
Dragon's lineage - Levathian

As Jason was getting ready to get to his usual job, he is suddenly attacked and loses consciousness and his world goes black. When he opens his eyes again, he has become a Baby, follow his adventures as he finds himself in a fantasy world. Will he succumb to the world that's fast paced or will he use his experience, however little it may be to weather the storm? This is my first time writing, I will gladly accept constructive criticism as it helps me. The cover is of a cat, what is more majestic (supposedly) than a cat?

Slingshot · Fantasy
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15 Chs

3 Years later

General POV :-

The Levathian viscounty had grown, territorially, politically, economically and every other possible way. The 3 years were spent on developing the territory since the the added region was the one taken during the war. It may have been difficult to assimilate the new region but the area wasn't large and the people were concentrated in a couple of village and towns. This was mostly done by the Royal family to not give too much power to the new Viscount, since being a viscount means the title and land is hereditary.

Now Astarot was 3½ years old and was growing splendidly. He had started walking and speaking gibberish when he was around a year old, and got the hang of it when he was a year and a half old. He spent the next year playing around, getting to know his parents, took a look around the viscounty. After that though, he started training after speaking to his parents, of course nothing crazy, just light exercise and a few sword training basics.

Mana is supposed to be only felt after a person is around 4 years old, which until then he was free so when he started practising, his mother went another extra to get him a teacher to read and write. Although it was a new language, Asta could manage due it's uncanny resemblance to english.

Another major thing that during these years is that, lady Elicia was pregnant again, and it was due in 7 months.

Asta POV -

The last 3 years have been sort of a rinse and repeat in regards to physical training and getting used to this new body and world. But emotionally I don't know how to feel, at first I thought I took over the body and that is why it was so difficult to get used to it. But now it feels more like a fleeting dream, of course that doesn't mean I'm free from it, not at all, It still triggers in certain circumstances. I don't remember everything from that life, just a few moments here and there and how I died.

For now I feel like a child but my thought process is bit more mature, I received a lot of love from my parents and honestly I don't know why but it feels so new, so warm and so rare.... like I don't want to lose this feeling. This is one of those times when my memories or feelings from my past life triggers, that feeling of wanting to safeguard this feeling, not wanting to let it go and feeling.... abandoned if I don't find them for a day.

'Honestly I'm grateful for these memories in times when I'm feeling clingy, though my parents find it adorable, I don't want to feel this way, not anymore. I don't want to trouble them anymore especially with a baby coming up. I need to be on my best behavior. The training in the federation helps, I mean the memories came back one by one, I could remember the chaos, wars, bledshed, and how it made me numb. But I won't let it control me, not when I have a lovely family'

And now that brings us to the training. The sword training was alright, my physical body grew stronger, apparently children in this world grow faster, the age of 15 Is considered an adult. Suree, that doesn't mean anything to me, I'm not a degenerate.... well maybe I am but nothing until I 'grow'. Now about mana, I can feel there's something in the atmosphere, like how we feel air or wind, but we can't see it.

Mana is something that's present in every living being, of course the quantity and quality varies. It has wide variety of usages, something my mother told me that she'll teach once I awaken. Now I'm trying to concentrate if I can feel it, I tried sensing it I could feel it around me, but now I'm trying to feel inside the body.

'There it is! Hahahah finally, I've been trying for for two months now, but I didn't want to rush it. phew that feels great, my body feels warm and my find feels refreshed'

While I was still in the euphoria of feeling mana, I noticed it gathering at one point near my abdomen, I tried feeling it see how much I had but I suddenly started losing consciousness.

'Damn, this little body. I couldn't even stay awake'

I heard a ding, though I couldn't check what it was, I really hope it is what I think it is, and I get overpowered, because this world has the potential to get chaotic and strength is respected.

Elicia POV -

I was reading a book while taking my much needed break, clearly pregnancy is even if the second time takes it's toll on me. in the room next to mine Asta is meditating as usual God knows for what.. suddenly I feel a fluctuation of mana, I immediately knew something was up, I rushed to the room and I saw my boy unconscious, I let my mana check his condition and imagine my surprise

'His awakened his mana, by himself at the age of 3½ years. Is this the mark of a genius? I don't know if I should be happy that my son is going to be on the path to be strong or be sad that he's inevitably going to get hurt down the line'

I've known ever since he was 2 years old, my son was more intelligent than others and I should've seen this coming. I only hope that my son doesn't have my thirst my adventure and has his father's sense of responsibility sighhh





Asta POV :-

I woke up with a splitting headache and pain all over my body. I remember feeling mana and then passing out. I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I see is my personal maid and butler cleaning my room, Dorothy and willaim. As I slowly wake up, Dorothy notices me and immediately helps me up " young master, you need to rest a bit more. I'll get you something to eat"

She immediately left, and I look towards William "how long was I out for? "

"four hours young master, the lady was very worried about you"

I simply nodded and sat back up. My maid bought the food and I greedily gulped it down. after I felt refreshed I remember hearing a sound, like a system notification type. I tried to mentally give commands and didn't work so I slowly whispered 'Status' and lo and behold

Status -

Name - Astarot levathian

Race - human

Age - 3 years

Title - Young master of the levathian house

Stats :-

STR - 2

VIT - 2

DEX - 1

MIND - 3

PER - 1

Traits :-

Zephyr Eyes (locked) - unlocked when MIND crosses 15

?????? (locked) - conditions unknown

Affinity :-

Unlocks at age 8

Congratulations on unlocking your mana! This interface is a gift for you to stay motivated ~

'Well before anything else, this system sounds like a gift from some divine being for his own entertainment. I don't really know what the intention of such a gift is, for now I can only take what I get and worry about it later. There's a lot of questions I have and I will slowly unravel them'

As I was wondering how much this system does I hear a notification sound again


Synchronizing now










As soon as it was completed, I felt a wave of information flooding my brain about the system and what it can and cannot do. And the information about whatever is unlocked.

The system for the most part, only shows my improvements in numbers and cannot alter my stats like traditional RPG systems. it only shows me my numerical stats and information about each of them. I think this is where my advantage lies, it has a lot of knowledge and I can pick and choose between efficient or traditional and long depending on that particular circumstance. I just need to unlock that particular knowledge by either starting to practice or learn enough for it unlock ny itself.

'Pretty much all the stats are self explanatory except for MIND, which is basically mental power, will and what not. I think it's higher than the others because of my previous life's memories.

Perception is probably my senses, something like a observation haki from one piece. Though it remains to be seen if it's the same after going through qualitative breakthrough, in this case rhe hurdle of 10 points. My mana has just started out and it will most probably have a stat sheet for it as well.

The other ones are basic ones, an adult male has an average of 10 each, and female has 9 each. if there are other stats, only time will tell.

My traits and affinities are still locked. Which either requires me to grow up or do some extreme training, they can wait'

I hear another notification


You have unlocked Inventory after synchronizing!


Name :- Astarot levathian

Race :- human

Age :- 3 years

Stats :-



Traits :-







5 slots unlocked and more depending on the affinities unlocked.

'Huh, affinities huh? I still don't really know much about it, but I do have an idea how it might work, after all I have enough novels to know hehe'

So this is my system, and more things I need to research and learn, I'm actually pretty happy with how things are. It allows me to go on an adventure and learn new things and have a lot of entertaining trips, I just hope I get another brother so I can dump everything on him hehehe.

And everything was said and done, it was time to have a talk with my parents about my future. I'm actually looking forward but also nervous at the same time, my parents are worrywarts so I hope I'll be able to convince them.

?????? POV -

"Hehe so there's finally someone after all these years, I hope you like my gift boy, don't disappointment me!" - ????

"You look happy, anything interesting? " - a man with smooth black hair and a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Hehe, the world is going to get chaotic soon and I've got a potential pawn for the future~"




Astarot felt a shiver down his spine


A/N -

Guys it'll probably be another info dump the next chapter as well, because there's a lot of information that I need to put out there because I'm planning for a proper world building novel.

After the info dump, I'll probably leave a lot of space empty for suggestions and inspiration for the future, so if you're here, do make sure to share your opinions