
Chapter 27

I groaned at them as we walked, unsure why we'd been going non-stop. "Come on, smile! We're safe and sound here, so there's no need to worry!"

"That's not what I'm complaining about," I mumbled. The stone seemed to have healed what was broken, but left me with soreness and bruises. At least I can think clearly. She led us through untrampled foliage, away from the paths. "Are you sure we're going the right way?"

"Yep! Just be careful of the traps!"

"Traps?!" Xyon stood straight, glaring at her nastily. "Not once have you mentioned traps!"

"I didn't? Oh well, I did now!" I chose to slow down and watch where I was stepping.

Right, there was another problem… "Petra, why did we have to run away in such a hurry back there?" She flinched, then came to a stop.

"Well...apparently, the new lord runs things differently, and everyone gets scared when a dragon suddenly shows up...haha…" She sounds way more guilty than she should if that's all.

"Also." She flicked her tail and started walking again. "I want to know...you had us come with you because you didn't know the way. How did you suddenly become able to lead us here?"

"I remembered...also, he had a map and left it open when you were unconscious. There really isn't anything more to it than that." Now that I think about it, I know absolutely nothing about her, what she's doing here, and why she helped us so willingly. "Is that all? Anything else to ask…?" I shook my head slowly. There's no point to it. Not once yet have I been given a straight answer, so I doubt I'll get one anytime soon. "Alright." More than that, I want to know what I'm going to have after this finishes 'downloading' itself. Information of some sort? A skill? More mana capacity? So many possibilities. As we went further, Petra started making a clicking sound that echoed strangely.

"What…" She motioned for silence, so I grumpily complied. I'm not okay with this...she could at least explain it. There was the sound of a snap and a crackle, making her pause for a moment.

"Kathgar, we're over here."

A roar shook the trees and the red dragon from a few days ago appeared, landing in front of her. "Petra, do you have any idea how long I've been waiting?! And how much I've had to keep running?!" He's certainly in a foul mood.

"Yep! I kinda got lost, then I met someone who knew you!" He blinked at her, then leaned to look at us, confusion written in his eyes at the sight of Minca on her back. When he saw me, it seemed to click.

"Indeed I do know this one." Well, at least she didn't lie about being his friend. "Good to see you alive and well, dragoness. I'm not sure who your companions are, but I reckon they're just as trustworthy, correct?"

"Yeah! Xyon has dark magic, and he used it to throw us here in an instant when we were being chased! We were able to run away better because of him! It was so cool!" He humored Petra with a smile, then flinched.

"Hold up. Why were you having to run? What did you run from?" She jolted, locking eyes with him.

"N-nothing…" Hey, hey! Don't look away so slow like that! "The point! The point is! He saved us! Is there anything else to discuss about that?"

He just sighed, "Fine. I'll forget it this time. We have to get moving."

"Ah, right! But first, we need to get this demon girl to them!"

"...Do so quickly. Whatever you're here for, dragoness, it might not be the wisest decision to join us. Petra, separate and take her on your own." She gave a nod and dashed off immediately, vanishing into the foliage effortlessly with her emerald scales.

I almost wanted to stop them from taking Minca when he said that. "Alright, but tell us what you're doing."

"Us?" I stood firm, disregarding my injuries and entering a partially threatening stance. He looked me over for a moment. "So you're including the little half-breed on this? Very well. I don't think it's the most important or dramatic thing, but we're trying to dethrone the leader of the water tribe."

Dethrone…? "Why?"

"He's a vicious dragon who's trying to kill off any other dragons they meet. I suppose it isn't entirely his fault, but we have to make him switch out."

"Not his fault?"

"Ah, are you not aware?" I shook my head. This was all news to me, having grown up separated from everyone else for so long. "His son ran off with a dragon from another tribe. He felt betrayed, so now he thinks every other tribe is full of tricksters and liars. It's possible to make him leave by simply talking to his tribe and making them turn against him as well, but that would only make his rage worse. If we're found, I'm certain we'll be killed." I feel like I just got wrapped up in something ridiculous. He's staring at me...I ducked my head slightly, unsure when he was doing. "You...have knowledge of my tribe but have the appearance of the water tribe."

Before anything else, I blurted, "I don't want to participate in any fights."

His following smile was warm. "Of course. Rather, I'd prefer it if you simply made an appearance." I tilted my head to prompt him to continue. "There are a few who think it's a suicide mission and believe it's stupid, even ones who are with us." I narrowed my eyes at him. I really don't like this. "It's not something that requires an army, but more of sabotage, and many think that's low. I can't really disagree, but it's better, seeing as…"


"They've started targeting other races as well. I was surprised to see you with a half-breed due to this. You can leave, or you can participate." I paused for a moment, thinking back. There's something clawing at me, but I can't pin it down.

Taking a guess after a new question bloomed, I asked, "What...what tribe was the dragon he took off with in?"

He studied me again. "Mine. My younger sister, to be exact." His eyes had a hint of sadness buried in them. "She came back to us on the brink of death not long ago, not in her right mind." Oh, that's depressing. With that, my train of thought had been disrupted and I forgot what I'd discovered. "Here, come with me and I'll show you the cave we're in." I glanced at Xyon, who had his arms crossed and his eyes closed. Seems like he's thinking about something. With no other idea of what to do, I went after him, watching my step the whole way. At some point, he stopped so suddenly, I ran right into him. "Haha, well, stay close to me when we enter." He continued, disappearing into the dark entrance. I stared at the darkness with a frown. Honestly, I'd rather not enter something that I can't see in even with my night vision...it's not very comforting. "Are you coming?"

"Ah...yeah." Reluctantly, I followed him inside, flinching and squeezing my eyes shut at a sudden flash of light. Slowly, I opened my eyes to see something magnificent. Glowing crystals were growing out of the walls and ceilings of the entire cavern, and seemed to spread into a maze-like cave system. It was just as bright as if you were outside during midday with no clouds. While I was focused on the enormity of the place, Kathgar had already moved on and wasn't even bothering to make sure I was behind him. Oh! A few glares my way made me feel like hiding and I dashed over to him, using him as a cover to prevent myself being seen.

"Young dragoness, what is your name, if you don't mind me asking?"


"I should've asked for your name earlier, I apologise."

"No...it's fine." Taking another peek at Xyon, I found he was still in the same position as before. Alright, so he's either thinking like I originally thought, or he's royally pissed.

"Zavi, I believe you were interested in the dragoness I mentioned?"

"Oh, yeah, I'd like to meet her if you'd let me."

He tilted his head slightly and an aura of depression seemed to fall over him. "My sister, Kavita, is a very kind soul that has only ever wanted to help others and find peace with a family of her own…"

"Is she still not recovered then…?"

"No, not entirely, but I can take you to see her if you still want to." He looked around the cavern before saying, "But first things first, I need to calm them down." He slapped a dragon away from me with his wing, then faced everyone present. With a booming voice, he said, "This dragoness is with us! You are not to harm her, or her companion at any point in time! If I catch news that you did, well...I'll leave it up to your imagination." The last words were snarled threateningly, his gaze piercing as fire and magic welled up within him with surprising power. He's stronger than me. Not by any small margin either, but by what seems to be an impassable mountain range or as deep as the ocean...how did I ever deem myself as strong? Complete and utter silence fell over every dragon there, and he led me away with a huff, going down a separate tunnel.

Now I only feel like there's an even bigger target on my back. "Did you really have to…?"

"That was necessary. Not many here are willing to challenge me, so you should be safe enough for now. The first thing I'll have to do is get you trained…"

"I already--"

"Not enough. You slacked and we're content enough with what strength you had when you stopped being taught--what you failed to do was continue all of it on your own. All this does is make you more susceptible to loss or even death. You gave up and you're losing power as you go. You should've kept honing it." He stopped and turned into another cave, this one with what looked like large cages spread out. "She's at the end, in the biggest one. Come." He took me over, remaining in front of me even after reaching her. "Kavita. It's Kathgar." I heard a low growl, then a pause.

In broken speech, she uttered, "Big...b-brrr-brotherrrr…." A lot of growling became intertwined with it, but it was clear she at least has enough mind left to speak. Even so, it's hard to miss the dangerous insanity mixed in with it.

"Yes. It's me. I brought a friend with me today, would you like to meet her?" Only silence was her response. He nodded to me, then stepped aside. I cautiously walked to stand next to him, glancing at Xyon to see even he was interested in this. When I could finally see inside, I froze up, a whining sound whispering out from me as tears welled up. Xyon had stiffened as well, feeling almost as I did. "This is my friend. Will you turn to take a look for her?" Now, her eyes locked with mine and a maelstrom of emotions made me confused.

Finally, Kathgar began to notice our reactions just as I managed to say, "Mother…" Of course. How did I not figure it out sooner?!

As she looked at me, her eyes shone and she ground out, "Za...vi…" I had no idea how to react to this, and neither did Xyon.

Kathgar turned to me in surprise. "She already knows your name? And you said 'Mother'. Are you…" I need to leave. Right now. Without another word, I whipped around and stride out, biting my tongue in frustration. She's alive. Barely, but alive. What am I expected to do with this information, exactly? Cry for joy and give her a hug? Her mind isn't all there, she would attack me unintentionally, or not react at all. Besides, like he was saying, I failed at getting stronger. That was the last thing I was told to do, and I failed.

"Zavi...was that…" I could feel Xyon shaking, just as stunned. This is...too much.

"That was my mother. No doubt about it. Which makes Kathgar my uncle. All three of us have gold eyes, yet I didn't notice. None of the other fire dragons in the cavern had gold eyes. It was a stupid thing to miss." He leaned against me.

"Where are you going?"


"What for?"

"Fresh air."

"You'll be okay with me joining you, right?" I was already at my limit and couldn't seem to find a way to answer. I did, but I also didn't. I felt eyes on me as I went through the cavern towards the exit. A lot of them appeared quite suspicious or angry. As I neared the entrance, a yellow dragon stepped in front of me with a sneer, completely blocking the path with his bulk.

With a voice that gurgled slightly, he said, "And where are you going in such a hurry?" I looked at all the gnarly scars riddles throughout the entirety of his body. His vocal cords must be damaged.

His intentions are very apparent. "Outside."

"And what business do you have out there?" A few dragons surrounding started to tense, watching me closely.

Irritated, I inserted the exact amount of nastiness he was using to say, "None of your business, that's what." He started to growl at me.

He's mad now. "You little...you should show some respect to your elders."

"I see no reason to when they won't give me any in return." Xyon was about ready to start using magic, but was keeping it held back to prevent any further provocation.

"You're rather cocky for a hatchling. Tell me what you're doing."

"No. Move." His nostrils flared and he growled even deeper. Giving up on talking, he went to take a chunk out of me, but I was faster. I had already blasted fire in his face and struck him with heated talons that scorched the wounds they made. That was as far as I went, for anything more would be going too far.

"T-this is…!"

"Fire?!" A huge upset had spread through everyone, so I took the chance to slip past them while they were still shocked. I had no chance of winning a fight with that dragon, but I'd used a power he hadn't been expecting.

"Zavi, are you sure that was alright to do?"

"No." I took to the sky the moment I got outside, fleeing for open air. "I was scared. I'm not welcome there, that much is made clear. The only reason they didn't do anything else was because of a threat, but that only brews further hostility. And...my mother is there. I'm so lost…" with nowhere to go, I chose a random direction and fled. This is too much to handle all at once. I can't make anything out of the tangled net of confusion my own mind had become in the last ten minutes.

"I can see that."

How-- "How are you so calm?! One moment you're mad at me, the next you're asking if I'm alright! I'm not! My mother, the one who I thought was dead, isn't even herself and is buried within a group of powerful dragons that all hate me!" My voice started to screech a bit as I went on, the strain to speak only getting harder. "I'm weak and pathetic! I never kept getting stronger, I just stopped and assumed I'd be able to handle myself! But I have others to protect! And I can't even do that!"

Now, I felt his fist hit my neck. "I'm not calm! I...I'm trying to stay calm enough so that you can handle it, like you always have. From the start, you've refused to let me help you in battles and only shield." His tone suddenly changed when he gave up on holding back." I'm not a child anymore! You make decisions without asking me, just like with that demon child! I don't mind it, but it still hurts! I'm not useless or defenceless! I've told you this before, but you didn't listen, did you?! No! You said you would then repeated it! You did it again only a few minutes ago!"

"How? What's so wrong about protecting you?!"

"Because I want to help too! I didn't sit still and do nothing for so long just for you to leave me out of everything! If this is how it was going to turn out, I'd have rather just stayed home and not saved you as a child! I'm not being treated any differently now than I was by that village!"

The last two stung and only made me snap back, "I'm not hurting you! Would you have rather I not save you from those dyre wolves that one time?!"

"Being hurt isn't the problem! I don't even seem to exist!" Silence fell as neither of us could continue. The emotional tension had made us break, our long-held grudges coming up to present themselves like demons. In a quiet voice, he said, "Land. Let me get off." I didn't say anything, but chose one of the many clearings to do so. When my paws touched the ground and my wings folded, he jumped down and went a good ten or so feet before standing with his back to me. It hadn't gotten this bad until I was stopped while leaving. If they'd let me go, it could've ended better. Now, though, looking back at it...he's right. I acted like I was more important and forgot to check with him. I'm not a hero, I shouldn't be refusing offered aid. If either of my parents had seen me do that...well, I'm fairly certain the consequences wouldn't have been very fun. Then, I noticed Xyon start to reach up.

"Xyon? What are you doing?"

"I need a long break from you and anything to do with you. I can't even look at you right now."

"You didn't answer what I'd asked…"

"No need to." He presented a small opal scale on a thin leather string without looking at me. He took it off. "You can have this. I don't know what I'll do to it right now if you don't take it."

Wait. "Xyon, you have to wear it. There was something…"

"If you won't take it, then…" He dropped it, letting it fall into the grass without a second thought. This clawed at my very soul to see, especially when he started walking away silently. More than the other, why is it bugging me that he isn't wearing it? What's so important about it? For the life of me, I couldn't remember. All I could do was watch as he disappeared into the trees. Now what? He'll be back eventually, but when? I'm alone, with no ally, no friend to talk with...and it's all my fault. Because of my brainless actions, my friendships are damaged and I can't face anyone. I don't even deserve to know these kind people. I was too afraid, too scared of losing everything I had, that I became too possessive. I forgot the soul-crushing sadness my death had brought to Xyon, if that was even real to begin with. I'm such an idiot. I grabbed the necklace and made it morph into my scales like I'd done with the magic stone not long before. So...now what? That's the only question I'm able to ask myself, as I've run out of options. No, there are a few left, but I can't bring myself to go through with any of them.

With nothing to do, I moved to find cover and lay down, completely lost and baffled. I got my mother back, although broken, so why did it hurt so much? And Xyon...he should've--no, he already has, I just didn't listen. It's a mystery that he doesn't already hate me. I'm not suitable to help him. I closed my eyes, hoping everything was simply an illusion that I was trapped in to torment me. After a few minutes, I felt the 'download' of whatever I was receiving finish as it brought new knowledge. This is...what?! Then, suddenly, as I lay there, I heard Xyon cry out and the sound of a dragon's battle roar.

A battle roar?! A scream?! What could have happened?!

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