The entire Heavenly Realm was covered in smoke and flames and corpse littered the landscape. This was the Battle of Eminence, where the winner would take over the entire world. It was a battle between the two superior races, and it so happened to occur in the Heavens.

"**** I can't tell if it's because of your shamelessness or your racial features but why are your skins so d*** thick?!" An immature male voice yelled across the entire battlefield as he hacked and slashed the several skeleton army that found alongside the other demons. The barb metal chain in his hand easily decapitated his enemies as blood splashed even more on the now destroyed earth.

"Ki Tao Xiaojian, can't you quietly kill people, why do you have to be so loud?!" Another male voice screamed back as he slashed a high-ranking demon with his sword.

"Liu He Meng, did you not go to school, since when where demons people?!"

These two figures, both dress in conspicuous red argued against each other as they happily killed a bunch of demonic beings.

While the two were clearly enjoying the situation despite their vulgar words, up on the clouds five figures stared down at the duo, each had a variety of expression on their faces.

Standing in the middle of the four men was a gorgeous woman dressed in a soft white and gold dress. Her entire being seemed to radiate but that was possibly due to the amount of flashy jewellery she was wearing. Nevertheless she was stunning, so stunning that people mistook her for a second sun.

"When is the War God arriving?" A gentle and sweet voice asked whoever was listening as her mouth twitched watching her two childhood friends clearly making a mess down below.

A man dressed from head to toe in black, had a raven perched on his shoulder as he amusingly watched the duo below, "the War God passed on a message this morning saying that he had a stomach ache, so he hopes for you to just keep watch and make sure the war doesn't end to early."

"Was it food poisoning?" A gentle man dressed entirely in white had a white owl perched on his shoulder as he held a flute in hand smile as he turned to ask his friend.

This bunch of relaxed celestials really where too beautiful, each exude elegant and seductive charm, it really hurts the eyes to look directly at them.

"A War God get's food poisoning?" Standing together was two children who seemed to be around eight or nine years old, they looked the youngest out of the bunch but these two were no less than five thousand years old.

Their hair were scarlet red and their eyes were similar shades to the rest of their friends, stunning golden hues that could captive the whole world. This was a trait of high celestials that had cultivated to at least a Spatial Lord.

These two were twins, and after an accident that occurred early in their childhood, they maintained their child-like features despite being so old already.

"Did the War God get food poisoning along with the rest of his army? Where are the soldiers?" The woman really couldn't contain her laughter as she pointed down at the two figures that were still hacking and slashing below.

These two weren't even part of the troop but once they saw the deserted side of the celestials they had jumped from the sky and started battling it out with the unprepared demon race.

"Well they do eat the same things, so it's possible?" The other twin replied as he held his brother's hand, he was the oldest out of the two and stood beside the woman as he expressionlessly looked at the two idiots that didn't care about their tiny lives as they faced a swam of demons.

"Such tragedy, Shanyuan do you have any medicine to cure such intense stomach ache?" The woman cocked her head as she looked passed the man dressed in black at the man who was entirely white, if it wasn't for his pair of stunning golden eyes and soft pink lips he'd be a walking snowman.

Li Tan Shanyuan looked over at his childhood friend before chuckling and pulling out a small, white porcelain bottles one out after another as he stated each of its names, "I have Qi San Pills, Xue Zhu Pills, Kulou Zhiwen Pills."

The man standing beside Li Tan Shanyuan shifted slightly and stepped closer to the woman as his eyes were fixed on those three bottles of pills.

If it's medicine why do they have such horrible names? Qi scattering pills? Blood pearl pills? Skeleton kiss pills?

The woman looked amused at the man dressed entirely in black who was backing away from Li Tan Shanyuan, "Honghui, what's wrong with you?"

Luo Cao Honghui looked startled as his subtle actions were caught, before he coughed and looked away, avoiding all eye contact, "nothing, my legs were getting tired," so you shifted over a bit?

Luo Cao Honghui didn't fear anything beside three people, one was the woman standing beside him the other was this smiling fox Li Tan Shanyuan and the other was the ever cold Heavenly Ancestor God who was a rank away from breaking through to the peak of celestial cultivation.

One was a snake the other was a fox and the other was a frightening iceberg who was the master of a serpent, he really didn't know how someone introvert as him managed to make friends with the first two.

All four of his friends looked at him as if he was an idiot. The raven on his master's shoulder wanted to hide, how embarrassing.

The woman's pair of watery eyes shifted from side to side as she looked at the three pill bottles in hand, "I think the Qi San and Kulou Zhiwen Pills are a little strong to cure food poisoning, but Xue Zhu Pills should be alright."

Li Tan Shanyuan smiled as he retrieved the other two bottles and handed the other one to the woman, "there shouldn't be any side effects, so it's safe to use."

Luo Cao Honghui looked between the two smiling animals before asking with a shaky voice as he pointed at the white bottle in his childhood friend's hands, "you're not actually going to use that right?"

The woman's brows raised as if to asked what the problem was.

Luo Cao Honghui pointed to the smiling fox beside him, "he's a poison master! A poison master! Since when had anything he made be medicine?" Aren't you just going to kill people if you use the things he gives you?

The woman blinked before chuckling, she threw the bottle up and down in her hand, "is there a problem with that?"

Luo Cao Honghui laughed speechlessly, alright fine, he was stupid, he forgot you're your highness the almighty Si Zheng Biya, the most heartless and evil being in the entire Heavenly Realm!

Go, go ahead and poison the War God and his army, he'll just wait and see how the Heavenly Emperor vomits blood in anger later!
