
Change and Skip

Alex wore his armor and removed the piece of Vibranium ore from his pocket dimension. He was going to use it as a reference to search for Wakanda's Vibranium source.

Alex held the Vibranium between his fingers and drew the spell matrix, while the matrix was being drawn Alex's senses expanded over the surface of the entire planet.

He sensed every piece of Vibranium on earth and there were varying quantities. Alex canceled the spell and had A.N.G.I render a 3D hologram of earth.

Alex then pinned locations on the map, there were a few small dots scattered across the earth but what drew Alex's attention was the large mound in Wakanda as well as a small amount off the Somalian coast.

It was only small in comparison to Wakanda's mound. Drake was wondering why Wakanda didn't retrieve this Vibranium meteor but his senses told him that this piece fell to earth at the same time as Wakanda's did.

It was also buried under 50 meters of dirt and rock as well as 80 meters of water. Alex changed his target to this Vibranium meteor, it was definitely more than a quarter tonne of Vibranium ore.

Alex gathered some drones that were capable of working underwater and removed his armor. He then opened a portal to the water surface above the Vibranium meteor and sent the drones through before he stepped through.

When he did step through the portal he dived straight into the sea and transformed into his true form. He was now 260 cm (8.53 ft) long, he quickly swam to the energy source and had the drones start digging.

Alex swam around the perimeter, he was adapting to the feeling of breathing underwater. He felt a little more resistance than usual but it was still better than not being able to breathe.

It took 5 hours to clear a path to the meteor of Vibranium, when Alex saw it he was beyond happy. This piece of Vibranium ore weighed at least 3 tonnes, there would be a large amount of impurities to remove but it would still be more than a tonne.

It weighed a lot but Alex had the drones lift the meteor of the ocean floor and Alex opened a portal to the loading bay of his base. The meteor fell through and the drones followed it quickly.

Alex stayed behind and picked up a few fragments the drones left behind. they totalled up to 50 lbs but he didn't want anyone to know what was excavated here.

He then opened another portal to the loading bay and swam through. After he closed the portal A.N.G.I drained the room and then opened the door.

Alex shifted back into his human form and walked towards his lab space. He had Vibranium ore, now he needed to be able to refine and process it.

He was still considering borrowing research from Wakanda but he decided to do the research himself. It would take time but it would be well worth it.

Soon time passed, it was now February 2009, Alex would be 19 at the end of the next month. Alex has been researching Vibranium for the past year and a half (Give or take a few weeks).

Dragon Industries has been expanding at breakneck speeds. 7 months ago Dragon Industries sent 4 Satellites developed by Alex himself. Unbeknownst to everyone else the rocket itself reformed into 2 stealth Satellites.

They were for Alex's private use and since the beginning of February Alex had been using one to keep eyes on Tony Stark. He wasn't sure if he affected the time line or not so he was on alert for any changes.

Since their initial meeting Alex and Tony kept in touch, they weren't overly close but they were friendly. Alex wanted to be close enough to be involved in the important events not overwrite them.

So he focused on his Vibranium research which saw a lot of progress. After 2 months he was able to refine it and remove all impurities.

He then moved on to researching ways to incorporate Vibranium into various metals and other materials. This was proceeding smoothly, Alex also discovered that the impurities in the Vibranium ore weren't impurities.

It was low grade Vibranium, it was a disgrace to call it Vibranium but it was several times stronger than any known metal or alloy on earth.

It's only downsides were its heavy weight and poor vibration absorption( In comparison to Vibranium). Alex used this to forge Dragonsoul Mk2 and Mk3, Mk2 was a Katana and Mk3 was a Greatsword.

Alex wasn't using high quality Vibranium to forge his weapons and armor because he didn't have the necessary equipment to forge them.

After Alex's deep sea excavation he remembered something later that week. Vibranium mutated the flora and fauna around Wakanda so it could have possibly did the same in the sea.

Alex went back and the only thing he found was some kelp that looked weird. He gently plucked it and brought it back to his lab.

Test results showed that it contained an impossible amount of nutrients, some were unheard of. Alex replanted it in a simulated environment near his Vibranium stash.

Alex was planning to use it for his next evolution. He was only three levels away from graduating from being a baby Dragon.

Alex looked on as Tony boarded his private jet that was bound for Afghanistan. Luckily for Alex the chain of events went as it should.

He tested his Jericho Missiles and was on his way to Bagram Air Base when his humvee convoy was attacked.

Alex watched as Tony was hit by the shrapnel from one of his own missiles and was almost killed. It wasn't easy to watch his friend in this situation but it was necessary.

He was then dragged off by the Ten Rings to their mountain stronghold and that's the last time Alex would see Tony for three months minus the one time he was brought outside.

Alex was conflicted about how to feel so he buried himself in his research and running his company. Alex didn't even celebrate his birthday with his parents, he just talked to them over the phone.

Though he did do Tony a favor, when shareholders started dumping their stock Alex had A.N.G.I buy most of them. Someone else bought the rest.

Alex focused on his research and two months after his birthday he saw explosions at the stronghold. Alex watched as Tony fought his way out, blew up the weapons Obadiah Stane sold the Ten Rings before attempting to fly away.

He was airborne for all of twenty seconds before his flight system malfunctioned and he fell from the sky. He landed in the desert and clawed his way out from his now wrecked armor.

Tony then walked away from the crash site until he was found by Rhodey. He then recieved medical attention and was sent on a plane back to Los Angeles.

Alex got wind of the press conference and got dressed and made his way to Stark Industries Headquarters. By the time he arrived Tony had already declared that he was shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark Industries.

Alex heard the news and got A.N.G.I to buy the dropped stocks once again. He made his way to where Tony was where he saw Phil Coulson making a phone call.

Alex then saw Tony and said" I knew a cockroach like you couldn't die so easily. "

" What do you mean cockroach? I am obviously a Phoenix back from the ashes. " Tony

Alex looked at him and laughed before hugging him, where he then felt something on Tony's chest. He tapped it twice and asked " What's this? Can't be a metal chest plate. "

" Swing by my place in a few days. I'll show you as well as something interesting I need your help with." Tony said.

" Sure why not, things are a little boring with me right now." Alex wasn't expecting this invitation. He and Tony were friends and colleagues but this was unexpected nonetheless.

Over the last year and a half Alex scored a couple government and private contracts thanks to his advanced software. He was even in talks with the Pentagon about the possibility of a contract.

In the software field he became an overnight giant, only a few U.S based companies didn't use his software. Hammer Industries and Oscorp Industries as well as a few others.

Alex surmised that Tony asked because of his skill with software. That was largely true but the other reason was because he didn't question Tony's decision like everyone else.

After Tony was more or less healed he tried recruiting Rhodey to fly his new armor but was unfortunately turned down.

Alex showed up that afternoon to hear Tony say " Dummy, look alive. You're on standby for fire safety. "

Knowing what was about to happen Alex made his way past the garage security.

" We're gonna start off bice and easy. We're gonna see if 10% thrust capacity achieves lift. And three, two, one. " * PHEEEW* *THUD*

" HAHAHAHAHAHA..." Alex was rolling on the floor laughing at what he saw. The force from the thrusters sent Tony flying into the garage wall.

" You've been here all of 2 minutes and I'm already regretting my decision kid. " Tony.

" What are friends for if not to laugh at your mistakes and help you out in times of need. " Alex.

Tony just sighed and went on with the construction and troubleshooting with Alex's help. Alex had to admit that Tony was indeed a genius, he used his intellect to create his ideas in his own unique way.

Alex was a genius as well but he lacked experience, but helping Tony would garner him some. Time passed and the MkII armor was finally completed.

Tony equipped it with the help of specialized equipment and got the preliminary results from J.A.R.V.I.S. Alex stood by and watched as Tony decided to go for a flight test instead.

He took off through the garage entrance and flew above Los Angeles for a bit before deciding to attempt breaking SR-71's record for fixed wing flight altitude.

Needless to say he failed spectacularly. After almost dying Tony returned to his house and attempted to land on the roof but the weight of the armor sent him crashing his way straight to the garage.

Alex felt like he was forgetting something while he watched Tony fly his way back. It wasn't until he saw him attempt to land on the roof did he remember what he forgot.

Alex stepped away from the cars and watched as Tony fell onto one. He looked on and said " I feel like you'll fall to your death instead of being shot or blown up. Why are you always falling? I'm leaving before you fall on me or worse yet, your bad luck rubs off on me. "

Alex faked a shudder and left for the night. Tony was too wiped to care, he removed his armor and showered. When he came out he saw the gift Pepper left for him earlier.

It was the old arc reactor she helped him replace earlier, it was mounted on a metal plate with an

engraving that said " Proof that Tony Stark has a heart".

He smiled when he saw it and then proceeded to design the MkIII armor before he told J.A.R.V.I.S to fabricate it. He then turned on the TV and saw that his annual ball for firefighters was tonight.

After confirming with J.A.R.V.I.S that he didn't get an invite he got dressed and decided to crash his own party. He arrived, greeted Hugh Hefner and Obadiah Stane before heading inside.

He then met Pepper, flirted with her a bit and when he went to get her a drink he ran into Christine Everhart who showed him photos of his weapons being used against the citizens of Gulmira.

After seeing the proof he confronted Obadiah Stane who admitted that it was true and that he filed the injunction against him.

Filled with the desire to fix his previous wrongdoings he put on the newly finished MkIII armor and set off for Gulmira.

The next morning when Alex arrived to help Tony he saw shattered glass where the door once was. He made his way to the central console and patched into Tony's coms.

" Cockroach 1 do you copy? What is your twenty? " Alex was having fun mocking him.

" I swear to God if you keep calling me cockroach I'll squish YOU like one. " Tony

" Dude relax. Where are you headed though?" Alex

" Gulmira. I saw that they got their hands on some of my weapons. I have to destroy them, this can't be my legacy. " Tony

Tony then went on to ask " Hey kid . "

" Yeah. " Alex

" Why are you helping me? Everyone else thinks I've lost it. Why do help me ? " Tony

" We've been friends for almost two years. I know your character, you're a good person at heart but you had no direction. After you came back and announced your plans I could see the determination in your eyes. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't have your back. " Alex

" Plus I'm 70% sure you'd die without my help and besides who wouldn't help you after seeing what you're currently flying in. " Alex

" So what you're saying is you wanna be my sidekick. " Tony

" Hahaha, do you believe I won't kill the power in your suit right now ? " Alex

" You wouldn't, you're not heartless enough to kill your role model. " Tony

" Tch, one of these days your smart mouth is gonna get you in trouble. " Alex

Alex then cut the line and just watched Tony's flight while looking over the collected data. Alex locked at both the fight data and the combat data from Tony's fight against the Ten Rings.

He watched Tony's flight back in silence up until the two F22 Raptors started chasing him.

" This is retribution for that sidekick remark. " Alex

Tony didn't have the luxury to reply he was too focused on dodging and speaking to Rhodey. He was doing well until one of the Raptors fired a missile at him.

After the explosion he managed to cling to the underside of on of the Raptors. He then called Rhodey back and apologized and said that he was the target the Raptors were trying to blow up.

At that exact moment the plane he was clinging to turned and he was spotted. After a series of events he was shaken off and managed to destroy the wing of one of the Raptors.

Seeing the ejected pilot not deploying his chute Tony rushed to him and punched the trigger, deploying the chute.

He then made his way back home and was in the middle of removing his suit when Pepper walked in. They saw each other and Tony then said " Let's face it, This isn't the worst thing you've caught me doing. "

Alex heard that and said " That's disturbing. "

After getting a look from Tony he then said " I'll be making my exit now. " Followed by a " Good luck. "

....... Author Note ....

Sorry about the lack of chapters folks, I was researching for content.

I'll also be dropping to 6 chapters a week from now on.

Let me know what you think of this chapter.

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