who's there?!" Surprised that someone would be in such a place as this, not knowing if he was in danger or not he spoke again. "Who are you, and where are we??" Zero felt the pressure of this void pull him towards the direction of the said voice. As he got closer, he felt his body start to change.

His eyesight returned to him, yet that wasn't the only change. It felt like his skin had gotten a little younger his body felt brand new!

Once he got closer he could see the person floating in front of him, it was a beautiful tall woman. She wore a long white silk dress decorated with red flames of fire. "My name is Aurora, and I bear the flames of life. Which makes me quite sad that I inadvertently caused your early demise..." She looked so sad, her red flames changed to a deep blue state giving off the feeling of sadness or depression.

"You..caused my death?" Zero's original question had been answered, he was dead. "How could you cause my death?" Suddenly all the memories of before he died became even more clear. He remembers being shot by a man in a shady trench coat. "Back then I was a little Lion cub in the human world, ever since that day I grew up in peace and your act of bravery was never forgotten!"

She went on explaining her adventures on earth with many laughing moments and very few sad, this caused her flames to go back to red. Zero thought it was nice to have some company after all, if this was how he spent his eternity then at least he had someone to talk to.

Her story came to an end and she remembered some important details she forgot to share. "I forgot to inform you, I am the goddess of Life. Also now known as one of the major gods of creation, I have the power to give you two wishes of your choosing. Whether you choose to be reborn in the world you've left or another one. I can grant your wildest dreams to come true in this void you're in, the choice is yours. But don't ponder too long young one, I don't have much time to spare here." She laughs "Duty calls after all!"

He thought to himself, really wondering if the whole rebirth subject. 'She is the goddess of life, so it shouldn't be impossible for her to do that right? I better ask first before I say anything' looking up to her he spoke "Excuse me Aurora, what did you mean by 'another'? I'm assuming you meant another world, but if that's the case are you talking about in outer space or..?"

She smiled knowing exactly what he was trying to ask of her. "In my many years of growing up on Earth, I've noticed that there is a very popular thing around called anime. So when I grew older I took some time to research said places and discovered that those realities do exist!"

Zero's eyes opened wide in shock! Could it be possible to be reborn in any anime world of his choosing?! "Okay.." He tried to conceal his excitement, he thought about which anime he would want to be reborn in. "So for my first wish, I want to be reborn in the Dragon Ball reality." He figured since that's what he grew up watching he might as well go there since it was the one he knew most about.

"And for my second, I would like a system...that will give me info on whatever I ask while in the Dragon Ball reality. Are those not too much to ask?" Zero hoped he hasn't overstepped his place on the last one. But he did not know if these worked like a Genie or not, so in case he had to be specific.

If he had said 'universe' instead of reality, the system could have been limited to just universe 7 and he did not want that.

"Too much?" She laughs loudly "Such wishes are very easy to grant. Now, are you sure that those are your final choices?" He nodded, finalizing his requests. "I wish you luck young Zero, one day I'm sure you'll rise to great fame. Goodbye-" When she finished speaking her body burst into a beautiful rose made of flame, it entered his body and he blacked out.

A few minutes pass and his body started to fade till it was a white orb, it traveled quite a distance in the void until it entered a lit area. Upon entering, It shot down to the planet earth. Passing up various dinosaurs and other terrifying beasts, this soul entered a young man's body. This person had been working hard on his farm, then he froze and fell towards the floor.

An hour later the man woke up and looked around surprised. Looking down he smiled and let out a sigh of relief "IT WORKED!!" The man jumped up and down like a little kid entering a candy store. "Excuse me system, where am I, and whose body am I in?"

There was no response for a few seconds then suddenly an AI voice spoke back, inside his head "Hello, Zero I am your guide. You have been reborn into the Dragon Balk reality, and the body your soul is inhabiting is a random earthling whose body resembled yours the most." The AI's voice was slightly robotic but overall sounded just like Aurora's voice.

"Ookay... so that means..?" he asked the system. "Yes, it means your rebirth was a success." He got even more excited! Before anything else, a serious thought came to mind. "Which time am I located in currently??" He asked the system in which she replied with. "You are currently in a time skip from the end of the last martial arts tournament in Dragon ball to the start of the Saiyan Saga in Z. There are 2 and a half more years until the first Saiyan Raditz shows up on earth."

His face grew serious, now it was time for him to really get to work!

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