
The Fire Within

The simple sentence held no emotion, just downcast eyes that held a burning sensation if one looked into them. Yet everyone other than the guards could not stand for the arrogance from this mere child. With no words spoken, each one of the strangers presumed bandits stepped closer and held their weapons tightly. A swift motion from Jon and three arrows were released and found to be lodged into the bandits flesh. As three of their brothers in arms fell, the rest ran forward while one in the back nocked an arrow and took aim right at the smirking Jon.

A hand axe flew through the air with astonishing force causing everyone it passed to blink twice and a cold sweat to form along their spines. It's trajectory forward towards the bowman's face splitting the bow in his hands and slamming into him. His head jerks backwards as his hands go limp while his body rolls backwards into the snow marking the surrounding of his body with a red whitish hue, displaying its beauty. As his death set in to the other bandits, they looked back at the boy atop his horse surrounded by the fully armed men ready for battle and doubt started to set in. Before they're bodies could decide on their fight or flight instincts, a voice was heard from the boy.

"Now, let's have fun, shall we?"

With what seemed like a sickening smile to the bandits, the words echoed from Jon in their minds seconds before the three men rushed forward. Each one attacking swiftly dispatching the bandits one by one, Jon no exception as he took another hand axe and threw it forwards seeking its prey. As the last bandits fell or were trying to flee as the guards ran them down, Jon looked into the sky past what the normal eye could see.


Aegon Targaryen (Jon Snow)

Age: 5

Diplomacy: 12

Martial: 14

Stewardship: 9

Intrigue: 7

Learning: 9

Prowess: 40(20)

Traits: Beautiful, Genius, Strong, Giant, Pure Blooded, Fecund, Herculean, Divine Blood, Dragon Dreams, Curious, Charming, Vanguard, Brave(New), Warg(New), Greenseer(New), Hunter(New), Authoritative(New), Diligent(New), Trained Fighter(New)

Titles: The Chosen One, Warden


Swordsmanship lvl4

Tactics lvl2

Politics lvl2

Charisma lvl2

Climbing lvl2

Fitness lvl3

Chivalry lvl1

Throwing lvl2

Horsemanship lvl2

Keen Sense lvl2

Warg Magic lvl1


Store (Expand)

2 points

Quest (1)

Master a weapon of your choice and start down your path as one of the chosen.


A few of the traits he gained were while on his hunt, but he had to purchase the Warg, Greenseer, and even improve his skills though the traits helped in progressing that as well. After the tiring day of killing and gathering their valuables then burying the dead. What seemed like a long and very solemn ride home with one dead man on the back of a guard's horse made the short distance seem almost dreary. As the walls came into view, the guards standing watch, vigilant for any danger, began to open the gates for the young Jon's entourage. Passing through, people were in shock seeing the cold corpse of the dead man, a few even sad and distraught.

Making his way forward, Robb was the only one to meet Jon as Ned was presumed busy and Catelyn just didn't want to see him or as Jon presumed. Talking over what he had gone through leading up to his tale of the bandits, Robb was enraptured in his story of events. So much so that a deep rooted desire started to bud within his heart little to the acknowledgement of anyone. Something that did catch Jon's attention was the whispers and attention drawn his way from the various men and women along the path they took. Looking at Robb, Robb smiled brightly as he grabbed Jon's shoulder.

"We have a sister, Jon, Sansa is her name."

His mouth agape as he looked at Robb before smiling too, truly it was joyous news. Jon was so excited as he ran through the halls. That stopped suddenly when he saw Catelyn almost glaring at him as he entered the room she and his now younger sister were in. His smile was gone and his eyes calmed from his inner excitement till he nodded to her and left without any words exchanged. This one exchange explained how their relationship has and will be from that moment in time.

As the days turned into months and then years, news of his younger siblings being born came through one ear and out the other. Not due to him not loving them or wanting to know them but simply because the boundaries that restricted him were past his power to break past. That didn't however hinder his growth over the years as anyone would see him as nothing less than a monstrous prodigy. At only nine name days old, Jon had already outgrown Robb by a few inches and was always carrying an unusually large two handed longsword by his side wherever he went.

Long Black hair cascading down his shoulders, piercing grey eyes looking at almost anything with a cold calculative look. Oftentimes people would find him late at night looking towards the night sky or in the Godswoods. During the day, he would spend it either hunting or training and never missing a beat even at celebrations. The amount of progress he made was astounding and shocking if anyone were to truly see how he developed. Looking up to his mirror as he dressed himself, Jon couldn't help but look at the screen as it appeared, summoned as a back thought to him.


Aegon Targaryen (Jon Snow)

Age: 9

Diplomacy: 22

Martial: 29

Stewardship: 21

Intrigue: 20

Learning: 28

Prowess: 40(20)

Traits: Beautiful, Genius, Strong, Giant, Pure Blooded, Fecund, Herculean, Divine Blood, Dragon Dreams, Duelist(New), Vanguard, Brave, Warg, Greenseer, Hunter, Authoritative, Diligent, Scholar(New), Patient(New), Ambitious(New), Temperate(New), Proud(New) Strategist(New), Formidable Fighter(New), Fast Learner(New)

Titles: The Chosen One, Warden


Swordsmanship lvl7

Tactics lvl4

Politics lvl5

Charisma lvl3

Climbing lvl4

Fitness lvl5

Chivalry lvl4

Throwing lvl6

Horsemanship lvl6

Keen Sense lvl4

Warg Magic lvl5


Store (Expand)

5562 points

Quest (1)

Master a weapon of your choice and start down your path as one of the chosen.


Seeing all the new points he had, Jon smiled before whispering to himself. The door creaked open as he took a step outside only to see a few people running to and from down the hallway till he grabbed one person as they ran by.

"Why is everyone in a frenzy around the halls?"

As Jon asked a small servant girl, she gulped before answering without looking into his eyes.

"The squi.. I mean the Greyjoy's have rebelled against the crown, Lord Stark has sent out ravens to his bannermen to raise arms and all the servants are meant to be gathering supplies for the war to come."

As Jon listened to the words of the girl, he silently gulped and let the girl go as he started to think. He rushed to his room to don his armor instead of just his training equipment. He quickly went to his menu and improved his swordsmanship from lvl7 to lvl10 spending 4480 points on the spot. Though it pained him, he knew he would need it as all the new knowledge sailed into his mind like a torrent of water released from a broken dam. Clutching his head as he fell to his knee till he regained his bearings. A bead of sweat dripped from his face to the ground as his eyes regained their clarity, a smile on his face.

The snow on the ground being forced down by the stomping of boots and hooves, Jon made his way in between the soldiers and townsfolk. His destination being his father, Lord Stark who was talking with his master at arms and his maester. As he came closer, Ned spotted him and he couldn't help but shiver at seeing Jon. something had changed about the boy that his absence had sorely missed. He was bigger than Robb looking as if he was one and three, maybe even four name days old.

In everything he had been hearing about the boy, he wasn't sure if he should see him as such or as a young man. Known for sparring with multiple of the guards while always coming out on top was no small feat for someone of his age not to mention his height surpassing all of his peers. Ned looked into Jon's grey eyes and his thoughts drifted to his sister and that day when he found Jon. A vision of no more than a few seconds, only showing fire and ice colliding together forming a man made stronger than stone or steel, with only the cold to embrace him as the fire raged within him. He wondered if that was what Jon felt being in the North and having to deal with his surroundings, though he wanted to know what exactly did it mean to have a fire burn within you, was it love, ambition, or maybe something more.

Hey everyone! I Pushed myself to release this tonight just so you all could enjoy it. I hope you like it and ill hopefully have another chapter in a few days if not sooner though it'll probably be within three to four days unless I can find another day off. Have a wodnerful night and rise up readers, enjoy the literacy of others creations to flourish your imaginations.

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